Wasted potential

Post anime/mango with cool premises that botched it in execution.

Pic related could have been anime Watchmen, but was an unnecessarily convoluted mess ridden with bad characterization and mismatching tones in most scenes instead.

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Is there any anime where the main premise is "different genres meet each other" which is done well? Recreators fucked that up too

This so much, I feel like it it just needed a little more to be really great. The OP is still dope though.


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ConRevo was great, though. I don't even get why people thought it was convoluted, it was a pretty basic plot strung between standalone episodes.

That is a cool opening.
I watched the first epsiode of this show but I really didn't like it at all.
So I never even got to see the OP I guess. Wait I might not have even finished the first epsiode.

The only problem I had with ConRevo was the ending. Everything in the second season was ok, 1st season was great.
Pic related was the most useless character in the whole show.

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>Pic related was the most useless character in the whole show.

More like they didn't know what to DO with her

C'mon, she's the embodiment of 60s-70s magical girls; there's plenty of potential stories you can do!

Controversial opinion, but I still think Darling in the Franxx was a completely botched shitshow that dropped the ball after a (relatively) promising start.

Lots of wasted characters, set pieces, and story hooks that were just kind of forgotten or ignored for the M. Night Shamalamadingdong tweest. It was a schizophrenic mess that didn't know if it wanted to be a character drama, romcom, Gurren Evangelion, or budget mecha show.

It failed at all the hurdles while trying to jump them all at once.

Attached: APE Stands for A Peaceful Existence.png (1268x1080, 1.03M)

>pantsu joke
>protag "walks in" on naked main heroine
>le funny reaction faces

It was shit from the get-go.

Fucking Izetta. I still think it has one of the best first episodes ever, but man does it shit the bed afterwards.

I blame Yoshino and his dick for writing the scripts

>cool clandestine vampire removal unit operating in prewar Japan with tommyguns and crossbows and swords
>big Irish guy, sexy Spaniard lady, britbong street urchin lead by badass professor
>werewolf autist protag
>crazy and thirsty Jap kendo girl heroine
>vampire'd oniichan as his maybe rival
>faaabulous vampire noble villains, mad doktor and smug bloodsucker lolis

Honestly would have been fantastic as a more open ended adventure anime. The main plot and it's resolution were super disappointing

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It was far more convoluted than it needed to be:
There are no benefits to the narrative in having two timelines after the first three episodes. It only wastes our time. Which is valuable because many of the Monster of the Week characters have really poor characterization, which in turn ruins the impact of the sad scenes.

The scene transitions are a mess and often feel like there are whole scenes cut from episodes because characters just teleport from the office to mid-battle. Sometimes even without apparent reason. Stuff like "Jiro fighting Jaguar indoors. Transition to Jiro and Kikko outside the office. Transition to fight scene outdoors with Jiro already riding Equus."

And then, the anime often makes the mistake to start battles without even telling us what the goal or plan is, which is just wrong. Especially since we weren't aware of what everyone knew about everyone else early on. Like during the GigaGon fight, I was not even sure what the goal of the Bureau was when it happened. And that in turn made me feel more confused than sad when the monkey died.

There are far too many organizations doing stuff with superhumans, and they have no clear jurisdiction and it is really hard to keep track of who is on whose side. Characters sometimes even seem to switch sides after they learn shit they should have already known. Especially as the series goes on.

Motivations in general seemed like a mess to me. Why does the lesbian girl from the Angel Stars go on an alien-murdering rampage? I thought it was Imperial Ads who fired her and her gf after the lesbian scandal.

There are also many plot points that don't pay off, like the signature of the Earth Defense Agreement, or that have a bizarre pay off like Master Ultima.

Many episodes just have too many characters running around accomplishing nothing but narrating what is happening and making jokes. Which again contributes to take away the spotlight from characters who have stuff to do in the plot.

I think that is the most common opinion regarding Franxx.

First episode was boring setup shit tilll the last minutes. Izetta was great and delivered what it promised.

Ga Rei Zero. Episode 1. That's all I'll say.

Giant Robo.

>final villain was fabulous
>just being super disappointing
it was a travesty user.


Samurai Champloo (Comedy/History/Action)

both the openings and endings of this were dope. definitely felt like it got cut from 26 episodes somewhere in the production, but still great concept. hell, even the ending says something about the 26th episode.