

Attached: Ahem.jpg (1061x870, 150K)

Eris pads her chest.

Attached: EPHC.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

Don't do it. I'm warning you.

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I don't know if I should be a Lalatinafag or Aquafag. Please convince me and help me take a side.

Attached: a3889.jpg (848x1359, 501K)

>I don't know
You're obviously an Aquachad.

Aqua has granny titties

Why won't more anime animate titties like konosuba did? god they were so good compared to the bog standard balloon design or 'no movement' designs

You mean shit.

retard alert

Attached: 1556668495372.gif (240x320, 200K)

Aqua is so hot


I want Aqua to dominate and humiliate me.

>using the N word in 2019
Imagine being this pathetic



I love both and wiz

Despite making up only 13% of the population


Despite making up 13% of the population, Aqua fanatics cause:
> 99% of all public disturbances
>94% of all thefts that are later deposited in their cult
>76% of all murders although in their case it's 'sacrificial'
>88% of all kidnappings or more like 'force conversion'
>92% of all terrorist attacks although mainly aimed at Eris churches
>97% of all drug related crime although in their case it's 'blessed drugs'
>90% of all public violence

Attached: file.png (225x350, 136K)

Based Axis-cult.

Why is it called the Axis cult anyway?

Because Aqua is literally hitler

That seems pretty rude towards Hitler.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Youjo Senki - 05 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_00.50_[2019.04.16_23.33.20].jpg (1280x720, 87K)


WTF I love Aqua now


Hitler was retarded enough kill himself lmao,Aqua was retarded enough to be restrained into another world with a NEET,i don't see a difference
would see hitler isekai'd imo


Attached: Screenshot - 5_9_2019 , 12_30_00 AM.png (1366x768, 1.6M)

found the checkmark twitterfag

>anime literally starts off with Hitler putting a bullet in his head
What happens next?

Does Kazuma ever feel anything sexual for Aqua, even if her personality/stupidity repulses him?

Attached: KonoSuba Game Aqua's CG.mp4_snapshot_00.17_[2017.10.19_20.32.35.jpg (1280x720, 758K)

I'm actually interested in this...

Attached: TUP.jpg (600x600, 90K)

>go to heaven
>turns out the jews were right

Please submit to this drunken retard

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I hope not, that goddess is mine and mine alone.

I want to see Hitler reincarnated as a cute boy


isn't Hitler getting isekai'd literally the premise of Tanya the Evil?


Thank you Kazuma, you've stopped anti-necrotism. Now I am free to roam this earth!

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Attached: stopthat3.gif (600x338, 293K)

i hate u

You can't escape.

Attached: 1556729864126.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Nope. Tanya was a salaryman athiest.

Nice try, but no.

stop bullying me!

Attached: crying_15.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Aqua is the greatest!

Attached: 1557045084466.gif (240x320, 235K)

And the bestest!

Attached: 1557384347662.gif (635x622, 329K)

I need more of the shiny Aquas! Please post more.

Attached: 1457028582793.png (1196x1674, 1.03M)

I want to pamper Aqua, please her every whim and constantly reassure her that she is very smart! Preferably while she treats me like trash!

Get off of 4channel, Aqua.

>being a mayoboy in 2019