He is still watching anime over 30 years old.
He is still watching anime over 30 years old
>Sataniashitter hasn't watched original Mobile Suit Gundam
no, i only watch new anime
based amuro poster
Jokes on you, I only just hit 30.
i stopped watching anime 6-7 years ago
Don't you have iToddlers to BTFO over in /g/, Satania?
>trying to shitpost with an evil character
>proceeds to moralfag about anime
Maybe you should pick a different character to represent yourself. Satania would approve of people not contributing to society.
Try 40 kiddo
almost there senpai
I quit anime once I realized nothing will ever top Hunter x Hunter, I only come here to shitpost
>that pin
Nice try, schlomo
I'm pushing 60. My first anime was in B&W on a TV with 4 channels.
Why the fuck would I watch anime from 30 years ago?
Offer an alrernative.
How to cope with turning 30? I only have one more year.
brain in lolibot
Please tell me at least you read manga, that way it wouldn't be as sad that you can't leave this place
>be 26 yrs old
>use iphone
>watch anime and read manga
Try me senpai
I have 7 years until then, but i'm already scared of it. What if i don't change until/even when i hit 30? Will i die as a useless neet? It hurts bro
you'll be the same as you are now only with more money, probably.
You can still be over 30 and be a working neet. Neet is a state of mind, i work like a slave but still just play vgs and watch anime when i'm free. No wifes,no children, free as a bird. So you can do it too, i've just hit 36 yo.
Just get a job nigga
hey! fuck you kid
I mean there is a lot to watch.
this. I choose having a job to fight off the boredom and learn something new. it’s where I can talk to people if I choose to. it also beats the never-ending depression of not doing anything all day. I’d do anything to not feel that again.
What do you work in?
I just turned 30. I want to die
Touristic bus driver, i take ppl around in italy, i live in tuscany so a lot of ppl from the states and around the world in general.
Just think of it as your second twenties. That's what I'm going to do.
I only read manga, a medium for literate adults.
It's great, your parents finally give up on you and resign themselves to your mental deficiency
yeah i still read manga
this. 31 year old here and all i want to do is die already. Doesn't help that i have pretty bad IBS either
I'm 35, i still like anime and go to cons, when I can. I'm a tenured highschool teacher in a pretty small town (about 20,000 people). I try to hide my powerlevel at school. Single, no kids or family anymore... a few friends... I'm starting to get depressed and sick of life and anime these days. I can't even pick up a video game anymore. Starting to realize maybe I should get in a relationship. Getting old sucks. On the bright side I'm 6 foot 5 attractive and slim I just can't find anyone I can share my anime obsession with.
Well you're going to get your wish sooner than later friend
If you were truly attractive then you'd just be able to convert any girl into liking anime, and the girls would be coming to you. Dumb blogshitter.
>not even 20 yet
I might be a zoomer but at least I'm not a bitter old asshole who thinks making hating popular and current things makes me interesting
>He is over 30 years old and still watching anime.
>only 5 years left till I'm 30
How did this happen? I don't like this.
So you shit a lot?
Drawing anime feels even worse when you get old. Over 30 you mentally still feel young and enjoy what you always have, but drawing cartoon kids takes a new level of low socially. If you get there don't ever admit to anything and post online if you have to, or get ready for the appropriate judgment.
It's the only thing keeping me sane at this point.
I'm hoping I get cancer or something so I can just fucking die without the stigma and trauma suicide would cause for my family. I don't see myself watching anime at 30 because I'm struggling to even enjoy anything now.
I'll be on my 30s on 27th of this month, you fag.
Yeah they do that. I don't like it though... I need a real nerd girl.
Nerd girls tend to be roasties unless they're horrendously ugly.
I know. I hate that.
>implying watching GOT and other live action TV shows is better
Tell yourself that a lot of people making anime are as old if not older than you are, passionate about it, and not giving a shit.
Watching Anime always leads to ridicule, regardless of your circumstances. If that was going to stop us, it would have ages ago.
Have kids.
Isn't it "cool" and "nerdy" to watch anime now?
Elon Musk does it, hasn't it gone mainstream like this nowadays?
HEH, just wait kid.
There's "nerdy" and there's nerdy. Cool kids just take whatever term they want and use it however they please. The kids who actually watch anime are never actually considered cool. Also, Elon Musk is an eccentric weirdo.
Socially speaking it is.
And objectively speaking?
objectively none of it fucking matters one tiny bit.
Maybe on the Internet. The same place where trannys and the like have a large presence even though being like less than 1% of people. In the real world (offline), things work differently. You are going to be looked at in a poor light in most circumstances as an adult who indulges in anime related hobbies.
I am 31 years old and want to fuck that devil
My girlfriend is 35 and she watches anime with me sometimes.
If she can do it, what's wrong with men doing it?