The season sucks

Anyone else taking a break from currently airing anime?

I'm working on my backlog of manga right now

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this season is infact pretty bad

Yea Forums says this every season but I honestly don't disagree.

A lot of stuff looked pretty cute leading up to the season. Sorta disapointed with most of it.

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>Fairy Gone
>good shorts
I'm enjoying it.

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watch bocchi

I'm still enjoying Bocchi but that's about it.

I'll never understand people who treat backlogs as a secondary thing to use when there's nothing good airing. Even in seasons when I watched dozens of ongoing anime, I still spent most of my time on my backlogs.

Sarazanmai and Carol & Tuesday make it worth for me, Dororo dropped the quality but I'm still enjoying it.

maybe take a break from life?

>loads of originals
>Yea Forums hates it because they don't even watch originals
Like clockwork.

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This season isn't bad. Kimetsu and Fruits Basket are great adaptations so far, and Sarazanmai's been entertaining as hell. There's probably a bunch more watchable shit that I haven't had time to look into yet.

its not great. my theory is nobody wanted to compete with OPM and Titan so they sent in their b-list. knock on wood that means fall will have a lot of good shows.
robi and fairy are decent, but the shorts is the big problem for me i don't like 11 minute stories. that winter show that was basically Lewd girl dexter's lab was the exception. My favorite so far this season other than OPM is that Demon Blade show. really surprised me it looked like shit but its good so far

I'm waiting for GJM subs.

It's true that people cocmplain evry season, but this one genuinely is completely terrible. But that's what backlog is for. I've just finished Gridman and Akanesasu Shoujo, and now I'm choosing between Symphoqueers, Gen'ai and maybe even episode 20 of Aria the Natural. Don't want to rush that though, I started in 2006.

What's good then, mein neiger?

This season is unironic normie filter. There isn't many 'mainstream' shows this season, so people call it bad. Sorry there isn't as many isekais to gobble up.

Please tell us more, fellow anime enthusiast.

Sarazanmai is all you need.

There's a lot of bad shows this season but more importantly there's no show that makes me go "I HAVE TO STOP EVERYTHING I'M DOING TO WATCH THIS".
Every season last year had at least one show like that so finally getting a season without that makes it feel specially bad.

how does it feel to be a flaming faggot?

It's one of the worst in recent memory. Everything I'm watching is either a later cour or season aside from that ufotable one

nah, that user's right. if you think this season is bad, you probably have shit taste.

I though no one else besides me watched this.

We're the only two people who watched it, but that picture has spread around a lot for some reason.
Most people probably think it's a girl.

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This season is just exceptionally bad/boring. I can usually get at least five shows I'm interested in to watch but this time I'm only doing two.

Current plan is also to read more manga at the moment.

Wait is not a girl? Sorry the storyline was sincerely hard for me to follow and later just grabbed info from wiki to learn of the events contained in cards descriptions.

I might have shit taste but at least I'm not a flaming faggot, faggot

This season is not bad!
They just lowered the quality so their viewers can progress their backlogs!

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The season does kinda suck but there are still some good shows but yes there is a lot of garbage this season.

I rarely agree with statements like those but this season is in fact pretty weak, although there's still watchable stuff here and there.
The biggest issue with this season is just how strong Winter was with really great stuff like Kemurikusa, Mob 2 and W'z. Yes I'm serious.

>Akanesasu Shoujo
What did you think of it?

Zetsuboushita! Yea Forums's inability to find decent shows this season has left me in despair!

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>admits to having shit taste
>denies being a faggot
thanks for the laugh, user.

so to you and all the shit-eaters you quoted: what seasons in recent memory had above average quality, and what specifically did they have to offer?

No, that was last season. There is literally not a single good show this season.

don't choke on those cocks while you laugh, faggot

everything alright at home, kid?

I don't remember there being a story.
Are we talking about the same show? Strange+?

Based choices.
I would say Symphogear just because S5 is coming up next season.

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I was going to watch Senko-san, but I'm already caught up with the manga and got lazy, so right now I'm reading ISLAND instead.

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All the best shows have dead threads. Don't you dare pretend it's a bad season when you're not even watching the best chunk of it.

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Not that poster but that show had some incredible episodes. A couple single episodes of that show rank up REALLY high for me, especially the western one. Overall it let me down with shitty CG and not that great a story but it had some super fun moments.

>complaining about the decent CG when the 2D was 10x worse

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There are a few long running shows starting or ending this season I'm following, like Jojo, Karakuri, Shield Hero, Dororo, Fruits Basket, Kimetsu, Yu-No, and Carole & Tuesday. Shows like Senko-san, Bocchi, and Senryuu Shoujo are cute. Kenja no Mago is shamelessly trashy isekai but I can't help but enjoy it. Fairy Gone is disappointing, and Bokuben is kind of too much of a generic harem romcom for me. It does seem like a weak season overall I guess.

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The climax of the story was really good and made it memorable for me. That entire last arc was great.

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Is it good?

It's alright so far.

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It has its moments but it basically went consistently downhill until the last episode of the first arc, which was an improvement (but not amazing). Bad pacing and inconsistent tone.

No. The high amount of short shows, and two days only having one simulcasted show I'm interested in make it feel pretty comfy but I'm still watching almost as many shows as the usual and having fun with them all.

>lots of short shows you can fit into any schedule
>"man fuck shorts I don't have time for those. I wish they were full length instead"
It's pretty hilarious how those people complain about everything.

Just finished watching Yuuki Yuuna and I had a blast.
I've got one joke man, dororo, fairy gone, kimetsu no yaiba and shieldbro for this season, though.
Fairy Gone is kind of shit, but the music makes up for it.