Isn't she one of the greatest characters of all time?

Isn't she one of the greatest characters of all time?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I tried rewatching this show and saw all the flaws. She keeps regressing as a character and there's a lot of filler padded out content and pointless episodes.

She’s got nice boobs and a nice butt

What about her badass moves though, Keyblade/ Lightsaber throwing the Scissor and the Sonic spinning and all the DONT LOSE YOUR WAY moments

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>She keeps regressing as a character
Impressive that even after rewatching the series you could be this wrong. But please, tell me where she supposedly "regressed".
>there's a lot of filler padded out content and pointless episodes
There is absolutely no filler or pointless episodes.

another mindless triggertard


I think this show is too zoomer for me to understand.

It's funny because KLK is joke full of fantastic characters.

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Wait. It's choke full, isn't it.

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So other than being unable to quote and throwing around ad hominem, you have no arguments? I asked you a question, where are the regression, filler and pointless episodes?

No, she's not even the best in her own series

Yes you ESL subhuman

It's "chock full"

she is definitely one of the cutest

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You mean to post Satsuki?

all of the characters in klk were fantastic; except maybe inumuta. and ryuko is perfect.

Nah you're just a brainlet.

Kill la kill snaps me out of my psychosis

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>TriggerNiggers still trying to push their meme anime as anything but mindless drivel

Are they the shounen version of Nichishitfags?

>trigger bread
>immediately joke[sic!] full of koyanitards flinging shit all over the place
rent free

She is one of the greatest characters for porn. Which does make her one of the greatest ever in my books

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I love risu

Imagine hating fun THIS much

>those tits
Muh dick
>that blush
Muh heart

Kill la Kill is a great anime desu, it's just fun all around and manages to be a great parody by making nudity an actual major plotpoint.
The animation is 10/10 too, they managed to use the low budget to their benefit.

OP we all know damn well that you made this thread because of the last one, dont fucking lie.

what a fucking ride.

i cant decide if i love ryuko or satsuki more.

Top tier character design. I have no idea why I find it so aesthetic.

I don't know about one the greatest of all time, but certainly one of the greatest of her archetype.

Greatest character design, at least, yes.

He meant "cock full"

she's one of the girls i want to prone bone the most at least

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Ryuko is for wholesome passionate lovemaking
prove me wrong
protip: you can't

Best girl marries second best girl

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Her sister certainly is

Have sex

>t. nonon

Nonon pleases old men for grades

drink milk

My girlfriend Ryuuko is very cute

Why do these threads even exists when Satsuki is undoubtedly superior in every way

Tomboys like Ryuuko are inherently more fun to bully

Ryuuko does more things to my heart

Thats how you know for sure she is best girl

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fuck off jakuzure, your waifu shilling wont work here.

not even the best girl that uses scissors as a weapon

Ryuko is literally shadow the hedgehog as an anime girl

Not an argument

I don't know about the most well written character or anything, but damn if she isn't fuckin cute and entertaining to watch

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can we continue the ryuko mindbreak rape fantasizing from last thread please?

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i dunno, id say shes pretty well written for the most part.

do you think she spends time with her imouto?

no but i still love her

Inumuta's cool, just underutilized outside his exposition/technobabble role and what gags he got were more subtle than the rest. And I can't imagine the Elite Four without him. They need at least one cool head to balance them out and he and Nonon had good bants.

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yes please. the parts about torturing ryuko to break satsuki by proxy were great.

Not really, no.

The only good part about this trash show that is only praised by brainlets and people who barely watch anime, is when you could see ryukos stinky buttcrack at times

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Maybe to shallow waifufags.

ryuko is best girl

How could she be when she's from one of the worst anime of all time ?


It's just sisters bonding


and this

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I remember when I saw the first PV, thinking 'this chick is gonna be badass'. I was right. KLK was fucking great but it had the potential to be legendary. Honestly I think it should have been 13 episodes and strictly focused on the school. The idea of a rebellious outsider overtaking an overpowered student government was plenty of fuel to make a badass show. I feel it reached beyond its' means a bit. I love it, but I can see would it could have been.

