How is she going to survive now that auto memory dolls are obsolete?

How is she going to survive now that auto memory dolls are obsolete?

Attached: violet cries (2).jpg (1080x1102, 382K)

Finding purpose in raising our children!


She will rule Britain

Either she'll go demand some neetbucks from the military or go back to cleaning CH-postal's windows.

you can't rule a country on neetbux alone.

Autists are natural coders.

Get in line.

Telephone repairman


Neetbux from papa claudia

Attached: FoodB.webm (854x480, 1.25M)

the fuck is she doing here?

be patient with her she'll get it eventually

Attached: 69942121_p2_master1200.jpg (829x915, 246K)

Realizing she fucked up.

Attached: let it end.png (318x431, 239K)

Until that day, she ate only humans.

>Violet will never look at you like this

Attached: braid violet.jpg (1220x2160, 854K)

she will learn when he returns

Attached: leon-stephanotis-141728.jpg (350x490, 34K)


The cutest girl is the best and you can't cope with it!

Attached: Violet so cool.png (609x604, 308K)


she is a jobless NEET.

She is shy but not a NEET.

She's already dead just like her show.
I hope KyoAni will redeem themselves with the electric catalog anime. For now they lost all of my respect.

She will be a NEET in the movie.

shes also fucking 14 no child labor laws in Evergarden world I guess

Attached: Saberclone a shit.jpg (1200x830, 281K)

The same thing we'd do everyday, shitcall on call centers.