One Piece


What happens to our guy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

3 weeks

Year of Roronoa Ryuma

Dat nigga ded

They fuckin soon

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Hey dudes, I've been away. Did the hackposters figure out away to shitpost about this chapter? I'm curious to see what they came up with.


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oda lost his touch and has to kill his characters to clean up the mess he wrote himself into

Yasu didn't actually die
Koshiro has nothing to do with the other samurai with the same symbol
Zoro didn't use haki against Mr. 1

luffy has no mother because he is actually garp's clone created by vegapunk

This week`s chapter was fucking weak, honestly. And that`s coming from someone who has been liking Wano so far.

Hope that Mama crashes shit soon as soon as they get done with this whole funeral shite

Okay, cool. At least they're still trying, I admire their spirit at least.

hackposters were BTFO pretty hard this time. they were complaining really hard during spoilers, but then chapter came out and they shut up hard.
some of the desperate ones still trying used:
>i dont care about yasu
>SMILE is an asspull
>zoro didnt do anything, oda is a hack

Star Wars Rise of Skywalker in a nutshell

I miss when One Piece was about children eating Gum Gum devil fruits and being surprised that they stretch, Oda is a hack for not continuing that. It's really been going downhill after Romance Dawn honestly.

What did ya find weak about it? It's been pretty unanimously praised. Keep in mind you don't have to care about Yasu for the chapter to matter.

Yasu`s backstory is okay, but I am still not sold on this whole Oden drama. I couldn`t care less for all this rebellion scheme. And yes, I like Kinnemon, Kanjurou and Raizou, but everyone else is just... Meh

Maybe in the future Oda will show something interesting about the others for me to care about

This is Toko's new parents. Say something nice to them.

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This. Why the fuck did he do the 10-year time-skip to make Luffy into an adult and have him curbstomp Lord of the Coast? He was supposed to be the strongest character in the series.

this chapter BTFO hackfags

lucky roo could defeat the lord of the coast

I bet Oden was REAL proud that he left his country for Roger and got abandoned by Roger and came back to his country only for the past to become a real load on his back and fuck everything up!

Final match ups for Wano:
Luffy+Zoro vs Kaido
9 Red Scabbards vs Orochi
Sanji vs King
Franky vs Queen
Perona vs Jack

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the only thing i dont like about Wano is jerking off Oden and presenting the red scabbards as protagonists. Kinemon starting a forest fire as a false flag is some dirty shit. And FUCK shinobu.

That fight signaled the downfall of One Piece honestly. Notice how every fight Luffy was in there was actual tension? After that it just became boring. I'm on my 5th reread of the series and it just gets worse every time.

>Luffy+Zoro vs Kaido
This is the 150+ IQ conclusion that true gigachads already know. Kaido is the strongest thing in the world, so having Luffy defeat him single handedly would kill all tension in the series. He must be defeated as a team.

IN ADDITION, Luffy and Zoro tought the other dragon as a team.

kinemon didn't start the fire borsalino, that was holdem
kinemom did left notes telling holdem it was the atama thieves the ones that were stealing supplies though

I am waiting for it. Colorspread predictions being wrong for the 10000000000000000000th time.

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As someone who loved the chapter and didn't care too much for Yasu, the main points of interest this chapter were everything he revealed and the plan being reset.

>I'm on my 5th reread
You had me in the first part not gonna lie

Kaido being the strongest thing in the world is a meme that normies tell each other, not an objective truth

Reminder that Zoro will be the only to slay Kaido.

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You're forgetting:
Big Mom pirates
Law's crew
Kidd's crew
Hawkin's crew
Apoo's crew
Zou furries

When Oda had Blackbeard defeat Lor D Coast in the Payback War 2, BB should have never had a chance against him, hack writing that he won.

Nice catch, that panneling looks too precise to just be random

Nobody cares about useless fodder that will all just be KO'd in the collateral damage of Kaido's rampage

Correct. Luffy will set him up and Zoro will decapitate.


I do, BM pirates has a lot of fighters that I want to see more of.

We have precedence with this as well, Zoro took out the big bad of the very first arc, captain Morgan

What the fuck did you just say about our girl Smoothie

>Lor D Coast
dang everyone really do be having the D now huh

>orochi threatens toko/tama
>luffy fucks him up
>injured kaido comes from behind to finish off luffy

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>zoro uses a secret shusui ittoryu technique to decapitate kaido and saves the day
>says leave it to me captain
this is canon

Damn I just remembered that.
The small crew with just Luffy and Zoro was so fucking comfy.

I love them!!!

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I like the dynamic they had but it didn’t last long enough to be impactful. Nami was being foreshadowed even before Zoro officially joined

I love them more!!!!

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He didn't get abandoned by Roger. He followed Roger to the end of his journey.

Kyoshiro get out!

>started with ittoryu flying slash technique
>eventually improved it to nitoryu
>then finally mastered it with santoryu

>started with ittoryu iai technique
>eventually improved it to nitoryu
No, it's when he'll finally bust out the santoryu iai technique he's been saving.

Jesus christ how much pussy does Zoro pull? He has Momos sister addicted to his cock

>3 weeks
3̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶s̶ 2 Decades

Reminder that Shinobu is cute and based

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>two weeks
we're on break next week tard

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kuina fell head over heels for zoro

>What happens to our guy?

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fell so hard she died

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For how he is as a man, he could pull much, much more if he put the hours in. His main draw is that he absolutely does not give a fuck about them, while obviously being a very high value catch. If he could somehow maintain that while going after them, he'd be drowning in samurai-ette pussy.
How can you not be a zorochad after this?
Every single time Zoro cuts something its pure kino

She single handedly made Law leave the alliance. Definitely the third best character of Wano so far

Disgusting freak. I fucking hate this little shit of a cunt.


>this user hates third world starving poisoned kids


Toko is the best character Oda has created in years

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You have no idea how much her face pisses me off.

Toko is an unfunny, useless, ugly retard
Tama is 100,000,000,000,000x better

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Fuck off freak-lover.

It's because you feel like she's laughing at you.

