Yea Forums told me this was a masterpiece. Four episodes in and it's passable at best.
What don't you like?
I never finished the anime, but I did read the manga. It was a decade ago but I got more out of it then watching the anime. Still think the anime is good though, Vash is the coolest kid.
>QUALITY everywhere
>Vash is all over the place as a character
>every other character is a one-dimensional gag
>bullets literally never hit, making gunfights less impactful
>setting feels like a shitty open world game
>Vash is all over the place as a character
Care to extrapolate?
>every other character is a one-dimensional gag
>>Vash is all over the place as a character
>>bullets literally never hit, making gunfights less impactful
finish the series before criticizing it you fucking retard
Read the manga, that is the true masterpiece
>Whining when only in the first arc.
>how DARE you criticize an anime you've spent 90 minutes watching!
you can criticize whatever you want, no one has to stay to listen to your inane bullshit though
gotta love taking reviews from people that watched the whole series and pretending watching 4 episodes is the same product!! ha~ha! never change Yea Forums!
What's wrong with you ? Four episodes is nothing for a show like this, Vash is not a funny clown, it's one of the most depressed main character but obviously, you don't know that shit with 4 episodes
And instead watch a whole series you don’t enjoy? Retard spotted
Watch the whole thing bruh
The tone drastically changes throughout the whole series, and in my opinion gets much better. Kinda like eureka seven in that aspect
It's by no means a masterpiece and has a notable amount of flaws, it's a 8/10 at an absolute best but people really like how it takes on the idea of pacifism at full force. It doesn't faithfully adapt the manga and goes down a different path. I don't think the manga has the same problems as the anime, so give that a go or stick with the anime if manga isn't your thing.
>bullets literally never hit, making gunfights less impactful
Gee, why isn't the pacifist shooting people?
Sorry, but I choose a new guns and gore series. And it does skimp out on the real bloody stuff.
The first half is significantly different in tone than the second, but it is necessary nonetheless. I found it to pick up once the priest was introduced around episode 9 from memory.
just watch the 20 or 21 episode, it's a summary episode. this show is fucking garbage
Don't worry man its shit.
Everyone was recommending it to me until i watched it with a friend.We both didn't like it.Everyone except Vash and Wolf were shit tier characters.The setting was boring as hell,it made me sleepy a.k.a a poor mans wild west.
I can talk all day about why i didnt like this shit but i have better things to do.The only thing i liked about Trigun was the movie.
tl.dr It was boring