Maybe I'm a speedwatcher, but this theme is really stupid. Being an ESPER makes you more special than 99.999999% of the population, these people could potentially take over countries by themselves and you're telling me it doesn't make them better than anyone else? I know it's a Shounen, but it tries way too hard to be deep, and it's delivery is woeful.
Maybe I'm a speedwatcher, but this theme is really stupid. Being an ESPER makes you more special than 99...
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Cry more for AOTD
Having superpowers won't make people like you, it won't fix your life
It's the equivalent of being good with guns. Sure you could kill things way better than anyone else, but what does that ACTUALLY do for your life?
>comparing the godlike powers of mob to merely being good at killing people
Uh yeah having superpowers will make people like you depending on how you use them, and can fix your life very easily depending on how you use them too.
>you're telling me it doesn't make them better than anyone else
Yes that is exactly what it's telling you.
Acting like you own the world and are above everyone else just because of some talent you were born with doesn't make you a better human being or a person. It's the same as letting any obsession simply define your personality and never shutting up about it like faggots do.
>these people could potentially take over countries
Yes, but what would be Tochiro's tax policy?
You can also do the same thing without powers. It all ultimately depends on YOU, not your powers. They're not inherently gonna make your life better, they're just tools that could help you.
It's age of jap wisdom
>do what your government tells you
>be exactly the same as others
>you're expendable
This guy get's it.
Go suck the 1% dick
I think the show is trying to tell you to,
use ur powers for good and engage with your community in a positive way to advance humanity. using ur power to feel "special" is worthless in the long run. being a powerful esper doesn't give you the insight in running a country, or being a leader, or even being happy themselves.
All of the espers in the show are more likely to be dysfunctional in other areas of their life, due to having such latent talent and not having to face these issues like a regular person.
the author is trying to tell u despite ur talents, you are still human.
1. someone is always stronger than you
2. your power is therefor useless, being a person of good character is thusly more rewarding
I'm not sure that follows logically
Retards unable to understand allegory
What?It's specifically stated the being confident about your talaents or powers is totally fine,standing out is fine,how this jap propaganda?
You must be over 18 to post on this site.
It's fine as long as your primarily goal is to become what the society wants you to be.
What society wants you to be is fulfilled and independent? Shit sign me up.
Get a wife
Get a job
Get "friends"
Get tax payments
Get children who will provide tax payments later
Get children will get a job, wife, friends and children who will pay taxes later
If that's what the show pushing your to do,then why the fuck Reigen still exist there,more over portrayed as positive character?
Yes that is how society propagates itself.
Because that's not what the show is pushing obviously?
> weak small kid
> get bullied a lot
> decide to become the strongest, toughest, deadliest mofo
> train Judo, athletics, swimming for 10 years
> transition to Jujutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Bujutsu, Bukijutsu, etc.
> travel to Japan to train
> after 15 years of hard training I truly am one of the deadliest mofos around
> all my friends pursued trades or careers and are now earning 100k plus a year
> I'm a deadly mofo who is broke as fuck because the only skills I have are killing, stealing and destroying things
Power is restrictive and isolating. Doesn't matter how strong I am or in how many ways I can kill you, as soon as I break the law and get caught, I can't fight against the might of a police or military force and I'll either be killed or put away for life.
Mob might be strong, but he understands this better than anyone and that is why he tries so hard to improve himself and not rely on his power.
Outside the dojo I've never used my skills, I've never had to. I wouldn't rely on it to live either, because you can't go through life trying to threaten people with violence or oppress others. Weak people don't understand this because they have never had power. Only the strong truly understand the burden of power.
That is why the sword of damocles is such a good allegory.
So should the show be encouraging you to be recklessly indulgent and hedonistic instead? Is the only way for something to not be propaganda for it to depict self-destructive tendencies positively?
t. smartest kid in grade school but now working at mickey-dees
Grow up
You know the fandom is pretentious when they use "allegory" as a praise.
The show should teach us that we should enjoy our individuality, something that Japan has never allowed.
Tell that to deku mob
Powers = fame, money
People are attracted to those things
The theme is that people shouldn't feel superior to others due to things that they cant control (race, size, etc) and that raw power isn't as important as emotional bonds. Don't take everything so literally
Or maybe it's just simply saying, "Sure you have all these powers but you could actually just be a good fucking person instead of trying to take over the world." Mob is kino, sorry you are too stupid to get it.
life must be so hard for you
Not even remotely the same, fuckwad.
You are ignoring the contexts. Deku wants to be a hero, but lives in a world where to be a hero you NEED powers. Plus, unlike Mob, who is almost a god, Deku has a journey marked by physical and psychological suffering, so he knows that having powers doesn't make everything work as he wants automatically.
And before somebody talks shit, I like both series.
mob doesn't appeal to emotionally stunted edgelords, it's as simple as that.
Wait, there's talk no jutsu in S2?