Tama is a smelly non-character

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grassheads pls go back to 2004

tama is cute and pure
toko is an ugly HOOOOOOR

Not really, I’d slap the fuck out of her face if she laughed at me.

you've never slapped anyone in your life you little freak

Tama is the cutest that's for sure. However, Toko just lost her daddy. She deserves love too. Even if she isn't as cute.

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>Tamafags mad that based Toko is stealing the spotlight

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I have slapped you before, disgusting freak-lover.

I'd love to kick O-Toko in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch her with the full force of my seastone capped toe under her chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As she lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on her own blood, her jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of her skull, I stand over her and laugh wickedly. She looks up at me in fear and pain, her eyes searching, begging me for mercy. She finds none. I raise my geta then stomp down, splitting her skull like a melon and finally ending her pathetic life.

you'd break your hand if you tried you limp wristed FREAK

Will Condoriano ever return?

When a joke gets too stale and it gets awkward so you decide to double down

I really gotta rewatch that arc to see if it still holds up

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We're not meant to care yet, all these happenings are meant to set Oden's flashback up.

fuck oden
he raised a little piece of shit

There's nothing that can happen in Oden's flashback that will justify all this obsessing over him. He ain't a Noland, or even a Fisher Tiger.

Oden could read pornoglyphs, his flashback will be spicy to say the least


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Fuck the alliance
Fuck Strawhat
and Fuck all of Wano

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>He isn't Noland or Fisher Tiger
He's apparently more important than both, considering he could read Poneglyphs and sailed with Roger

It does. The Stronghold-ossan is crafty.

That image alone is your answer to that question

You sure sound tough behind a keyboard for a guy who got slapped by me two years ago

Was the Noland flashback the longest we've had? Oden flashback will probably be pretty long since Oda is teasing it this much

Fuckme please daddy

>so pissed that even Brook was scared
>no CoC


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That’s what Toko looks like when she’s running to my bedroom for sex with me

he is going to do it

And this is what she looks like when she sees your penis

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Notice how we only see one of his eyes in this image. We get to see the other next release.


>when you refuse her services

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Looking at the wiki, the longest ones look to be
Law: 7 chapters
Noland: 8 chapters
Robin: 8 chapters
Luffy: 8 chapters

Roger's journey ended on the gallows.
Was Oden there?
Nope. Crew disbanded and told "welp, hope you guys like endless persecution but I gotta get me sum of dat tropical pussy!"

He's also arguably the most competent VA next to Garp. Then again brains wise he eclipses Garp by a landslide.

You need to be more than just pissed to use CoC for the first time. You need to be pissed and extremely desperate. Just like when Ace and Luffy first used it.

Why would he use CoC on people who pose no threat to anyone?

The only likable character introduced this arc is Tama.

The only unlikable character introduced this arc is Tama.

Trips of truth

I don't know, why would someone who can't fully control their CoC yet accidentally use it on some "innocent bystanders" that have already pissed him off by laughing at someone they liked dying??

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He was using it on Sandersonia and Marigold, who did pose a threat, not the bystanders.

That only makes me harder

It's quite obvious she wil join, and will also eat the nikyu nikyu no mi at some point.

>ywn be knocked out by Luffy's massive CoC

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I want to conquer him

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Sorry but the furry spot is already taken

>her captain, Nami, is shot down by the Usopp-Marine crew
fucking based long nose-kun

I had way too much fun with this thing.

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The point is, someone without any control over their CoC will accidentally target people they didn't necessarily intend to. Zoro would fall into that category, if he had CoC at all.

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This guy sure doesn't like Nami


Seems so. Even Luffy learning the most advanced haki was pointing back to Zoro.

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That's not haki you retard, that's the Dragonslayer Sword Technique.

One Piece, as directed by M Night Shyamalan

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But he'd still need something to trigger its use. There's no desperation in this situation.

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It's an AI

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i bet i'll ry when toko's emotions are restored and she cries thanking the straw hats for freeing her from suffering

>>Only now realize that Pikachu voices Chopper

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This is way better than what we're actually getting.

Oda fucked up with his biggest plot hole yet



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Oda you crazy bastard what did you mean by this?

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Thats a fact, the strongest thing evidently is the Ocean.

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That Koshiro is from Wano? Fuck else

Why is someone from Wano living in bumfuck East Blue?

Read SBS and find out

The SBS doesn't say why, retard.

Well then wait til the arc gets to the point where it spells out why they went to East Blue you stupid shit

If you don't have answers to my questions then stop pretending you have anything insightful to add. This is my conversation.

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Where is the "Despite being only 13 percent of the population" edit?

Turns out Toko's joke wasn't that funny AHAHAHAHAHA

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Stop asking questions we can't fully answer then

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>Shanks tries to kill the subhumans
Hey this program knows what's up.

When will this combatant learn his place in the crew?

Wano is a literal dumpster fire right now. Koushiro saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out.

Wasn't the first instance of Luffy's CoC activation a random fight against Motobaro?

I miss Law..

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Why would you

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Why is Zoro so mad?

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If the nips ever want to redeem themselves, they had better vote Katacutie over Law next poll

He made a bunch of hoodlums into his loyal team of samurai and used them to restore order in whole district of Wano. It has as much potential as those two. You will cry like a bitch when you see the whole story.
You'll probably see all of one in there. The period when he traveled with Roger will be skipped from the flashback for sure.

Katakuri will b lucky to score top20.

do what?

Zoro be like "f'ing clingy bitch, do I even know you? begone thot!"

Cuz his waifu Luffy is cheering Sanji on instead of him.

tfw Katakuri won't even make it to top20

Also Carrot/Doflamingo backstory when?

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Back when Sanji still had personality and a role, before he god that character undevelopment.

Nor should he.

first stage : denial

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Sanji's one of those who actually did suffer from flanderization until Wano.

Makes sense. Sanji will have to fight King (because he can fly), and it wouldn't make sense for Oda to have Zoro fight someone weaker than Sanji does, so by process of elimination Zoro will fight Kaido with Luffy

Zoro doesn't have CoC. No one but Luffy in the crew will have it. Oda would never give it to someone else in the crew and take away Luffy's specialness.

