Why do loli animes always flop?

why do loli animes always flop?

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Because they’re garbage



Lolicon are pirates


They don’t flop


why do Yea Forums threads have bait titles?

What are the odds neither will be deleted?

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Why should the titty thread be deleted?
Are you gay?

Why should this thread be deleted?
Are you gay?

As long as they reach the Manabi Line, it's fine

With the mods being like they are, 100%.

How would you do it with the colors?

The Colors would be doing you.

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ATTN: Gaylord Scantillator that deleted the chapters for meme reasons
CC: Anybody who downloaded the chapters
Reupload the Colors’ chapters Mangodex
you goober pleaaaase

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>delete everything i don’t like

ok kid

I wish they'd delete all tripfaggots. With bullets.

Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.

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They don't flop, posters on Yea Forums just have uninformed expectations on how an anime 'should' perform based on how readily available disc sales are compared to other data. You don't see anyone making threads about which adaptations bolstered the source materials sales the most and which did nothing. You don't see threads about merch, online streaming, foreign presence, etc.

People try to read more from disc sales than is actually possible, meanwhile the physical medium becomes less relevant every year.

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>Full House
Only loli anime with inferior fan service flop.

>likes to be dominated by a girl

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This is age of cakes

Is she naked?

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Because only degenerates watch them and that’s not enough of an audience

>Yuru Yuri
>GochiUsa (90% of Japs watched it solely for Chino and her friends)
>Prisma Illya

>only four

In what universe did the Colors flop? What did I miss?

u wot m8

what are you on about? sales were shit

>"degeneracy" doesn't sell
Look around you. Then go back to /pol/.

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Colors only failed because of this bitch

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There aren't many shows out there that focus solely on lolis. (Depending on your definition of loli, but the vast majority of CGDCT shows focus on post-pubescent girls.)

There's usually only one or two per season at most. This season only has Bocchi (and even that is debatable), last season only had Wataten, the season before that only had Tonari no Kyuuketsuki (again debatable), etc...

Sales numbers were actually pretty bad. Fuck Japan.

Best girl, go fuck yourself.

Me in the center

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Me getting punched in the center

Me sneaking a peek at Yui's pantsu

B-but her legs are closed

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just let me imagine okay

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>disgusting old hag is best girl
Kill yourself, faggot.

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>"How embarassing"

>other thread got deleted




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Has anyone figured out this one retarded anti-loli mod sleeping pattern? It's the only way we can have threads now.

Just make another one in an hour or so.

I'm not autistic enough to care.