Has Trigger ever made a halfway decent anime?
Are they even capable of it?

>can we continue the ryuko mindbreak rape fantasizing from last thread please?
This sums up the average triggernigger.

>implying you wouldn't mindbreak Ryuko

Best girl marries best girl's sailor uniform

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No but she's cute so whatever

Intake söy.


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i though klk was generally well liked; why's everyone in this thread so angry?

Because people like to show how gay they are in anonimity.

Uh, archive links?

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The end of this thread was a wild ride

I only want to see Ryuko happy

>game is adding a Ryuko storyline
>after she loses to Satsuki early on she literally joins Nui to train and become strong enough to kill Satsuki


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Is this real? Where can you see the cutscenes?


She's great, but her sister is better.


How can one person be so wrong?

Being tortured and raped together while chained up and helpless in a cage is the best way for Ryko and satsuki to bond.

Where did you read this?

The last thread went from 0 tio 100 real quick,I gotta admit that.

Remember when compared this shit show to TTGL?

Which one of them do you think would give in and start torturing the other one first?

I'd say it's a 50/50 chance for either of them. Satsuki has an iron will, but ryuko is stronger because of life fibers.

How do you think their torture styles would differ? I like to imagine Ryuuko being overcome with blind hatred and just trying to hurt Satsuki, while Satsuki would surprisingly break out of her serious character upon turning "evil" and get a new smug arrogant persona, making her derive enjoyment out of embarrassing Ryuuko and finding it hotter the more she makes Ryuuko turn red with embarrassment.

>a loud mouthed rebel with a lil tude who cuts her self for power over others on her quest for vengence
I mean, come on...

Satsuki would definitely be both a good smug dom and a good humiliated sub

True because her serious, dominant persona can naturally progress into a smug sense of superiority if she's evil, or into a complete mental breakdown "how could this be happening?" if she's humiliated.

What's wrong with that user?

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>watching Anime after 2000

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The best way would be to break them at the same time. Break ryuko through intense physical torture while breaking satsuki through mental torture and forcing her to watch her sister get broken.

But how would each one of them go on about torturing the other upon being broken and switching sides?

Based ESL retard.

Ryuko would be more intense while satsuki would try and psyche the other out.

>Ryuko would be more intense
Imagine Ryuuko getting so deep into it that she just won't stop savagely mauling Satsuki even after she's completely broken, Ryuuko finding such emotional catharsis that she breaks down in tears while beating her sister and having to be physically restrained before she causes permanent damage or outright kills Satsuki, who is laying on the ground all mangled in a mess of blood, sweat and drool.

>satsuki would try and psyche the other out
With some public humiliation, maybe? Ryuuko looking ashamed is one of the hottest things in the series, imagine her sister parading her around naked or in a slutty outfit, being dragged by a leash and being dealt constant physical abuse in the form of slapping, pinching, spitting, leash tugging, hair pulling etc.

Oh boy here we go again.

I want off of Ragyo and Nui's wild ride,last thread was enough.

Yes, but only because

We didn't have enough of Ragyo punching Satsuki's face though.

Not even top 100.

is that way.

Based ryonanon

Cringe vanilla

Call me a vanillafag,but there comes a a point in the torture where I lose my boner and I just feel bad for them.

Understandable, have a nice day

I think it's better if they get broken together.
Their goal so close but so far away.

Hopefully this thread will go the opposite way of the last one and the torture and rape with turn to comfy sislove fluff

Well help get the ball rolling then. Who was the first one of them to start having strange new feelings near the other one? What did it feel like?

Good news,there's actual gameplay footage of thenew game now.Not gonna post it since it's on IGN's youtube channel but you should check it out.


At first it was relief. Relief that now they can finally make up all the time they were apart.