Back when the crew used to have fun and interesting moments together.

Luffy will have the voice of all things and again be special.

He got a lot better in Zou/WCI. He's been a bit dopey again in Wano, but nowhere near as bad as FI/PH.

Multiple top tier pirates have another conqueror under themselves (WB had Ace, BM have Katakuri, Roger had at least fucking three, with Shanks probably dormant at the time). Being Conqueror who makes even conqueror bow to him is a set standard for a great pirate in the New World. Plus, with Usopp's lies being a thing, he should unlock it sooner or later.

Not in the manga as far as I remember.

Who is the CoC user under BlackBeard? I vote Stronger

I find Wano really boring

Nami doesn't show up til after Zoro joins in the manga. That small bit where it's Luffy and Zoro hanging with Koby and Rika was pretty comfy though.


>Roger had at least fucking three, with Shanks probably dormant at the time
Who is the third besides Shanks and Rayleigh? You're not counting Roger right?

Hard to blame you, even machines have problem with not getting lost in all the world building and miniscule details. The anime willhave a problem with that.

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When was that confirmed? I already forgot.


End of Act I, Shutenmaru comments on that upon seeing Luffy use it.

Uh didn't Luffy meet Nami like few hours after he met Zoro ?

BB himself doesn't have CoC

That would actually be nice. Fate-obsessed man like Teach essentially fighting fate which didn't "choose" him as a fitting conqueror. Would fit how contradictory everything about him is.

There's no mention of how much time passes between the time they left Shell Town and the next chapter where she's first shown. Could have been the same day though

Burgess only has jobber's haki along with Sanji

reminder that roger isn't confirmed to have conquerors

Do we know any of his combat specialties at all? I like to imagine he actually wasn't anything special fighting-wise and he got carried to his position just through charisma alone.

some people say he had dragon's fruit due to the whole shiki thing

t. Orochi

>Shimotsuki is the old name of November in the Moon Calendar
>Zoro was born November the 11th

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Sanji is so hot

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When will she return?

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Looks like he's suffering from a humongous brain tumour here

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It's crazy how much better and more interesting the composition and lay-out of this page is compared to what we get these days.

hopefully never

Put a ring around his feet too user please


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Yes. I like pre-TS One Piece as well because you can tell what is happening.

the panels were much cleaner, now they're cluttered with bad details




No you don't, I do

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ah samurai zorojuro, welcome! i hope you're prepared for an unforgettable execution

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You probably mistook vivre card with sbs

Steamed steaks? I thought we were having wasabi.

Are we all in agreement that Yasuie isn't dead?

tfw I can't post a I love him more!!!! because I have no Snack pics

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he's immortal thanks to his frui

eat your steak, zorojuro

He dead, son.


Ow it burns.

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A-are you okay, user?

>that even Brook was scared
That happens a lot. Brook is frequently scared of stuff.

It wouldn't be this way if Oda could live long enough to not worry about cramming. Too many ideas, not enough time.

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>this is my chair manlet
>I sit on his face when I do my paperwork

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Back when the straw hats outside of Lufft mattered

Why should Usopp be a candidate for conquerers haki?

Because Usoppfag.

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Because he once said he had it, therefore he will have it.

why is 'mejor' circled?
And 'ultimo' as in final?
Also what does December mean in this context?

>why is 'mejor' circled?
>And 'ultimo' as in final?
"quien ríe el último ríe mejor." is spanish for "he who laughs last laughs best."

Offiicial MVP list for post-TS arc:
>Fishman Island
>Punk Hazard
Cedar the Pharmacist
Brook (with Jinbe very close second)

Usopp's lies coming true is a thing, and back in Dressrosa he mentioned to dwarves that he has it and that he can cause earthquakes with it.

When was the last time Luffy cheered for him?

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I have a lot of ideas too, but if it hurts my overall composition I'll have to think about what to keep and what to leave out to get the best result. Kill your darling so to speak.

Thread reminder that Vivi will rejoin the crew and get the Nikyu fruit

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I think Oda would struggle to write a character as bad as FI Sanji, he's certainly trying his best with Wano Zoro though

which fruit is that

Kuma's fruit.

This. Compare this to Neptune's castle

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Bad comparassion, this is a normal castle while Neptune's is supposed to be like its made of corals and filled with aquatic life

old good
new bad

>zoro gets his ass kicked by kyoshiro breaking his promise
>loses all of his swords
>gets rescued by sanji
>chopper's group and luffy come back(big mom got dabbed on by queen and is now kaido's prisoner)
>chopper starts patching up zoro
>after zoro wakes back up he looks at luffy
>tries to leave wordlessly
>luffy tries to stop him
>luffy vs zoro 2
>zoro doesn't think that the pirate king doesn't need a weakling that can't even fulfill a promise following him
>luffy is holding back the entire time
>zoro wins and leaves while crying

>that cheeky Nami's smile
Very cute
Simpler times.

Kaido and Doffy should've allied with Judge instead of Caesar.

Ever notice how there are only 2 opinions regarding the quality of the manga?
It's either "One Piece used to be better" or "One Piece hasn't changed". No one ever argues for One Piece actually being better now compared to before.
Really makes you think.

get me some tissue, baby

Attached: clown crying.gif (405x214, 459K)
early One Piece clips are max comfy

I'm still enjoying the manga, it does feel like oda thinks we enjoy side characters way too much though

All this runningto fail anyways

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>when zoro had emotions
>when nami wasn't a bimbo
i hate nu straw hats so fucking much

Oh look, what clever Strawhats!
See them sailing, watch, them learn.
How I HATE those goodie-goodies!
How they make my stomach turn!
I got a little secret, that'll really make 'em cry!
It's a nasty kind of devil fruit from a special kind of guy!

This book is made to order, but it isn't to be read! When they open up this book, they're sucked inside instead to the most unpleasant place they've ever seen!
The magic labyrinth of Mont-d'Or!
Very scary and confusing,
destination of my choosing!
Magic labyrinth of Mont-d'Or!

