What's the worst anime ever made?
What's the worst anime ever made?
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We haven't seen it yet.
I vote tokyo ghoul. Mostly the later seasons.
SAO without a doubt
Actually never mind, it doesnt qualify as an anime,my bad.
Every Anime can be enjoyed. There's no such thing as 'the worst anime ever made' and if you actually believe there is then you're retarded.
nah Black clover is worse
Probably some obscure thing from the 1960s that no one cares about. Why post Panty and Stocking?
Because Panty and Stocking is shit
I don't know i think if you take the first arc black cover is worst but if you take the whole thing SAO is even worst
Faggots are going to post SAO/VEG/Madoka/NGE to pretend to fit in. I forgot the name of the worst anime I've seen, it took place in a highschool were kids had psychic powers, the animation was crap and what shocked me was the horrible 3DCG they used. Dropped it after one episode, that was maybe 10 years ago. One I can remember more clearly is the TSF Monogatari adaptation, this shit was awful.
Elaborate please
Also I can't imagine that someone who has watched more than 500 anime could actually think that it's the worst one ever made. Where did it touch you user?
>to pretend to fit in
Yeah no. VEG was actually that bad. Not the worst but definitely insulting.
Yeah, you have to be delusional to think that Panty & Stockings or Black Clover are the worst anime ever made, even SAO and Tokyo Ghoul don't deserve that title. There are absolute shit anime around that would make SAO look like the greatest masterpiece of the century.
>Awful disgusting arstyle
>Story is just a chaotic mess with no sense
>It's trying hard to be funny as much as possible but ends up as unfunny
Only music was good
>>Story is just a chaotic mess with no sense
Was P&S the first episodic show that you watched?
This imo
>Great animation
>Story that has been hit and miss for people, but at least one episode definitely hit home.
>God tier designs.
>Great backgrounds.
>Good music.
Sure I get that it's corny, that Violet herself is a bit bland (though she does have some great moments later on), and that VEG isn't even KyoAni's masterpiece imo. But even then, if you really believe that VEG is the worst anime ever made then you probably only watched two anime in your whole life. There's far, far worse out there.
And what exactly makes it the worst anime ever made?
Of course it's not the worst but I expected something better. The one episode where that one soldier dies was pretty damn good though.
Then again the most shitposts about it come from anons that still play ping pong over the winter 2018 shows like sora yori, ditf and veg.
None of these shows deserve any of the artificial hate they get. Same goes for most of the shows people are going to post ITT.
>None of these shows deserve any of the artificial hate they get
Fuck off with that shit, I spent six months defending that garbage only for the second cour to be an even bigger pile of shit.
>>Awful disgusting arstyle
Yeah god forbid people from trying something different for once, every single anime must share the same identical 90% realistic but with huge eyes style.
you posted it.
Any anime that is about cute girls doing cute things, even worse if they get gay with eachother or it's heavily implied. Absolute bottom of the barrel trash lower than even Naruto.
Open the catalog. It's in your upper left corner.
Your butthurt doesn't make it worse than it is though. It's just another anime. Maybe watch some actual garbage instead.
Not him, but at least the first half of DitF was very good. It really should have ended at episode 16. His point is that while DitF was a big disapointment, it wasn't the complete shitshow people claimed it was. There's plenty of anime that are still remembered as being at least okay even though they ended up being complete trainwreck, like Bounen no Xam'd.
DitF only got shat on as much as it did because of the crazy amount of hype surrounding it, hence the "artificial" part.
Yeah I get you, it's always people riding on the hype surrounding a show, wich suddenly make hating it cool. KyoAni is plagged with it's own dedicated hatebase, and I still remember the guys shitposting in Shaft threads when Monogatari and Madoka still made them relevant.
This is the worst anime ever made hands down.
Lucky Star, literally 5 minutes of barelly animated 2 dimensional and generic characters discussing about the best way of eating a sweet.
lucky star is the seinfeld of anime
It's a bad show that had 12 episodes of build up for absolutely fucking nothing and that's all I'm calling it you retard.
>but at least the first half of DitF was very good
It was ok, the problem is that it set up a bunch of shit that didn't pay off.
probably some random early 90s OVA
SAO as just the worst writting i've ever seen in an anime.
I like madoka and VEG and don't know why people shit on it this much (i mean it's far from perfect but do you actually hate it or is it just because redditfags keep saying it's those are the best anime ever)
this was Peter Chung design tho
And I thought I was the only one left who hasn't gone full retard. Good post user.