Wouldn't that just come with the acceptance though? I'm thinking of the first time one of them realizes that she's feeling something, unsure of what it is, then eventually realizes she's in love, and the whole progression toward finally having the guts to admit it to the other one.

fuck off Risu

i still like the idea of reverse brainwashing ryuuko with the visions of growing up with satsuki being her doting pampering neesan and getting super attached to satsuki while still stuck to junketsu

I'm more partial to the both of them being completely and utterly broken, myself.

How about putting Satsuki watching from behind a one-way window where Ryuuko can't see her, then having Ryuuko savagely beaten to within an inch of her life, and then telling Satsuki that she has to go into Ryuuko's room and beat her up as well, otherwise the next time it won't stop until Ryuuko is killed, and Satsuki can't tell her about why she's doing it, and in fact is ordered to verbally abuse Ryuuko as well?

What last one?



There was even legitimate disscusion if Nonon would be a harsh or playful mistress.


Imagine Nonon hugging up to you in bed and talking directly into your ear, describing all the mean, depraved things she's going to do to you in the smuggest, bitchiest voice tone she can muster, because she knows and you know that there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

I don't know, but she and her sister are both very cute.

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but shes a womanlet so itd have less effect

But that's what makes it hotter, being dominated by someone so small. It also enables her to go into turbosmug mode.

Satsuki would totally fuck Ryuko's shit up in an incredibly smug way. Maybe even step on her while telling her how disgraceful she is for letting this happen.

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>even step on her
How strong do you think the pressure she'd put on her high heels would be? Would Ryuuko start fearing for her life feeling that she's literally about to be squashed like a bug? Would she panic and start screaming in pain? Would Satsuki only react by looking down on her even more, and wanting to fuck her shit even harder for being so inferior?

Just strong enough to rub it in, while calling her a loser. There'd a be a bit of sister play too with Satsuki making fun of Ryuko being of the same blood as her, yet so pathetic.

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I'd rather be disciplined by r63 big tiddy gama

Satsuki would never want to hurt her neesan, but if it was the only way then it would break both of them.

>Satsuki making fun of Ryuko being of the same blood as her, yet so pathetic
Imagine when Satsuki spits on Ryuuko and sits on her face, imposing her smell and taste over her, telling her to get a good feel to how the stronger genes in the family were all reserved for her. Satsuki would make a point to prove that she's the better woman in every possible way.

I dont think satsuki would ever knowingly hurt her sister, or at least be that cruel.

If she was brainwashed by ragyo however

>Cyclone will never make a Kill la Kill doujin
Talk about missed opportunities

She has great butt that's for sure

Well just imagine her own psychological suffering then, being forced to torture her sister to avoid having her killed, and she can never say why she's doing it.

She'd probably rip Senketsu apart bit by bit to assert her dominance and watch Ryuko's despaired face, trying to save her friend/kamui and herself in vain.

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Imagine if she starts giving choices to Ryuuko. Like eating Satsuki's ass in front of other people, or she destroys another bit of Senketsu. Or withstand an hour of being whipped, or even having one of her fingers snapped to spare senketsu for a while etc.

Imagine being Ryuko and have Satsuki pin you down and overpower you in front of the whole school, covering you with her smell as she's just having her way with you and you can't do anything to stop her, only becoming Satsuki's bitch in the eyes of everyone including yourself.

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How do you think people like Mako would react to Ryuuko being forced to swallow Satsuki's spit and turned into her buttslave in public? How bad would their loss of respect for her be?

I love this particular frame so much, because to me it is not just about Satsuki in that moment, but a challenge to all evil, unjust authority, and stifling social conformity. It's all I aspire to.

It'd be very odd to see Mako of all people lose her faith in Ryuko, but that's just how low Ryuko fell trying to defy her superior.

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Imagine the moment when even Mako spits on Ryuuko's face and calls her a loser.

I think Mako would keep her comedic side instead of turning that sadistic, she'd just start making jokes with Ryuko as the laughingstock, making references to how badly she was owned and making her feel insecure.

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>Imagine all these anons who want every character to be this OOC.

someone really doesn't know how to draw I'm sure you can find better pics or your eye for art is just abysmally shit

She was alright at first.

