What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: MY BRAIN TREMBLES.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Too much fiber

Because Satella wanted Subaru's love.

He had to be in Re:0

Is this what happens to people who bite their fingernails ?

why the fuck does everyone think hes trans.

Attached: 1480887917713.jpg (697x529, 36K)

Pandora made him kill his elf waifu

they are mentally ill and need to be put down

Abigail made him go insane

Attached: R4o4.jpg (1126x1600, 283K)

He was a life lesson to young Japanese men. Hes literally an example of a nice guy white knight and a massive loser because of it.

He and Subaru were very much alike. Subaru just learned the error of his 8ncel ways.

what is 'he' then

I swear I've seen this exact thread with these exact replies before.

Remember. You’re here forever

he's a he dumbass.

you stupid fuck, do you think just because someone likes to put on girl's clothes that makes them trans? Am I trans then? fuck off you mentally ill piece of shit

Couple mentally ill trannies aren't everyone, you fucking retard.

thanks user, I always knew this was a show for degenerates.

Hes literally a white knight nice guy. He and Subaru arent do different. Subaru just learned the error of his ways.

Too much ice cream too fast.


He was too good for this show. It was suddenly fun to watch this show everytime he was on the screen. Everyone's reaction to him was pretty mellow considering how over the top he was so he felt like he didn't belong. Also while we're talking about him, did Subaru end him by writing his end in that gospel or was it actually lame and he just got stuck in the wheel?

His brain was trembling constantly its pretty normal to have serious brain problems.

what actually was the whole "brain trembling" shit about?
