I've never watched Gundam before, is it ok to start with this?

I've never watched Gundam before, is it ok to start with this?

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I guess.

Nah, watch 0079 first. It's good too, and you'll understand what's going on in Zeta better.

I don't think Zeta is the best starting point. You'll be be missing quite a bit context of the series because you didnt watch 0079.

Gundam purists will get mad, but start with the 0079 movies.

I don't need significant knowledge of 0079 to understand Zeta and everything you need to know is explained in it.

I would start with zeta first if you dont like how old 0079 looks and then go watch it later. Don't for yourself to watch something you dont want to right now. If you want to watch zeta watch zeta and zeta is great, so you wont be bored

Well, it sounds like you've already made your mind up so you do you. You're wrong though, and I don't know why you'd skip something that's arguably better than its sequel.

No please user, watch at least 0079 movies. The best thing about the Gundam franchise are characters. 0079 is really fucking important to whole franchise.

In English please.

This. If you're not going to watch the 0079 series, watch the movies for the full context and character establishment.
And then watch Mobile Fighter G Gundam because it's the best entry.

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No you need to watch 0079 first to fully understand what’s going on with 2 of the key returning characters and what’s going on with the Fed vs Zein thing. At least the movies just so you’re aware, although the tv series is generally better.

No u need to watch 0079. Watch the movie trilogy for 0079
Zeta is better though

One of the major characters in Zeta is a secondary character in MSG. All other returning characters are a part of the secondary cast and knowing what they were up to before Zeta will not enhance significantly your understanding or enjoyment of it.

You can definitely get by without it I guess, but not knowing who last least Amuro, Char and I guess Minerva are will throw you off, as well as what the fuck Zeon is.

Zeta is a hard sequel to 0079. It's also inferior to 0079

MSG and Zeta Gundam are independent stories that happen to be set in the same universe and share a few minor characters. To begin with all entries in the franchise are designed so that can attract newcomers.
There is nothing in Zeta that requires the in depth knowledge of MSG.
If there is any reason at all that Zeta might not be a suitable entry point for you it's its age. By those standards MSG is even less of a suitable entry point.

Amuro is not a major character in Zeta so if you are not specifically interested in him and just want to watch Zeta.
It seems that people often forget that Char is a relatively minor character in MSG. While the events from MSG are important for his character it is not very likely that a first time watcher of MSG will understand him at all so they might just watch Zeta as well.
Mineva is seen exactly one in MSG as a newborn and is of absolutely no consequence to its plot. She is more of a Zeta character than a MSG character and even then only a minor one. Zeta makes it very clear who she is so watching MSG to just understand a single so easily transmittable fact is quite unnecessary.

I’ll level with you and say I mostly agree, but watching the mainline UC timeline without MSG just doesn’t seem right, especially the further you go the more you realize you don’t understand.

No. Go back to where it all started with 0079. Then keep going with release order of UC until you get to Victory. If you loved UC, check out the other timelines.

>It seems that people often forget that Char is a relatively minor character in MSG.
>Minor character

He's one of the 4 principal characters of the story. Understanding the path that lead him to becoming a member of the AEUG is a huge shift. As is understanding the one year war itself, Zeta is just one huge knock-on from the OYW. It's like trying to understand Weimar Germany without understanding World War 1.

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I agree. But OP asked if he can start with it and I think he can. Of course if he likes Zeta he will want to watch MSG too. It just sounds natural to assume so.
If this is the case I just think it might be easier for a newfag to get into Zeta than into MSG. But it's really a coin toss.

OP is a faggot. Broadcast order always.

I acknowledged that the events from MSG are important for understanding his character but he is a secondary character at best especially in the series where his relative screentime is much smaller. I just don't think it is possible for a newfag to understand his character at all so if he is going to watch MSG just for him it would be pretty pointless.

Watch Gundam 79 first. The television series, not the movies. Not because Gundam 79 is "important" or because you need Gundam 79 in order to "understand" Zeta's story, but because Gundam 79 is better than Zeta.

Oh, I didn't actually give my conclusion. Yes, I mean it was designed so that Children could watch it first after all, so I think OP can watch it first, but I think that the meaning of Zeta changes so much once you have MSG that it's barely the same experience.

>but he is a secondary character

I mean, if you're going to call Char a secondary character then everyone but Amuro is. He's one of the 4 hinges which the entire series turns around.

In the movies probably but in the series he is just sort of there. Even though the story is roughly the same his scenes were expanded and overall the series was cut such a way that he can appear more important. The series is before all the story of White Base and its crew. People always forget how unimportant Char started out just because they appraise his character in retrospect.

But he was super important. He's not in the every day life of the characters but without him the story isn't the same at all. He's introduced in the first episode for a reason. Char is utterly fundamental to MSG and the trials and tribulations of the White Base crew.

It would be pretty much the same. He started out as a random rival character. It's like saying that Jerid is super import and without him Zeta can't exist.