I really disliked her after she had her WAAAH I'M PART AYY LMAO autistic meltdown, especially because she treated Senketsu like shit during that when he's done nothing but support her, and he didn't have any autistic meltdowns at all in spite of being completely ayy.

Dumb bitch. Shirt is best boy.

Wouldn't be Satsuki's first time domming Ryuko.

This. Satsuki would never hurt her imouto

I need proof of this

I'd say it would be Satsuki.She wouldn't act upon her feelings at first since she feels she would be taking advantage of her sister,and it would take Ryuko why the hell she's acting that way to finally say it.

It'd just be episode 5 all over again.

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>domming Ryuko
Satsuki never dommes anyone though. Ryuko bails in the first scuffle to prevent blood-loss fainting, and the second ends in a tie that would have gone to Ryuko's win had Satsuki not retreated to save herself from Junketsu. Third was technically an almost fight where Satsuki hits her with the butt of Bakuzan's saya to convince Ryuko not to start an actual one because it would suck for both of them while the school was under repairs. Forth was a loss to Ryuko who let her go, but partial tactical win by gutting nudist beach HQ. Fifth fight was when Junketsu Ryuko beat the hell out of her. If you count the OVA clone then in the sixth Ryuko beat that one too. The only people in the show who lose a fight and get punished for it are Suzuki the thief, Dosh king getting his asshole reamed by Uzu, Satsuki sent to Ragyo's cage, and Ryuko getting fingered up by Ragyo sort of. Ryuko losing to Nui was close, but Nui literally just fucked off after breaking Senketsu up. After which Satsuki still gave Ryuko a blanket to cover her even while taking those scraps for uniforms. Even when they were enemies was true. Satsuki wanted to weed out the weak like any other boot camp, not murder potential soldiers.

I fucking hate people like you, who sum up a pretty reasonable reaction to "DURR AUTISM MELTDOWN" You're a tard.

>pretty reasonable reaction
Dude that was Shadow the Hedgehog tier

It really wasn't.Having a mental breakdown because You just found out the things you're supposed to eradicate is what's keeping ou alive in the first place seems pretty reasonable,though she wasn't justified in treating senketsu like that.

So let me get this straight. In the course of let's say a month or two Ryuuko
>Finds her father's killer, face to face, and literally turns into a monster because of it
>Finds out that, yes, in fact, she isn't human and is made of the exact shit that is trying to end humanity
>Also finds out that she is related to the very crazy woman that is spearheading the operation that is trying to end humanity
I'm sorry, but she's a 17 year old teenage girl. I honestly can't see any other reaction being half as reasonable or in character.

The correct reaction is "since when has any of that shit mattered and what the fuck does it matter now." Not "forsake everybody and attempt to tear down everything that I worked for."

The best part about Ryuko is this little moment of anger that comes right before the fear when she understands she's totally outclassed.

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Logic doesn't dictate emotion. To say that she was being unreasonable and "Shadow the Hedgehog-tier" is stupid as fuck.

>Satsuki wakes up sweating in the middle of the night, once again having dreaming of Ryuuko
>"what is going on?", she thinks
>in the morning, she says nothing when meeting Ryuuko. Ryuuko finds her usual distance to be normal, but notices that Satsuki keeps staring at her
>in an awkward attempt to show sisterly support, Ryuuko walks up close, grabs her sister's arm and asks if everything is OK
>Satsuki feels a wave of goosebumps running up her skin from Ryuuko's touch, noticing how she never realized that her sister has such soft skin. Without saying anything, she also touches Ryuuko's arm and cofirms that it is indeed very nice skin
>"snap out of it, sis! What's going on"
>"nothing", says Satsuki sharply, hurriedly walking away with her clicking heels
>later, Satsuki walks into Ryuuko at the laundry. While standing behind her, Satsuki unconsciously leans in and smells her sister's hair. Ryuuko doesn't notice and leaves, after which Satsuki immediately grabs Ryuuko's dirty clothes and starts sniffing them like glue
>"Um, what are you doing?" - Ryuuko's voice makes Satsuki mentally freeze, for the first time she loses her cold authoritative demeanor. "Uh, I was just, uh, putting it into the washer for you, yes!" she says and scuttles away after very clumsily shoving Ryuuko's clothes in
>at night, Satsuki is trying to read a book, but at every paragraph she stops to think about Ryuuko's smell and skin texture. Then it finally hits her like a truck. She has feelings for her sister.

