I have the ep 52 of Shingeki no Kyojin before it gets released on SUNDAY worldwide. It's subbed on spanish, Im selling it on paypal. Hit me up if you wanna buy it. Can send clips of the episode as proof that Im not lying.
I have the ep 52 of Shingeki no Kyojin before it gets released on SUNDAY worldwide. It's subbed on spanish...
Other urls found in this thread:
send 1 clip here
>Spain stealing
Cómeme la polla
Sounds like a good way to get yourself jailed. Just put it out for free.
I'm skeptical
bullshit prove it or fuck off
here's the proof fags
oh fuck its legit
post some screenshots of Zeke and BR talking
>it's real
oh shit he wasnt joking
Oh fuck it's real,but i already read the manga faggot and the animation looks bad already,so no.
This looks fucking terrible what the hell man
Did Studio WIT run out of money? SnK did not deserve this
Would sucking dick be okay? If not then tell me if the episode is good
Meh animation
great ost though
Post it for free. That's literally how you go to jail otherwise.
Actually legit
post a selly link
Somone pay this pay this faggot and upload it
Here it is. Accepting offers
As expected, Zeke looks too old and like shit.
The hell is this beard? I am so disappointed, this was supposed to be the best season content wise, yet it is the worst animation wise
post more
this look fan made
Stop user. Think about your family.
Waiting for my payment
Your payment is not going to jail for not taking money to leak the episode.
kys spic
I wait 2 days
Sent ;)
Sent ;)
One of you has fucking money, buy it and upload reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
still looks fan made
I guess you can whore for attention for a bit longer if that satisfies you, but there is no money to be made here for a shitty episode of snk.
Its just 2 days anyway, no one really cares. Post it or leave it.
>asking for payment
What kind of leddit shit is this?
If you want to pay, post kik/discord and we talk about money.
post the scene after the explosion
If no one pays, Ill just leave with the laughs I got out of it kek. Im not losing anything ^^
> selling it on PayPal
Man, that Zeke looks like ass. He's supposed to be a handsome lad, what the hell?
What the fuck are you doing nigger?
you're a fucking spic
kill yourself
Whatever you say faggot. Are you an anime only? Want to get your ass spoiled?
Fujos hate him
Why would anyone pay when they could wait a few days? Just upload it.
What laughs? The only reaction you got was "woah it is real." How is that at all funny?
>selling it
>when it's out in literally two days
come on, now
11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
>paying for a chapter that's coming out in 2 days
To be fair, Zeke looked like ass in the manga too, with a very inconsistent facial design.
The first chapter he was handsome in was the one where we see him inside of his titan, playing baseball with the scounts
here's part of it
post a close up of reiners blown away head
I'll pay if you answer this correctly __ is cute and canon
That looks good, be a generous lad and post something from the next episode preview
i just wanna hear and see the clip of cart titan speaking
>paying for anime
>The little Jeanbo that could