Start from the start

Char fundementally shaped a good chunk of the story, without him Amuro gets scared, and decides to stop fighting and Amuro's bizarre ego fixation doesn't let him get back out there. Half of Sayla's development hinges on Char, there's just so much that pivots around his actions.

What you are describing makes him sound like a plot devise rather than a character. Having a role in the plot doesn't make you relevant. But I don't want to continue the discussion in this direction because the point I am trying to make is different.
In essence MSG is a coming of age story than focuses on the gradually forming bonds between the crew. The greatest chunk of the series is dedicated to this. For one reason or other MSG never manages to properly explore its larger themes so they end up being simply an extra rather than the core of the show. The movies to some extent try to remedy this but they can only so much change the content of the show.
In this line of thoughts Char is a character who is indivisibly tied to the larger themes of the show but since MSG never quite comes into its depth Char is also not an integral part of it.

I would argue that Char is a fundamental part of Amuro's coming of age at most of the major stages of his development. He's the one that indirectly gets him back out to fight, he's the one that was the person "in the way" of him and Lalah. The two become intertwined more and more as the show goes on, it even ends with Char asking Amuro to come with him and then Amuro deciding to go his own way, in what I would argue is the ultimate stage of coming of age, making the choice to take his own path.

Holy shit, no.
Watch the tv series or the movie trilogy

Char is not a fucking minor character. Don't get me wrong, he's missing for like +13 episodes in a row, but he's still vital.

Don't bother getting into Gundam at all because you're probably a faggot that will just watch the movies so you can speed through and get to the "masterpiece" that is Origins.

this post enrages me

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Why are posting shit from facebook dumbo?

I said "relatively minor". Just not being a part of the main cast (which he isn't) would warrant as much. And I don't think he is a vital character at all for which I have explained my reasoning above.

not from fb i made that :(

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This guide is very straightforward and is the one I've used and I'm still using.

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Watch The Origin and avoid the rest. Gundam franchise is for the most part retardedbshit the more you go back in time and the fanbase sucks.

This, lmao

ZetaChads always winning baby

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>Char is a relatively minor character in MSG
Hey miss, there's that part of tumblr where people discuss writing and shit. Go there for a bit

MSG is obligatory if you want to get into Gundam but that doesn't mean that it should by all means be the first thing you watch. You can more or less get into it through pretty much any other entry.
The definitive property of an entry point is that it should be appealing enough to the viewer in order to motivate him to watch more of the franchise. Its relative importance in the franchise or its quality are secondary in this case.

I would suggest that you go back to tumblr and never come here again.

It aired on Japanese TV 6 years after MSG and was aimed at kids, do you think that MSG is going to be obligatory to watch? There were kids who were barely born when MSG came out that will have watched Zeta.

>relative importance
0079 is the first Gundam I've ever watched and it was fun and entertaining as fuck. People will lose a lot if they start with Zeta because it's precisely a fucking sequel

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I think MSG is quite accessible for modern audiences once they get past the dated visuals and sound. Still some people seem to be insistently intolerant to this kind of thing and some people would not enjoy the more character focused tone of MSG.
It really depends on the viewer if something is a good entry point or not. Zeta is as good as any. Of OP feels that MSG is not interesting and that Zeta is more appealing there is absolutely no reason to not watch Zeta first. He won't really lose anything that he can't find in a Wikipedia article though again the series itself provides all necessary information.

It's missing Reconguista, also Turn A should always be at the end of the chart.

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Look at "What happens in the UC after Amuro and Char?"
Turn A is one of the options at the end

Reconguista isn't UC though. if anything it should be with Turn A since it's past CC which is the unifying timeline.

I didn't make the chart, I'm just following it

Both G-Reco and Turn A are UC. Turn A's kind of iffy because it has stuff from some of the other timeslines too but G-Reco actually mentions UC by name several times as being in the past.

Gundam Zeta is bad

Just watch
Gundam Origin
Gundam 079
Gundam Thunderbolt
Gundam War In The Pocket
Char Counter Attack (After 079)
Turn A Gundam
Gundam 00
Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans

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Char's character in CCA makes no sense if you don't watch Zeta.

Imagine watching 0079 and CCA right after it. You can totally skip Zeta.

Better to start with Origin.

The answer to that question is basically "Do you care about Char or not?"
If you do care about Char you need to watch 0079 to understand him. If you don't then you're clear to watch Zeta first. Just know that Char's Counterattack is gonna seem retarded to you. In order to get it you need to watch both Zeta and 0079 So keep that in mind.

Origin is like, 50+% fanfiction.

0080fags have the worst taste I swear

How would he know if he cares about Char or not if he hasn't watched any Gundam? Moreover he is not going to understand Char after watching MSG once.

Just by initial look of the character. in the case of looking at Zeta it would be "If you care about the cool dude in shades, then you need to watch 0079 first."


>It's missing Reconguista
Yea Forums is full of such fags

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its not a good idea to start with a direct sequel to the first series