
Is this, dare I say the best debut film made by a director not from an artistic background? While the art direction isn't that unique, Okada shines through her subtle writing when it comes to drama and creating an unprecedented emotional impact during certain scenes. Not saying she hasn't had some lows but when getting full control, she certainly made the most out of it to the point of making Makoto Shinkai jealous.

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Okada was in the position of director back then during her initial career in other medium.

I found it boring as fuck like pretty much everything she does.

>Ariel screams and cries for her not to leave him
>walks away for no clear reason and never sees him again except for two minutes or so, 60+ years down the road, when he's on his deathbed

Heartless bitch.

Memorable movie.
I really wished they would have made it into a 13 episode series. There's a lot of the world left to be explored. I would even read a LN of it if it were available. I want to have sex with Maquia. The side plots were useless and not well done. I really liked Maquia's story. All the flashbacks in the end should have been implemented throughout the movie more.

Isn't her new film coming out this fall as well?

She did great for a debut film.

Hold on tightly let go lightly. One day you will understand user.

Well she is miles ahead of the uninspired literatal dogshit made by kyoanus like violet evergarden.

No user I actually don't have any idea what you're talking about

But that is wrong.

basically women are cunts

I liked it. The city with the massive waterwheels was cool. Pairs nicely with The Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki because of the themes of motherhood and growing up.

What happened?


It was difficult to handle, but seems like she got a lot of knowledge from that posiiton.

Do your best to raise your kid. Understand that sheltering and doing everything for them will lead them to become useless and resentful. Leave, knowing that they will struggle but have the capacity to overcome it. Hurts for both parties. Kid eventually understands how much parents did for them.

You’re probably a nigger so you never had these types of relationships.

this was a very good movie

Animation was top tier and Maquia was cute.
This movie made me feel really good. I love it.

Nope. VG has everything to be a good drama but fucked it by with a bad script, bland direction and melodramatic character writing. Bright colours and Photoshop filters can't make up for that

It was shit, forced 'sad' endings are gay.

>forced 'sad' endings