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why is he so serious now anyway?

Before the alliance, he was laid-back and occasionally cocky. Now he's always angry. Boring character

>when zoro had emotions
>when nami wasn't a bimbo
Just say you don't read the manga user it would be less embarrasing

This is canon.

Toei leaked this scene few days ago

Attached: z1.webm (704x396, 2.43M)

pretty much everyone outside the most mentally challenged retards agrees that East Blue is the worst saga

>Now he's always angry
It's called stress

So did you skip this week's chapter or what?

>when zoro had emotions

Attached: 017.png (907x1300, 368K)

the scientific term is actually pssd: post-strawhats stress disorder

He's a lot stronger than the likes of Kinemon or Usopp, who are far more chilled about this.

Wano has been pretty great for post-ts Zoro

Reminder that Ryuuma didn’t use Shusuei it’s slay the dragon, but Yubishiri.

Pre-ts and post-ts Law are basically two different characters at this point.

>he’s a lot stronger than Kinemon
Citation? Kinemon and Zoro have both dabbed on each other, at best Zoro is his equal.

he can't handle Luffy

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>Their objective is taking down fucking Kaido, no rondabouts this time
>The plan is falling apart because the SH and the samurai can't get their shit together
>His best friends are beaten to a bloody pulp and captured
>After that some fat ninja bitch starts talking shit about them, reaching the point where she threates to kill them since they probably ratted the others out
Law being angry makes perfect sense

>your captain will never be this happy to see you
feels bad for the rest of the SHs

Pre TS Law claimed he would claim “the proper throne at the proper time.”
So pre TS he was foreshadowedas a betrayer.


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Lol at Kinemon fags. He's Brook tier, below Ashura and possibly at the level of Kiku

Zoro feels for Luffy but he’s hesitant to trust the professional faker’s.

He has been angry since Punk Hazard, long before reaching Wano

I can understand him being anxious over Doffy because of the backstory, but this permanent radical change in his personality is crap

i certainly wouldn't miss luffy's crotch right in my face


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lmao he was just lying to his crew so they keep following him
current Law showed NO interest in becoming the pirate king

Nami>Usopp>Sanji>Zoro>Franky>Brook>Chopper>Robin according to Luffy

Dragon is going to be the climactic character of post-timeskip One Piece. You can tell just by watching the latest Mr Morj vid.

>even after hearing his backstory retards still thinks that Law want to become pirate king

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>Robin last
the most dangerous things Luffy has ever done were Impel Down for Ace and Enies Lobby for Robin

Judging by his actions, she's second to Ace only

Because he loves everyone in his crew but Robin is an autistic nerd so he most likely spends a little time with her



>even after hearing his backstory retards still thinks that Luffy want to become pirate king

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the most important question right now is where does caribou fall on luffy's order of preference

Don't worry if you forget that Luffy wants to become pirate king he will remind you it every chapter

t. Spee D. Reader
>Leader of the “legendary” Red Scabbards
>Cuts fire
>Cuts explosions
>Generates Fire
>Disciple of the old samurai way
>Drawn Aokiji’s height to the centimeter
Post skip Brooke could steal a glyph and wound Prometheus in combat, but he couldn’t handle Kinemon with no legs and no head.
Other than this Oda has hid Kinemon’s power level.
Zoro never showed he can defeat Law and he couldn’t cut Doflamingo’s string.
He could cut giant Pica, demonstrating a pinnacle of swordsmanship, but Kinemon can cut fire, demonstrating a much rarer one.
Kinemon is stronger than his subordinates and is still the only swordsman to cut fire after years.

Attached: 7AF62477-4C41-47AF-B5F9-9A84F5B4D226.jpg (301x168, 16K)

>Zoro, Nami and Usopp have bigger panels than the others
confirmed more important

Attached: x16.png (1964x1500, 936K)

He saw Nami cry so he felt obliged to save Robin.

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When is Zoro going to learn the firefox style?

>Do not worry! I will claim the proper throne at the proper time!
-Trafalgar D. Water Law


EXACTLY. Like this chapter.
Where he appeared uh... at least 1 time... I hope...

>Zoro sees Kinemon display his swordsmanship
>"That was a cool party trick 'Mon, mind if you teach it to me someday?"
>Kinemon sees Zoro dislay his swordsmanship

Attached: Kinemon.jpg (184x420, 35K)

It’s pretty based how Oda built Kinemon as a brick house swordsman who even Zoro can learn from.


somebody post the Luffy-Zoro meeting in Wano panel so that we can end this

Attached: chill zeff goddamn.png (274x485, 118K)

well, now you are giving it out mate, don't push it

Everything used to be thinner and had more detail to it. Now everything feels way thicker and blotchy.

Please no. Don't start up this autism again.

Attached: b1c8ef3908e655fd317e255c31367eed.jpg (466x435, 26K)

Makes sense,
Zoro is his battle partner
Nami is the one he's emotionally closest to
Usopp is his best bro

Good Morning!

Attached: Triplets Watch 'The Ring'.jpg (1077x896, 411K)

What curious is that this page implies that Luffy actually bought Robin not wanting to have anything to do with them while he knew Sanji was bullshiting in WCI. Maybe he still didn't totally trust her back then?

Attached: x9.png (891x1400, 251K)

Attached: Ryugu palace.png (1032x1024, 1.23M)

Dude Zoro literally had just given up on life and said ‘too bad it’s this way’ in acceptance of death, but Kinemon immediately saves him instead on being put back together again.
Zoro not having as goofy a personality as Kinemon is a given, his response to Kinemon saving his life was to declare he’d follow Kinemon to learn the ways of the samurais.
When Akainu warns of the samurai, he means the legendary red scabbards who can cut the elements.
Kinemon was impressed at Zoro’s raw strength only. Zoro can’t even defend himself from a literally who as of last chapter.

