TTGL has good anima-

>TTGL has good anima-

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-tion. sorry connection cut out for a sec lol

There is no one who doesn't acknowledge it had some of the worst animated episodes. Doesn't mean it didn't have well animated episodes you attention whore

I have the feeling these threads are made by luckyfags who are butthurt about their show being forgotten in favor of TTGL

>this is what gurreniggers actually believe
your 'babbies first mecha' show lost to lucky star many years ago. it's time to grow the fuck up, eternal summerfag.


>criticizes TTLG animation
>uses a stillframe

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>stillframe of an episode where the art directors got swapped out

aren’t those all from episode 4?

>using still frames to showcase animation
it's never not retarded

It is literally one assblasted shitposting """oldfag""" who seems to have come out of a coma that is spamming these threads. He also samefags and falseflags to make sure people take the bait.

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>t. cherrypicking nigger

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I always skip this episode. Which is a shame because Kittan is great.

Kill yourself, redditor.

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We all know that AOTY 2007 was Hidamari Sketch anyway.

>Daily TTGL bait thread

I cried when kamina died ;_;7

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Quit lying, anus cultist

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face next to anus, breathing deeply, etc.

Loved the fever dream tone of that show

you still mad?

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Posting the actually Yea Forums approved /m/echa show of 2007

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does anyone remember clawshrimpy?

Mad about what?
That TTGL is still beloved on Yea Forums and nobody gives two shits about Lucky Star?

okay newfag

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But I’m right

No one values Yea Forumseddit crossboarders' opinions.

Try and make a post without using buzzwords/boogeyman accusations, anus licker

okay newfag.

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quit projecting

okay newfag.


okay newfag.

Candle sniffing fuck fence go climb a wall of dicks

The irony of this post. Yea Forumsedditors literally lack the brain capacity to contain multiple thoughts

>post screenshots

okay newfriend

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>Yea Forumsedditor
There’s that word again