I like that pic, such a vulnerable posture. I want to see Ryuuko trained to assume that submissive position on command when it's time for her punishment.

>assume that submissive position on command
Why miss out on the fun of forcing her into this position the good old way?

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Of course she should be forced into it over and over again, though at one point it'd be cute if she started doing it herself out of learned helplessness, imagine the humiliation stamped on her face at that point.

i like to imagine ryuuko starts to notice how nice her neesans booty is while satsuki starts to notice how nice and soft her cute imoutos boobies are

It would happen once Satsuki starts unconsciously trying to seduce Ryuuko like an animal in heat, she'd be wearing outfits that highlight her butt and constantly try to flash it at Ryuuko.

and ryuko finds herself enjoying when satsuki keeps complimenting her cleavage outfits and so she keeps wearing lowcut tops

I think Ryuuko would be the one to break the ice first, during a hot day when both are oozing pheromones she'd just snap from the sexual tension and pinch Satsuki's butt. Satsuki would jump in surprise, but shut down her instinct to preserve her composure, and surprisingly just stay silent, bend over and let Ryuuko keep playing with her butt.

Sadness and desperation is the best part of domming. If one us being physically tortured than the other must be mentally as well.

>gradual more teasing leads to longer touches and then grabs
>becomes deeper fondling until she gets her face closer while satsuki keeps letting it all happen
>then the plunge where ryuuko finally lets loose and shoves her face in and starts going to town

Am I the only one who enjoys both the humiliating torture and the cute vanilla cuddling?

>Satsuki leaning over the table supported by her elbows, biting her lips and nails, occasionally letting out a gasp when Ryuuko does something particularly daring to her privates. She lifts one of her legs then the other to show some activity and signal that she's enjoying it, trying her best to look sexy and receptive for Ryuuko
>afterward, Ryuuko is sitting on Satsuki's lap, who is playing with her hair, still amazed at how she can freely touch, taste and smell Ryuuko as much as she wants. Both sisters are quiet, but their eyes are perfectly locked together

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Rough fight-fucking followed by exhausted cuddles please

Ryuko is for cute vanilla with Senketsu only.

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Only if it's one-sided so the dominant can make up for beating up the other with cuddles and kisses.

There's no fun in it if both sides don't put up a decent fight to me, but that's a matter of preference.

>neesans having meal together at satsukis place
>ryuuko spills drink on her boobs
>satsuki without hesitation takes towel and starts drying up the spill, really getting in there
>ryuuko doesnt even say anything, satsuki keeps rubbing
>gets under ryuukos top (no bra of course) for more rubbing
>satsuki sits closer and starts rubbing with both hands
>soon starts teasing nipples, ryuuko tries keeping down noises but lets it keep going
>some pause where they stare at each other, then satsuki swipes off ryuukos top and pushes her down


>Satsuki is still super conscious about trying to looking good, so she arches her back to draw attention to her round butt, maintains eye contact while sucking Ryuukos breasts and constantly thinks about how Ryuuko is judging her performance
>Ryuuko on the other hand is perfectly relaxed, has a lazy satisfied smile and one hand on the back of Satsuki's head, guiding her around and patting her when it feels particularly good. Satsuki feels extremely rewarded by these pats and redoubles her slurping efforts on Ryuuko's nipples

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proof that sisters should love sisters

she is.

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>killlakill compilation

This. Mako is was better anyways.

opinion discarded.

what if every time ryuko was tortured, satsuki was forced to watch and every time she begged them to stop hurting her sister they would amp up the intensity? eventually satsuki would figure this out and have to restrain herself from saying anything, even though she desperately wants to help her imouto?

not bad, but i may need a couple more fluffy pics like this to be really convinced

Those eyebrows...