Holy shit this looks BAD

That is indeed what happens when you are drawing mostly weekly for 20 years and deal with all of the outside work Oda has to deal with. These threads really give you some interesting insight into human greed.

old good
new bad

It really doesn't

He didn't know much about Robin to be honest

Still amazing to this day. Packed detail done right.

>defeats a post skip strawhat as 1/3 a person.
>gets put back together.
>saves Zoro’s life with sword style Zoro literally can’t use at all
>five years later it’s revealed he’s the leader of the legendary Red Scabbards.

Man, compare both perspectives. One is of an imposing destination. The other a bland straight shot.
Extremely telling.

Attached: rpalace.jpg (2132x1600, 1.54M)

Are you blind? Are your eyes damaged? Maybe your brains?

Attached: Gon.png (290x257, 41K)

this is better imo

Attached: Wano_Country_Infobox.png (1277x1265, 1.49M)

>this one retard who thinks Oda art is worse because he read shitty scans is here again

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Can the dude that just beat Zoro cut a mountain? I doubt it but he sure could cut Zoro, retard.

This looks great. I love the detail on the building.

Will we ever get a magic magic fruit?

Attached: doctor-strange-magic-artwork.jpg (800x500, 59K)

Just look at the clean scans how does it look bad for you I can't tell

b-but I read low quality scan of this scene!
t-this means Oda's art is bad now!

wow the difference is staggering

Thriller Bark had really good art

Attached: oars.jpg (2132x1600, 1.49M)

You forgot that he's the kind of all samurai

Attached: 1556983639363.png (2000x2177, 368K)

Saying this while using HXH pics automatically invalidates your opnion

>Mention several ways in which the art has gotten worse
It's like a religion of zombies. They'll just keep repeating their mantra and let all thoughts and arguments pass through.

It's one of the most praised pages in OP for a reason. I know you're allergic to effort, but yeah, there's literally nothing wrong with the page.

Can't wait for Elbaf and the war between giants and Oars' tribe.

Why can't the art look like this after the timeskip? Oda lost his touch.

no need to shitpost when the chapter is already trash

Attached: laffin_lupin.png (500x374, 244K)

>Compare to castles
>Post a clean page of the first one and a muddy shitty filtered version of the other because you clearly aren't viased
I too like Oda's older art better but if you're gonna compare something as subjective as art don't be a bitch and do it on even terms

The art has without a doubt gotten worse, but there's more context needed since Oda's a mangaka who has one of the heaviest workloads a mangaka can have and has been doing this for 20+ years. He's at least experimenting with the art which is nice.

Don’t know what you mean.

>Hunter mumblers

Attached: 1553835080877.png (244x180, 32K)

>post shity scans for an example
>got btfo
>starts crying

Attached: TalkativeGleefulAfricanpiedkingfisher-poster.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

The rest of the Internet thinks quite the opposite, and so did Yea Forums on release. Why are you guys so feverish and desperate recently?

>called SMILE
>brought up like 15 years ago
>Doffy's jollyroger is a crossed smile
>Doffy is smiling and laughing all the time
>everyone think it's just fake zoan dfs
>it's actually something that forces you to SMILE no matter what is the situation
Oda is still tricking people 100 years into the story

>Compare to castles

Kinemon is a goofy, honorable, friendly version of Mikio Shishio.

Attached: 82D3C9F6-EADA-4225-A0DF-E69A55F55CCE.jpg (1024x768, 129K)

look at this pageand then look at thisthere is clear difference in quality. the lines are less thick. you just got btfo by someone that actualy posted the non-scan page and now you dont know what to do

Attached: 0066B604-5EC3-40C0-B620-325B162220AE.jpg (419x443, 35K)

how other manga can't even compete at this point

Attached: Goda.jpg (947x720, 110K)

What the hell is Goemon's deal?

It hasnt gotten worse, Oda just changed his style. I prefer the old one but his art hasnt changed

Oddly, Zoro is the Wind God like Kenshin too.

17 pages about an irrelevant side character

we've seen doffy lose his smile though

other mangakas could learn a thing or two from this


user, he is the catalyst for the rebellion

Because it's a front, he's not literally affected by it. Just part of the selling.

explain how yasu is relevant to the following plotlines:

luffy becoming the pirate king
zoro becoming the world's best swordsman
nami drawing a map of the world
usopp becoming a brave warrior
sanji finding all blue
chopper becoming a great doctor
franky circumnavigating the world
robin finding the true history of the world
brook reuniting with laboon

>942 chapters
>still can't understand what One Piece is about

Attached: b336409004b839668ee26b231d3c55cc.gif (480x270, 3.56M)

smallest brained post I've ever seen in my life

Attached: yusuk.jpg (850x640, 112K)


Attached: 0050-017.jpg (395x563, 75K)

Those aren't plotlines.

Is Mihawk a good guy or a bad guy?

This was a boring chapter and Tonoyasu was a boring character. The only interesting thing that happened was the revelation about the smiles.

>This is your brain on shitposting

Attached: 1556467531039.png (444x374, 91K)

don't blame the fellow naruto refugee, he still thinks that Luffy gaining the title of Pirate King is actually his goal

explain how zoro becoming the world's best swordsman, nami drawing a map of the world, usopp becoming a brave warrior, sanji finding all blue, chopper becoming a great doctor, franky circumnavigating the world, robin finding the true history of the world and brook reuniting with laboon is relevant to the following plotlines:

finding the One Piece

He is an good guy who will be defeated by Shiryu.

he's a bored man who just wants to be surpassed

he's just a guy

>Castle and characters right in the middle of the shot, a simple bird-shot
>Cluttered with speech bubbles about people being surprised at how pretty it is
>Perspective is nearly head on to the castle
>Very little empty space, lots of background clutter

Compare this to:
>Castle takes an intimidating and interesting ant-shot perspective, with characters closer to the viewer, and the castle growing away from the view.
>Castle aimed to the right, Luffy lying on the left. Comparison sticks out
>Use of contrasting blacks and whites to give it an ominous feel
>Speech bubbles don't get in the middle of the castle
>Lots of empty space next to the castle, increasing the focus and importance towards it

It's literally not about the quality of the pages. I could be given the most muddy pages while being forced to watch through foggy prescription glasses, and it wouldn't matter at all. Composition, perspective, object distribution on the page, these things stick out like sore thumbs and dictate whether a paneling is interesting to the eye or not, which you do not need scan quality to identify.
This'll be my last post on the matter so go ahead and call me autistic, or how I need more quality scans, or how I'm wrong because you say so without any backing argument at all.