BNHA and its gay fanbase
Pupa, and also fuck off
Casting my vote for pupa also.
Maybe not the worst, but my least favorite
The manga is okayish but the anime is just plain shit.
Smartphone, but semi-ironically.
Worst anime huh? I would say Hand Shakers, but I did watch it till the end so part of me must have enjoyed it somehow. Franxx also wasn't that bad, but everyone calling it AOTD should neck themselves. It was the most 7/10 show ever. Disappointing is not the same as worst and shitty shows like Ninja Slayer can be entertaining.
>So I would say the my worst anime is Sakurada Reset because it bored the fuck out of me and couldn't watch more (or just about any show I dropped)
>Worst anime huh?
>disappointing is 7/10
Not only do you have to watch more anime, you also need to learn how greentext works.
If shorts count then Pupa. Jesus christ that was awful.
holy shit what a shit anime
>not knowing about Hametsu no Mars
Hunter x Hunter
The problem with tokyo ghouls is that it doesnt really qualify as anime, it lacks key stuff like story or characters, its just a bad slideshow, it's genuily one of the worst things I've ever seen.
This and Skelter Heaven are the actual answers.
Abunai Sisters Koko & Mika or Mars of Destruction
any moeshit
For me the worst anime aren't the actually really bad ones but the ones which clearly had a massive budget and just manage to fuck it up anyway. Examples would be opm season 2 because we've seen how it can be done really well and then you get some seriously janky animation. SAO because I had a great premise but was just garbage half way through and well I wouldn't say VEG is bad. I just found it boring. It had some amazing visuals but it didn't really pull my heart strings in the way it had intended so it fell flat for me.
Love and hug
There are thousands of 1/10 shows, I haven't watched any enough to say which is the worst one.
jojo ova
Mayoiga was pretty fucking awful. The only good thing that came out of it were the threads.
your favorite one.
Probably some obscure mecha series /m/ wanks over
this one is.
why is it so bad?
well none of u ever heard of it, should give u a clue.
If you think P&S is the worst anime ever made you need to find a list of anime in alphabetical order and watch the 1st five. You'll wish you were watching P&S after the first two.
>[(You)r favorite anime]
There. I did it. I named the worst anime ever made.
pleb indeed filtered
Imagine being brainlet enough to defend compeltelly extremely safe and shallow show like Lucky Star.
Your little anime got no content or value. Is just lazy.
There's enjoyably bad and then absolute colossal disappointment/failure. I almost want to say DtB S2.
Re:zero is a fucking horrible anime once you go back for a rewatch and realize how nothing fucking makes any damn sense. The ride is fine the first time but going back to rewatch, holy shit you hate virtually every damn character and begin to wonder why subaru even exists. I know >read the manga, but talking from an anime aspect here
Space Pirates whatever
>sweet character designs
>bangin OP
>premise seems to be fucking fun as shit
>episode 1 happens
>then nothing fucking happens the rest of the damn anime
So mad, still mad, will never be not mad.
>Panty and Stocking is the worst anime
How dare you slander the good names of Cross Ange, Osama Game, and Big Order like that.
If anyone has any other recs for shit to watch while drunk give em to me.
>Cross Ange
Cross Ange is one of the most enjoyable anime out there that just says FUCK YOU WEEBS so blatantly it is great.
>yuri fags forever BTFO
>them songs
>fuck you ange getting dicked
>embryo is the embodyment of otaku seasonal waifufags
>time traveling dragons
Chargeman ken
Cringy perverted retards who get their harems because the plot demands it are an instant drop for me.
Step aside, summer children. You dont know shit about pain.
I guess it blends everything that makes anime fucking suck into one extremely tight package and then calls people who like it retards. That doesn't mean it didn't suck, just that it knew it sucked. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the hell out of it, but I'm still on the fence about if it was intended to be a satire or if it just happened to just be so bad that it served as a perfect satire.
Remake of LoGH
Felt so... lifeless
At least its enjoyable the first time around though. Its no where near the worst shit that the medium can pump out.
Rosario Vampire is still the worst anime I've seen.
The worst anime ever made is probably lost media by this point, but the worst I've watched was probably the Ninja Scroll TV show.
This won't go further down towards the abyss
But its sorta amazing how much worse it gets from OP to episode, and then episode to episode.
Until the finale crawls and it fails to do anything noteworthy with its setup.
The absolute worst shit I can remember.
After episode one everything was so fucking fast and out of nowhere. Everyone was a fucking god or some shit. I can't even remember anything aside from the first episode and some other brief moments.
Also the animation was shit.