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Cute girl as the MC >>> cute girl liking the male MC

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Cute girl as the MC liking the cute boy>>>cute girl as the MC>>>cute girl liking the male MC

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>no filler or pointless episodes.
Episodes 4, 7, and 8.


They call her Ryuko now, but I remember her name as the qt

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Cute girl as the MC liking the cute girl >>> Cute girl as the MC>>> Cute girl as the MC liking the cute boy>>> Cute girl liking the male MC >>>> Male MC

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>that pic
i wonder if satsuki and ryuko went to the same HS after they left the academy.

No, but I love her anyway.

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Satusuki and her immediate friends graduated. Ryuko and Mako went to Ira's hometown to complete their last year at Rinne

really? i thought only one of the elite four graduated.

then i guess ruko and satsuki went their separate ways.

Well Ryuko did need to stuff herself inside an incinerator to finally cleanse the world of life fiber abominations.

Iori and Nonon are going to college. I forget what Houka's doing. Ira and Uzu are going back home to family businesses. Satsuki was supposed to be making a college to make up for the wrongs of Honnouji, but the island got destroyed and that idea may have been dropped. She remained in Tokyo where Ryuko and Mako come back to meet her during the credits of 24 date.

>"I can see her whenever I wish", - Satsuki.

Cute girl as thr MC liking the cute girl's sailor uniform >>>>Cute girl as the MC liking the cute girl >>> Cute girl as the MC>>> Cute girl as the MC liking the cute boy>>> Cute girl liking the male MC >>>> Male MC

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Did she ever really get over that? I still feel like theres resentment there about that.

cute butt and even cuter feets X)

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Cute smelly feet

fat ass

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Cuter smile

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My heart

>can see her whenever she wants
>only meets up with her once afterwards
Either she's fucking lying or a massive dick.

Haha Do you think ryuko-chan's feet smell good?

Yeah, its not like she is now the full owner of the largest giga corporation on earth. And that that would end up giving her some responsibilities. Nuh-uh, no way at all.

Presumably Ryuko actually has to complete school, and Satsuki has to sort out the unprecedented mess left behind by Ragyo what with REVOCS and shit. That is also the only footage we have that takes place after the OVA, and very likely might be Ryuko and Mako's first opportunity to leave Rinne for summer break about four months after they actually started their year. The two may have met up in person more then that, may have been on the phone every week, and so on. Or not. We don't know.

Ryuuko's only good for the porn

Seething shounen fag

Not him, but I always thought they moved in together

maybe they should at some point, but by the ova end ryuuko was definitely moving with makos family

>Tfw Ryuko and Satsuki as roommates doing dumb fun things SoL never.

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>one night ryuuko is big spoon
>satsuki keeps periodically grinding her nice big butt into ryuuko throughout the night

Sushio's twitter
look it up
The character designer and animation director of KLK.
SLice of life KLK drawings several times a week.
basically cannon

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It's neat, but it isn't the same.

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It's also like 80% Mako

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what do you mean?
he's the literal guy who drew the cuts for the show.
If pencil sketch isn'tenough look up his artbook see the rest of the piles of kill la kill sol.

>satsuki moving in with ryuko and mako
Sounds cute.

I own three of his books desu including the Pixiv market exclusive one. It's mostly his twitter art. And I still just want more even if it would be too much.

No, user. She's a pretty stock "tough girl" character.

Based retard.

Ryuuko has behaved poorly and needs to be disciplined!

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Is ryuko ticklish?

Extremely, it completely disarms her.

Attached: __matoi_ryuuko_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_owler__2b534323f7d68fef8e7a8af654ae7a34.png (700x1050, 241K)

I understand
There's nothing to do from that point but grab flash and make more yourself.

I’m surprised by how civil this thread managed to remain

The ryuko torture posting will resume shortly

Nui bullying time?