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Attached: dirty_cheater.png (777x558, 253K)

>blackbeards crew hierarchy is the lower they are the weaker
>jobgess is first captain
>Shityu is second captain

I meant king of all samurai

almost like Oda wants every panel to be different in order to make every Arc different

Fujitora or the new one will save him

Maybe it'd be better if you just drop it until they reach Raftel.

That castle is great but Neptune’s blew me away when I saw the raw.

god i wish that were me

Attached: sugar kicks trebol.jpg (262x377, 32K)

He certainly embodies the samurai spirit. Kinemon’s loyalty is as strong as Blackbeard’s patience to wait 20 years.
It is weird to me that Blackbeard joined WB crew basically in the same time frame as all this Wano stuff.

It's not even "plotfags". It's more like a strawhatfag. I expect a plotfag to be all about a war against WG, One Piece, and Blacbeard. Lorefag on the other hand would be all about Void Century, Haki and general worldbuilding.
I wouldn't bring Naruto into this. In Naruto the main dreams weren't really chased too explicitly past Chuunin Exams, aside of Sasuke's revenge dream. Naruto even said that he's holding back his original dream until he can beat some sense into Sasuke. And Naruto's dream wasn't really about being Hokage either, first it was about acceptance and respect and then about peace and bettering the world. Hokage was always a mean to the end. "Naruto refugee" I'd expect to be a plotfag as outlined above.

>what is the butterfly effect
The One Piece universe is chaotically deterministic, a small change in initial conditions can lead to unpredictable results. Of course I don't expect from brainlets like you to be able to comprehend such concepts or how the story of One Piece works. Better stick to HxH.

HxH is all about detours and "journey is more important than destination" and focusing multiple chapters on new characters while ditching the main cast.

>literally the strongest samurai just volunteered to be executed instead of fighting, to reveal the true face of Orochi to the people of Wano.
>how is this relevant.
Go back to coloring books, underage ban.

In One Piece you're only a villain if you try to control people. Mihawk lives with 1 other person and didn't try to change her mind when she wanted to leave. He's a good guy

you don*t even need to shitpost, wan piss is flopping in the toc rankings

It's weird he never got a bounty after all that time.

>literally the strongest samurai
Citation needed.

I think there are too many irrelevant side characters who just waste panel in this series, but this chapter was great. It is tied to the main plot of Wano and might even kickstart the rebellion.

Blackbeard was at Wano on Whitebeard’s crew when Whitebeard met with Roger. I wonder if any samurais met him.

the situation of the two pictures are completely different
the drum island one shows a feeling of mystery and it appears ominous because that was the scene, luffy climbed the mountain to look for a doctor and that is what he found, he does not know who it belongs to but he presumes it is the doctor, still he does not know what the deal of the castle is, it is presented in way to make it ominus

ryugu castle does not want to give the same feeling, because the scene in context, is to introduce the royal faction, we are introduced to it from the front to show how grandiose it is compared to the king. it is also trying to show a strong ally that helps luffy scince they are welcomed here (as apposed to the drum castle, where luffy does not know what the deal is).

and of course the palace is more cluttered, the drum castle is alone atop a mountain, but the ryugu palace is a strong, bumbling, prosperous palace filled with life

the two pages want to give two different feelings.

Eh, I was going off memory, still think it was stated though.
Not current Yasue old and used up, but in his prime 20 years ago.

he was acting like a typical mook, never doing anything flashy and just focusing on searching yami fruit

I’m pretty sure this implies Yasue is the leader of Wano’s “strongest samurais” but re reading it I can see if you disagree.

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Tama is redundant when Toko exists.
Nine Red Scabbards is too many. You could have made it six, eliminated Shinobu and Tsuru.
Why does Tama's tengu guardian need to be here?

Wait, who beat Zoro?

Looks like he just praising and encouraging his man, he was sure strong since he was guarding the Wano Nagasaki but the strongest samurai is implied to be Ashura Douji at that time

Early in the story Buggy tried to show Zoro to watch his back, and defeated him with by attacking him from in front and behind at the same time.
18 years of publication later, in Wano, Zoro’s sword thief informs him that Zoro leaves himself wide open as he fights, and then Zoro is defeated in mirror to How Buggy beat him (except Buggy can simulate being two fighters with his ability).
If you didn’t see Zoro get defeated in Wano you need to reread.

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I interpret that as a comment on the reputation of the samurais from that region.

>Tama is redundant when Toko exists
It's the other way around.

Where is it implied that Ashura was the strongest? He’s bitch made compared to Kinemon, first of all. Complaining about their not being any good men left.
Shutenmaru is a defeated loser. Kinemon is still going strong.

>Shinobu and Tsuru

Attached: nxc8876dxop21.jpg (1466x1040, 251K)

Anyone else feel like Wano is boring geographically? On paper it sounds very nice, this wasteland with wildly varying climates between regions, and a prosperous towering capital in the middle. But I feel like it hasn't been shown to us enough.

reminder that Sanji has said "A man forgives a woman's lies." In other words, Sanji would be fine if his gf / wife cheated on him and got pregnant from another man.

>Tama is redundant when Toko exists.
literally how, they affect the story in different ways. Not to mention Tama has devil fruit that can counter the entire beast pirates Kaido including
>You could have made it six, eliminated Shinobu and Tsuru.
Neither Shinobu or Tsuru are members of the Nine Red Scabbards
>Why does Tama's tengu guardian need to be here?
He's Tama guardian and is connected to the swords so possibly power up for Zoro

>Why does Tama's tengu guardian need to be here?
How about reading the rest to find out?
>Tama is redundant when Toko exists.
Tama has personal connection to Luffy.
>Nine Red Scabbards is too many. You could have made it six, eliminated Shinobu and Tsuru.
Well, the essential scabbards so far are Kinemon, Asura, dukes and Kawamatsu. Raizo and Kan were macguffins (though Raizo is kinda getting a plotline now), Denjiro who the fuck even knows, and Kiku seems to be just there. I'd still wait until the end of Wano to judge that. I don't know how Tsuru is bothersome to you, she barely has any screentime, and makes Kin more of a character.

