
Think about it.
>The girl that Kazuma pushed away IS Aqua. >After the incident everything turned into a fantasy game with Kazuma's first real interaction in the world being Aqua.
>They both got hit by the truck and suffered head injuries. As they were left comatose in the hospital a very surreal experience occurred and their consciousness linked together to form a world where only the two of them are real. The real Aqua (name unknown) is also a gamer.
>When the author gets sick of his gravy train he will close up the world and Kazuma will meet Aqua irl similar to how Kirito met Azuna after SAO. They will know each other well but not exactly well because Aqua unconsciously chose a Mary Sue version of herself over her real self due to self esteem issues.

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I like aqua and hope she wins even though it will never happen

I'm going to use the Absolute Drain Touch and permanently depower Aqua, then I'll hand her over to the Demon King army and they'll mock her in pillory for an entire week

But it will. The only alternatives are either a literal retarded kid or a creepy pervert, which are ridiculous.

Are Aqua fags the Kuroneko fags of this decade?

I like Aqua, but having her win the Kazumabowl would be disgusting. They are more brother and sister than anything. And not in the degenerate Oreimo way.

Didn't Eres win in the WN?

I hate that Konosuba took the romance plot. It always seems to be out of place.
But if the author HAS to include it, in all honesty Aqua should be the one.

I like aqua and hope she wins the demon lord king race and make the world a better place, where every one is a fine follower of the Axis, or sacred turn undead. Fucking heretic faggots.

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Is this the "deluded kazuqua thread" again?
Have they not learned that Darkness has a higher chance than her, and she isnt winning either?

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Daily reminder that there's literally nothing threatening the status quo.

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Prime example of mental gymnastics at work

Oh snap

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>Nevermind, the whole universe is a lie, they were all just dreaming.
Can be said for literally any fantasy show. Possibly the most boring theories.

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Yunyun is kissing a girl!!

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Nope. Because she will win.

give me 1 logical and story accurate reason as to why suddenly Kazuma would choose Aqua instead of Megumin or Darkness

She is too cocky and always pisses off people, some day she will meet her end.
She will obviously choose a sweaty faceless fat old man instead of Kazuma.

I said, give me a reason why Kazuma would choose Aqua, not dump Megumin or Darkness.
Darkness maybe, but Megumin you are talkin completely out of your ass

There is a rule. First girl wins. Beside she is the one understanding him the most.

>Megumin's house
Isn't it a woeful sight?

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Of course, how could i totally forget the ""RULE"" that only applies to some anime. I completely forgot.
And also, just because she comprehends Kazuma the most, he would automatically go with her. Of course

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Retards don't win unless the author takes a special level of crazy pills like Color Wars/Demon King Demon King's author did

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Yunyun has gone crazy!

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>ip doesnt move
>only 1 yun poster before
samefagging so hard again?

Sweet, a new pic for my folder.

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Yunyun is a friendless loser!

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>iPhone filenames

I'm still not sure whose worse: Megumin phonefag or the Aqua autists, especially the saturated colors one and the fake Aquafag who only wants to escalate the pointless shipping battles

How long until she snaps?

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Columbine Yunyun is never gonna happen

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I'd rather have a Lalatina.

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Usually, when you try to find a partner, you go for an understanding one.

>coping this hard
I kind of feel bad

>male character surrounded by girls
>not inevitably leading to romcom hijinks

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And she did it all or power.
Aqua is a war criminal.

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An old skelly once said: the weak should fear the strong.

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>understanding anything

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I like Aqua, but Kazuma and her wouldn't work as a couple. At best there would be awkward drunken sex, the sort of people agree to never mention again.


>jobs to frogs
Pick one.

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>Aqua and Kazuma wouldn't work as a couple
But they worked together just fine all along. You're just not seeing the forest for the trees. Maybe go see a doctor soon.

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t. Aqua

She's much rather muscle laborers who actually respect her party tricks.

Based frogbro

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Aqua is only good for frog food.

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I want there to be an episode where Aqua proclaims her love to Kazuma, but Kazuma sister-zones Aqua

Frogs are not evil or undead. Her attack spells have no effect on them.


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Rem is going to win. Cap it faggot.

> Megumim is the most popular character in the show
> Megumim already confessed her love for Kazuma and he accepted it
> Aqua still wins in the end because muh first girl
yeah ok

they were born the same day in that world, so they are basically twins.
Hot, I want them to be canon

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Jesus Christ why don't they have one of the parents go and become an adventurer to pay the bills?

>Shipping Aqua and Kazuma
Bad, incest is wrong.


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good, incest is hot

I would be her friend and we would eat pizza and hang out