>nui and ragyo chaining up ryuko and tickling her all over until she pees

Nee-san already arrived, Nui daydreaming is over.

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Nee-San will do the torturing after they pit her against ryuko

no, I meant the
>disarms her
part of the post.

I guess you just couldn't grasp it well enough.

>ywn tickle fight Ryuko

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You have me beat, hands down.

Hee nee-San cant protect her forever

>I forget what Houka's doing
off to college and working as a cyber crime consultant

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>Doubting Satsuki's ability to plan for the future.
This girl replaced one of her toenails with a sliver of Bakuzan on the off chance she needed to use her foot as a weapon.

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>satsuki comforting ryuko after a nightmare

She cant account for ryuko though.

>satsuki comforting ryuko while progressively getting into bed more naked over time.

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>"Get out of my bed you stupid caterpillar face"

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>Implying she would care.
Ryuko literally slept next to mako in what was basically one bed after she'd known the girl for all of a day. Ships aside her dream was a close family, she wouldn't just kick someone close away because they are a cuddler.

>Satsuki turns into the needy one requesting cuddles from Ryuuko

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>Absolutely Seething Satsukifags

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>trying this hard
Stop trying to act like ryuko, nui. You've been caught red handed.

>Shoot down a proposition to molest your sister
>Acting like Nui

user, that's backwards.

Of course, Ryuko is incomprehensible.

And nui is waiting to fuck her up when shes alone

Stop posting, Nui
How are you even typing these posts with no arms

she types with her hair.

What the fuck is up with all the NIGGER shilling threads lately?

First post best post.

I spit on this dirty thread

Attached: nonon spit.gif (421x539, 527K)

Y-yes Nonon please spit in my mouth.

Such unlady like behavior is why Satsuki doesn't want to hold your hand anymore.

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>we will never get an SoL about ryuko and satsuki recovering after the shit ragyo put them through
feels bad man.

fuck off monkey.

>only pillows she can sleep with are ryuuko's ryuukos

>threads for three days straight
Yea Forums really does love Kill la Kill

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im hype for the game.

No, but Satsuki is.

Sit on my face

Weekly threads while it was airing were great.

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rewatching recently made me crave more sislovin

Shut up nonon.
I like you too.

Attached: ComfyNonon.png (2703x3982, 546K)

Hell no

I want nonon to spit on me

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Imagine how much bant Nonon would give you for willingly swallowing huge gobs of her spit. The smugness would probably be palpable in the air.

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we didnt get enough imouto bonding in the show.

that's snake, not monkey

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Imagine, she'd notice you're hard, smirk and call you a pervert, and make fun of your tiny dick because it couldn't reach her. Even though she's smol and light enough to manhandle you let her do it because it only makes you harder.

>SPH from Nonon
Her bitchy personality would lend itself to it perfectly, and her voice tone would be perfect for mocking comments.

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arr rook same.

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cute except i dont think ryuukos disgruntlement would last very long

this. ryuko loves her nee-san.

>naked sister cuddling
my dick is diamonds.

>those noodle arms
Satsuki is disgraceful

at least she has arms, nui.

What's the point if she isn't lifting with them?

Well she isn't disarmed, for one

Hard to lift when strung up by the wrists for a month being tortured, then going right to fighting super powered Life fibers with nothing but two knives and some tac belts.

The best way to hurt Satsuki would be for Nui to defeat and mindrape Ryuko to make the two sisters enemies. Satsuki wouldn't be able to do anything to Ryuko and would probably suffer a humiliating beating in front of the generals.

Since Ryuko is gonna train with Nui in the game, this might actually become canon.

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no, dont even make them enemies. just make sure ryuko remains too broken to function. this would cause satsuki maximum grief as she wouldnt be able to save her imuoto even if she got her back.

Ragyo should force Satsuki to watch Nui toy with berserker Ryuko and tears her apart, until she turns back into regular but completely broken Ryuko. The contrast between this beast's anger and her getting playfully defeated by a little girl gloating about killing her dad would make it all the harder for Satsuki to watch her imouto broken bit by bit, but she can't afford to blow her cover.