>But I feel like it hasn't been shown to us enough
maybe because we are like in 1/4 of the story

If Kin'emon is so strong why doesn't he just defeat Ashura Doji and make him join the alliance?

>Drought theme
>Famine theme

Not him, but the first fourth or third of a story is generally where Oda shows us the region, the latter parts are usually confined to one or two places.

CoC isn’t special anymore

>But I feel like it hasn't been shown to us enough
This. The arc is already over, too.

He’s not so overwhelmingly strong that he could do that easy. ALL of the Red Scabbards are Inaurashi tier, so far. That’s why Shutenmaru was shown as a badass vs Jack, but also as a defeated man.
Zoro will inspire Shutenmaru to action, and rejuvenate his hope. Beating him up won’t, Kaido already can.

>ALL of the Red Scabbards are Inaurashi tier, so far.
Citation needed.

For sure it’s the most obvious advantage vs “beasts” in the story short of Otama taming them.

Do you have examples of

Wano is different because it's a huge country, most of the places visited by strawhats are usually small, Wano is like Alabasta but with different climate and will have much more chapters

Them being weak? So far each one does something pretty G tier when they are introduced, or was shown in flashback being G tier. I only claimed “so far.”

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>believing that the strongest thing in the world will get beaten by only zoro and luffy
>150 IQ
more like 15 IQ

>Zoro will inspire Shutenmaru to action
If he does something during at the prison to stand against Orochi sure. He's already seen Luffy stand against Kaido himself when no else had the balls to do so.

>ALL of the Red Scabbards are Inaurashi tier
Kinemon would get stomped by Jack in 5 seconds. The only one who seems somewhat strong so far is Ashura.

>implying it won't be an alliance of the Worst Generation with Zoro landing the killing blow and being likened to Ryuma

It may happen but it’s not known. If Zoro is responsible for Kaido with Luffy like vs Axe Hand Morgan, then Kinemon’s required opponent will be VERY strong, like King.

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Anyone else hoping Kinemon &momonosuke gets fucked and dies during wano? They are ugly boring and flat out crippled. Fuck the Kozuki they are all crybabies man. Orochi is a chad and so is Kyoshiro.

This, but I'd also include Sulong form Inu and Neko.

>only one somewhat strong
>scabbards already fought Jack for days
>Kinemon is fire sword and King is fire sword.
Kinemon is going to defeat a Yonko commander. Shutenmaru is strong but he’s a defeated man, Kinemon is a stronger man.

this is the main problem with the arc. Oden is jacked off way too much when Kinemon and Momo (our closes ties to him) are unlikable.
The chapter where the Strawhats all emotionally cry over Oden was forced and contrived as all fuck.

Actually, yes. I hate those two, as well as Kanjuro, Raizo and Shinobu.

>Kinemon vs King
The absolute state of Kinemonfags

Attached: 00055.jpg (156x165, 10K)

I mean definitely we'll get more chapters to look at Wano. In Alabasta by this time we were already in an endgame. But I don't think proportions will change. I presume last ~10 chapters will be just epilogue in either Flower Capital or Kuri with maybe a look on a place we've already seen (introducing new ones in an epilogue would be weird), then some chase scene (like there usually is) with little time to just wander around. And probably 50+ chapters beforehand will be Onigashima alone (Enies Lobby took around that much and it had far less characters) for the finale battles. Any "adventure" part of the story where you could explore the region would have to happen beforehand. Which may very well be the case, depending on what happens to everyone after Act II, but I think we're running out of time with each new chapter.

>Anyone else hoping Kinemon &momonosuke gets fucked and dies during wano?
Yes, and Shinobu.
WHY are the people we have to side with so retarded?

It's quite poor writing, as these are people we're supposed to be sympathetic towards.

>Kinemon would get stomped by Jack in 5 seconds.
Citation? Kinemon is Inaurashi’s boss. Kinemon was speculated as super strong on his introduction, even years before it was revealed he was the boss Samurai of the legendary Red Scabbards.

Attached: 6698F430-36D6-4FA1-B22C-283210D41C42.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

>Luffy gets Tama
>Zoro gets Toko
It's like pottery.
Pirate King and Dark King.

That is the reason Wano is meh so far.

Imagine if Zoro sided with Kyoshiro and the shogun, that would be based.

what the fuck is sympathetic about this
Whiny and entitled

Attached: Untitled.png (916x1300, 731K)

There's nothing to see outside of the flower capital because the rest of the country is a wasteland, you guys don't even pay attention

dude he got one shotted by Doflamingo and Law
he's not very strong.

As usual, the Lawfag has autism and doesn't understand human emotions.

>Zoro selling his family to Orochi

Attached: 131.jpg (453x369, 54K)

The only character I truly hate is Shinobu.
Kinemon/Momonosuke/Raizo is meh to me.
I like Kanjuro a bit now when he called out Shinobu on her shit
And I don't know about about the others. I need to see more of them. I feel like I might Kawamatsu whenever Oda lets him out of the prison. The guy just wants to sumo wrestle.

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did they fuck

Attached: 02345.jpg (635x466, 73K)

If Kinemon is so strong, what did he do in Dressrosa? Who did he fight?
All he's done is slice a slime. A SLIME.
Literally the first enemy you find in any RPG, that's Kinemon's greatest enemy.

So... then... what's even the point of making 6 regions with different climates if you're not gonna do anything with it?

It rhymes

Kinemon wasn’t incapacitated after Doflamingo’s sucker kick, user.
Trafalgar D. Law cuts bigger mountains than Zoro, and Kinemon was never shown trying to attack him.
Law’s ability worked on Doflamingo and Fujitora and is canonically one of the best in the story.
Zoro couldn’t cut Doflamingo’s string and he never beat up Law either.

