This nigga just die

this nigga just die

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Which one's that, they all look the same.
The one with the heart condition that should have died playing that one game when he was 10?

yep, that one

His heart disease get magically cured already though, or is it the VA?

schneider fire shooted and he received the ball with his chest

It was Iker Casillas fault

>Genius naturally talented soccer player whose only flaw is a degenerative heart condition
>Stop a ball that's probably literally on fire traveling 500 mph with his heart

Attached: Self Destruct.gif (148x111, 264K)

Damn, Schneider is a murderer now.


Karl Heinz "Psycho Killer" Schneider
first Genzo Wakabayashi's back is cut like it was made by a sword and now Jun Misugi stopping a fire shot with his torso.

Attached: panzer_on_fire.jpg (699x500, 42K)

Misugi vs Schneider

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>Point blank
Holy crap he really was a genius, F

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Oh dang, I thought it was gonna be one of those "He pulled through to play the last 5 minutes out of sheer determination and respect for the game" shticks again
I don't think he's getting up after this one

38 years.
You've had 38 goddamn years to learn how to draw, Yoichi, and you're still doing this shit.

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It's just the perspective, bro.

His parents allowing him to play was so fucking retarded. This anime was literally telling kids that is okay to risk their lives for something as retarded as amateur football.

Newsflash, 99,9% of the kids who play football lose interest at college.

So the series is actually ending?

manga is called Rising Sun in Madrid Oympics



Why this faggot didn't become a DT or something? In the world of Captain Tsubasa, soccer is for demigods

Is this the thot patroller?


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schneider of murder

Misugi got a magical threatment for his illness. Shit writing I guess. Also Schneider's shot power is god tier

That was my point. Soccer players are demigods in the Tsubasa universe. Being really good at strategy and driving is useless against these monsters

He's obviously coming back and showing why he's a potential tsubasa rival.

Holy shit


What the hell, this manga is still ongoing???

That's right user. Long life Captain Tsubasa and thanks for this thread

Check Captain Tsubasa Rising Sun in Madrid.

>in Madrid.
The most based and redpilled rival Rivaul appears?

Friendly reminder this guy is the only GK Japan NT has in this match

Of course in Brazil olympic national team. They were in Group Stage against China, Senegal and Germany.

Attached: morisaki.png (1038x1068, 806K)

Jesus fuck are you serious?

Madrid Olympics Final Stage
Spain vs Mexico (ended read the manga for results)
Japan vs Germany (printing)
France vs USA
Brazil vs Argentina

it's more likely than you think

captain tsubasa thread?

This whole time I've been wondering. How is Schneider not going to be arrested? He almost killed Genzo and killed Misugi.
How does justice work in CT?

>try arresting him
>he kicks you
no thanks I'd rather keep my shins

Seems like they weren't prepared for that. Bad shit there.

Its part of the risk involved when playing football

He is a super human that can kick balls so hard they combust, how the fuck are you going to arrest him?

Just bring a red card with you

he doesn't even have the highest shot impact power in all of captain tsubasa and even if he did have they could just use narcotics from afar

>final match ever
>leading with away goals
>Tsubasa's team concedes a goal in the last minute
>VAR disallows it
The ultimate shounen ass pull?

a real player says no to drugs

just like ajax and cruyff...

>How does justice work in CT?
Players have special legal privileges in tsubasa's world.

It's either Akai's time to shine, Formation change or a Libero Shingo asspull

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I wish more opponents would also get injured. I get that the author has to nerf Japan players, but this is not fair.

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>it's more likely than you think
no it's not, goalkeepers get hit worse than that on a daily basis (trainings and shit) and there isn't a registered dead like that
he must have had a condition or something like the other fag

>this guy is the only GK Japan NT has in this match
what? why? he sucked balls

Genzo is hospitalized because Schneider sliced his back like it was ham.
Wakashimazu was subbed out because he got a minor injury at his leg. He also plays as a fw now

Sleep tight sweet prince

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I'm looking foreward for the next chapter, I like how this is turning out.

The proportions prevent me from taking this seriously

Is David Production 2018 anime good starting point to Captain Tsubasa?

Yep, it's fun as heck.

the biggest loser is still morisaki

Yet he plays in the national team for the olympic games, what is your accomplishment?

the autor drawing technique keep gettin worse and worse

>Tsubasa wanted to play soccer in Brazil so he could be like Pele
>"nah fuck that. I want to be like Platini. Europe is where it's at"
It's funny how he changed his mind so quickly

Schneider will get a Red card for this right?
Even in CT's world you shouldn't be allowed to kill other players.

>tsubasa never played in england
lmao weak mind just like messi

>ManU league with occasional Chelsea/Arsenal/Man City
>Now it's Man City league with occasional Liverpool
lol no

Who could realistically replace him ?, the only one i could think of is Akai from Sampdoria

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Damn user

not jobbing

>they made Schneider a murderer
What the hell

What are you talking about? His art has gotten drastically worse with each new year. It's not a lack of understanding how to draw, it's continuously getting a pass for this shit until it became his "style".

What do you mean "just"? Is this shit still going on? Are they playing soccer in their 50s or something?

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If you stand up and look at the screen from above, it almost looks normal

>little angels dancing around
>one of them is blowing a fucking trumpet
Is this scene supposed to be emotional?

Is just me or the art in this manga is fucking awful?

Stop mocking my faith you fedora tipping neet tard

>Captain Tsubasa and Saint Seiya inspired an entire generation of BL artists, fueled the yaoi doujin market and SS even created the yaoi term.
>Yoichi Takahashi and Masami Kurumada never learned to draw
That explain a lot about yaoi's questionable art

my fucking sides

In your faith the angels dance happily when you die? Feel like mocking to me

when you die, you're one with Mr God. it's a happy time for you.