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satsuki would be forced to watch as ryuko begs for the pain of her torture and rape to stop, only for her will to be eroded away until she is too exhausted to say anything. all the while satsuki herself is powerless to stop them from breaking her nee-san's mind.

>satsuki being forced to watch as ryukos once fiery personality is eroded away by endless painful beatings torture and rape until she is nothing left but a hollow shell

>Here Satsuki-chan, I'm done, you can have fun with it~

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what would nui do to ryuko to break her so utterly?

>satsuki tries help ryuko, but shes so broken that she doesnt even respond and even recoils at her touch

I'm not sure but it'd probably involve teasing her about her dad

painful rape, scissor blade torture, and telling her that shes too worthless to avenge her fathers death or even fight back

as well as forced orgasms for added embarrassment.

Torturefags are scum, Ryuko is for gentle bondage and bloodsucking.

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Torture is hot tho

...are cute!

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I wonder how many of these rape and torture replies are posted by females.

Defininetly a portion of them ~20% sounds about right.

She is when she's brainwashed to be evil.

absolutely everyone hated her when it was airing

False, can confirm there was a ryukofag thread 24/7 as it was airing.

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Yes and unironically as well


Shouls Satsuki also be raped while watching Ryuuko get tortured? So that she associates her imouto's suffering with sexual feelings.

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>KlK releases
>Everyone says it saved anime
>Years later
>Only remembered for the fanservice/porn
Anime is dead, isn't it????

no, well yes but no. Catering to niche is what makes anime special but the seasonal scheduling they got going is trying to push niche markets to masses that don't care about them. My shit tastes are always better than someone else's because they are my shit tastes.

It's remembered for a lot of things user. Most of them entertaining, as is expected from a piece of entertainment.

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I'm glad this thread still up
Yea Forums still has taste.

This thread is wild.

Fuck off with this tumblrshit.

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Minbreak is a fetish for psychopathic manchildren

No you are

seethe and cry

>implying ryuko wouldnt like to spoon with her Nee-san

ryuko will yell and pout but eventually comply.

Fpbp, but unironically

eventually she would start to like it and be comforted by it.

I wonna marry ryuko.

so would satsuki.

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ultimate tsundere imouto
>f-fine, i guess this isnt the worst...
>blushing whole night

Her sister is better

go away nonon.

tsundere ryuko is cute! cute!

why is senketsu glowing?

Because they are truly life and fiber synchronized.

but shes not transformed

I can't disagree with that sir

read a book



Fuckin life fibers how do they work

Is there a non-moon version of this?

Couldn't find one, so made a shitty one from the partial TLs on Gel and San.

Attached: 42727427_p0 TL.jpg (650x2938, 604K)

>ywn get to watch Satsuki trap Ryuko in a sleeper hold and watch her slowly fade into unconsciousness and have her go from rage to rapid exhaustion

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I want to be Ryuko then

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I dont think ryuko needs oxygen to breathe, so isn't that pointless?

Alright well it has a point to my dick

she's the greatest character in the greatest show of all time that saved Anime forever


does satsuki really love ryuko or is it just memes?

she loves her sister but siscon satsuki is memes and wishful thinking

She's one of the gayest characters of all time

does she though? they only met in like a month. they didnt even see eachother after they left the academy.

Your opinion is just dumb try to watch it while not being high

but anime is at its best when you watch it high.

wonderful, sisters should love sisters like this

especially after what theyve been through together.

I'd say satsukis love for ryuuko by the end is real
>that big happy smile when ryuuko struggles to say neesan for the first time
>saying that its okay she cant say it for now because she feels happy enough having ryuukos blood in junketsu
>absolutely losing her composure to try to catch ryuuko
>that absolutely gentle loving face and tone when shes caught ryuuko and says okaeri
so shes definitely /started/ to love ryuuko by the end. the siscon stuff is a good deal of memeing but also definitely not based on nothing