>goofy looking Shishio
>h-he’s weak guys trust me!

As usual, the Odenfag acts entitled to ruling an entire country.

Problem with Momo is that we're supposed to connect emotionally with him because he's supposed to be the next shogun yet 90% of his apparitions are him using his innocent apparence to fondle Nami/Robin and taking a haughty attitude toward others despite being a 8 years who can't do anything. Seeing triggered waifufags is fun, but that doesn't make him appealing to the average reader.

Momo is based for making that faggot Jack go away

dressrosa was weird, one of the yonko commanders was there and nobody gave a shit while he was hiding like a bitch

Vivi can't help herself while around big Black/Latin bulls

Attached: sexual tension.jpg (500x500, 64K)

I remember him as the kid who refused to eat, who’s dad was killed in front of him, who learned to fly in Punk Hazard. I mainly only remember the fondling stuff from the Yea Forums memes posted.

Wano Samurai are weak

> Kanjuro caught by doffys fodders
> Kinemon cut by Law
> Orochi is weak
> pretime fodder Zoro defeats "god" ryuma
>Hyo in prison
>Yasu is death

>90% of his apparitions are him using his innocent apparence to fondle Nami/Robin
A trait of a worthy Shogun.

2/3 of this happened in Punk Hazard, over 250 chapters ago

That's my point.

is Big Mom smarter than Kaido?

Reminder that Jabra got cucked by Lucci

Attached: lucci.png (857x256, 128K)

If there's something I've learned from OP threads, it's that people can't take another opinion for shit.
If you like PreTS more, then you're a shitposting nostalgiafag caught up in the past and need to stop reading.
If you like PostTS more, then you're an Oda Cocksucker with no taste that doesn't understand what makes OP good.

I'm sure at the end of the day we all love One Piece, and it's just the nature of the site that amplifies and exacerbates opinions. Everyone really needs to take arguments and posts with a grain of salt, and understand that not everyone thinks the same way you do.

Attached: b9fce65d1673830a278d095d7d614efa--moment-sad.jpg (236x170, 10K)

Just like Luffy fights the big bad, and Zoro fights the swordsman, Sanji fights the incels ever since Hattori.

>Everyone really needs to take arguments and posts with a grain of salt, and understand that not everyone thinks the same way you do.
this is true, in the end it's a matter of opinion
but mine is right

Attached: happy samurai jack.png (120x141, 10K)

holy shit shut the fuck up vivitard

>If you like PostTS more, then you're an Oda Cocksucker with no taste that doesn't understand what makes OP good.

This but unironically

Not to mention him being a whiny bitch.

We know who is the next in line to be cucked by Lucci.

Attached: 1554131213363.jpg (105x359, 10K)

Mostly true, with the only exception being ELfags, in which case their taste actually is garbage and need to piss off.

> pretime fodder Zoro defeats "god" ryuma
Zoro himself acknowledged that didn't count.

desu lately i'm just blazing through the chapters to see if something happens and all i see is a bunch of ugly characters talking a lot.

Attached: sonya.jpg (323x281, 44K)

Lucci is a latin stud, although his autistic personality make him quite unattractive

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Kohza deserves to be cucked. No sympathy for that guy.

BASED. Syrup village is better than that piece of trash arc.
Kuro is miles better than Lucci, only retarded brainlets who watch OP youtubers disagree with this.


>desu lately i'm just being a huge faggot
you don't say, user

Attached: surprised real hades.png (212x256, 108K)

damm CP9 was a bunch of fun guys, why CP0 are soulless

>why CP0 are soulless

Attached: foreshadowing.png (455x415, 98K)

I'm gonna upset people but CP0 is an asspull

keep coping pedro

She looks like she fucks shotas.

Easy, we haven't seen Jabra, Fukuro and Kumadoi yet. Kaku alone isn't enough to contain Lucci's edginess.

So Kaku is fucking Stussy right? We know she enjoys the taste of giraffes.

Stussy could be in her thirties/forties and still decades older than Pudding

Kaku would no way fag that old hag.

Of couree she's a degenerate, you think regular sex will get her off after decades of being a literal whore?

anyone remember in film Z when robin got turned into an 18 year old
ha ha

that much is obvious

Attached: stush.jpg (1200x1067, 369K)

I am extremely dissapointed with Kaku's new suit.
He looks fucking awful. His CP9 one was really good.

i totally forgot about this one artist

Attached: say cheese.jpg (900x1200, 359K)

Stussy is taller than Kaku


He really is just Zoro if he had looked like Usopp, huh?

she is?

I love vivi so much

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Spandam is a cutie

>Ultimo Mejor
Zoro will be struck down but learn his ultimate technique. Even if he dies, he won’t die, he will come back from the ashes and wreck shit.

New thread.

Sabaody Archipelago > Arlong Park > Jaya > Water 7 > Return to Sabaody > Whole Cake Island > Reverie > Syrup Village > Alabasta > Post-Enies Lobby > Post-War > Marineford > Loguetown > Baratie > Amazon Lily > Enies Lobby > Zou > Dressrosa > Little Garden > Impel Down > Whisky Peak > Romance Dawn > Skypiea > Orange Town > Drum Island > Reverse Mountain > Fishman Island > Punk Hazard > Thriller Bark > Long Ring Long Land

>wiki arcs
>DBF last
I won't even mention the rest. You thought that just because you post past the bump limit we won't notice your shit taste?

God damn that’s a lot of arcs.

god what a fucking awful list

I'm physically disgusted. Never post again.

Attached: 1552906122547.png (1833x1535, 1.54M)

I don't think there's a single person who will not call you a retard. Everyone, no matter their opinion, can agree you are wrong.


>wouldn’t it be based if Zoro acted completely ooc

>calls shit taste
>doesn't offer an alternative opinion
As expected of Yea Forums.

what ever list is posted is automatically shit

You have a strange definition of defeat.

>Sulong gay bowser!
