Otaku hate used goods!

>otaku hate used goods!
>Chris is the most popular symphogear
What did otaku mean by this?

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That she's best girl

The show never explicitly shows Chris having sex, so they can still deny it actually happened.

Honestly more anime characters should be sexually active. Purity-fags be damned.

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Maybe with Fine, but girls don't count as uses.

Wait seriously? I never watched the show but I always assumed it was yuri. Picked up, I love girls that explore their sexualities before marriage.

CHRIS SINGS to old men for money!

It is, and you're a fucking retard degenerate.

They are all a cuck inside

Getting molested as a kid isn't "exploring sexuality"

>I never watched the show but I always assumed it was yuri
Pretty spot on for not having watched it.

Attached: Movie Night.webm (650x340, 407K)

>otaku hate used goods
>CC is the most popular Code Geass
"Otaku" don't hate non-virgins, they hate bait-and-switch, like a girl is built up to be pure but then the narrative contradicts that. If a girl was treated like shit, that just makes her sympathetic. The "used goods" meme is perpetuated by weebs trying too hard to be "otaku" and going full retard.

Attached: yande.re 25229 ass bottomless c.c. cheese-kun code_geass dress_shirt no_bra open_shirt tabata_hisayu (6170x4055, 1.95M)

She was raped repeatedly by mexican druglords before she hit puberty.

Two good reasons right there.

mexicans are as tiny as nips so its ok

Any source on that?

Then why are there so many of them?

yes, it's in season one, go watch the show

I love this dork

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No condoms

I've watched it multiple times. There is nothing like that in anywhere, not to mention she doesnt act like she has any experience.

Rape doesn't undo purity, just consensual sex. That's purityfag logic for you.

I wish I was Fine's sex toy.

But Maria is the biggest geah and no one likes her.

I like Maria. Her body, at least. And her voice.

congrats, you figured out it was all a meme
which answers OP's question


>but I always assumed it was yuri

It is. Don't get delusional

Attached: symphogay.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: this is what miku is like in bed.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

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Yuri denied.

It should be noted that while it is very gay, it's more than just yuri stuff. It's an action series with singing magical girls, I just don't have any action webms small enough to post here because I only have ones with sound.

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Chris is probably the straightest of the Geah's. The rest of them are raging lesbians, indeed.

Yeah, it's like cute badass lesbians doing cute and/or badass things.
Like suplexing a motherfucking mountain.

No, they punched through a mountain and suplexed a space shuttle. Get it right, please.

The other characters are just that awful.

Ah right, I apologize. It's been a while since it first aired.

akane from ssss.griam is so beautiful

Her size may be bigger, but Chris has bigger proportions.

who cares /u/fags are mentally ill and need to get the rope

Post not!Akane

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I really don't feel like rewatching the first season now, but it's definitely explained at some point.

Maria isn't!

t. Maria

Like said it's only implied at one point. You can just deny it if your really care.

It's in the scene where she first meets Genjirou, and she asks him if he wants to be her new pimp. And yes, they word for selling sex was explicitly used.

Based Genjirou

What are Chris' rates?

Akane a cute.

The city fight in the second half of ep 8? No she doesn't. They hardly say anything at all.

There's nothing in the abandoned apartment scene in the next ep.

Fine abused her, but I'm calling bullshit.

It was by me so don't worry