Wait... is she not wearing a bra? I can’t see the bra strap?

Wait... is she not wearing a bra? I can’t see the bra strap?

Attached: 6240DFB4-F6EE-4F3F-9E31-3963418CDEB7.jpg (2048x2773, 438K)

Are you a virgin?

you should get out of your basement every once in a while

doesnt the bra fall if theres no strap?

there are bras that don't wrap around your shoulders.

> doesnt the bra fall if theres no strap?

no. Most bras are just a hook in the back to tie it tightly to the breasts.

Strapless bras exist you fucking retard.

youre unironically an incel wow

>these unvirgins

Why would she need a bra? Her goal was to seduce Kumiko

Attached: __kousaka_reina_hibike_euphonium_drawn_by_takeda_hiromitsu__175be9041372607266edb19a85c6b39d.jpg (700x950, 66K)

Is this the one where she gets a trumpet in her butthole?

Everything for sensei

Attached: 4L_k3VkAKAr.png (1263x672, 724K)

based artist

Women don't have to wear a bra so who cares whether she wears one or not.

>What are strapless bras?

Is this a thread for 12 yr olds?

>for Kumiko*
We all know they fucked on that mountain top till dawn.


Virgin thread

virgin board

dedicated to cartoons produced by virgins, for virgins.

Have you really never seen a strapless bra? Like not even in a TV show or movie?

she's wearing a sport bra beneath

off yourself reddit

So all the women who work at KyoAni are cakes?

You need to go out more op

What are pasties?

>imagine pretending you're not a virgin on Yea Forums