Individuality is an amerikike invention to destroy society.
>30k suicides per year
Great society
Deku injuries get kissed away.
Fuck deku!
Mob Psycho 100 is too mature of a story for manchildren to understand.
>Having superpowers won't make people like you, it won't fix your life
It quite literally did for Teru until someone with better powers kicked his shit in
It's the culture, not society that leads to the high suicide rate.
But it's also the society.
Being able to take a country doesn't mean you will be able to properly run it you stupid faggot.
Having power doesn't make you a good person.
Culture are made by the society
No, society is made by culture, you silly little backwards ESL man.
This. Are people pretending to be retarded or do they not understand symbolism?
It means you can move shit with your mind and kill people easier sure.
It doesn't make you smarter, more charismatic or even more likable.
You have a "special talent" just like anyone in the world.
Congrats I suppose.
for fuck's sake man
Imagine you had a button that would kill everyone else on the planet, and only you could use the button. Would that button in any way improve your life?
Teru was also a shallow asshole due to his powers.
I guess having a super power is commonplace in that world? Plus you may not get a strong super power.
It’s rare enough that I’m pretty sure Mob hadn’t seen another for years, maybe until the main story, I kinda forget.
congrats OP, you failed to get the moral of a story aimed at 12year olds.
Mob doesn't even pull half of that shit considering that Tsubomi rejects him and Reigen is a single man in his 30's
Without society there ARE no culture.
Mob just kept telling people they weren't special because he knew most espers would try to rise up and overthrow the government because fuck non espers lmao. Mob would literally just be Suzuki if he abused his powers like Teruki did.
>Reigen is a single man in his 30's
And miserable because of it.
do you faggots pretend to not understand MP100 just to be retarded
He gets better once he makes up with Mob and gets Serizawa working under him. If the series were truly pushing the narrative of marrying and having kids they would have given some random wife to Reigen at the end.
You're a retard.
I think it hilarious how some people think you should be likeable.
fuck this shit manga doe
The point of mob is not that espers aren't gifted, that all people are worth equal or equally capable, or even that power can't change your lot in life. The point is that no matter how "gifted" a person may be, it's not intrinsically worth anything if the person doesn't put it to good use, and that being objectively "better" than other people is no excuse to not treat them with dignity. Most the espers we see are socially alienated manchildren as a direct result of their powers in conjunction to a weak moral character. Mob himself in those situations just serves to point out the silliness in edgelord "might makes right" thinking - he's stronger than all of them and can snap them like twigs if he really wanted, but that doesn't change that he's ultimately just a wimpy middle schooler with emotional issues at heart who just happened to hear the right things at the right time (from Reigen of all people) to pan out slightly less fucked up than they did
born equal*
This show is filled with awful cringe-worthy (Couldn't find a better word to describe it) dialogue, let's be real the only thing saving this shitfest is the god tier animation.
it gets extremely preachy at time, and its obvious that ONE is constantly using his character as mouthpieces
People have been trying desperately to catch MP100 in a "gotcha" moment with its themes for years. They've also been failing for years because they're trying really hard to outwit a show children could understand.
Ok what the fuck you prioritized training in martial arts intensely over anything else for 15 years and you cant make a buck out of it ? You're either the less talented nigga in existence or the most stupid one. Just start a MMA career, or a martial art school, what the fuck.
All this tells me is that you haven't marketed your strength correctly or that you need to kill, steal and destroy shit for profit.
Have sex.
>enjoying life while following laws and having a family
The horror
>having superpowers will make people like you depending on how you use them
Yes, we saw that with Teruki. But we then saw how once that facade slipped, and his powers weren't able to solve a problem, he ended up empty, isolated and bitter.
he was empty without his powers, saying powers solve everything is extremely shallow and similar to saying having a big dick can solve everything
Bro, this is like saying that if I go and study literature for 15 years the only things I could do would be telling pretty lies, writing about your momma and write porn. You are ignoring all the positive and concentrating only in the negative.
The point of the show is not that being strong is useless, is that mismanaging that strength and making it the only important thing in your life is going to fuck you up and make you miserable
This feels exceptionally fake...
>Only the strong truly understand the burden of power.
>That is why the sword of damocles is such a good allegory.
The only burden you face is not making as much money as your mates. What sword is looming over you as a result of your """"power"""?
What does that teach you? If they only like you for your powers, they don't like you at all, man. They are the esper quivalent of gold diggers.
>awful cringe-worthy (Couldn't find a better word to describe it) dialogue
>A better word
Your lack of both vocabulary and basic logic make giving your opinion any merit impossible. 20-something kids addicted to the internet shouldn't be allowed to comment on anything of artistic value, no matter how simplistic or sophisticated they may be. It's like asking an arrogant fisherman his professional opinion on rocket ballistics.
When you can literally rewrite someone’s opinions on you, yeah it can make you well liked. Mob has literally every psychic power.