Its been 30 years and this still has yet to be topped in terms of animation and overall direction

Its been 30 years and this still has yet to be topped in terms of animation and overall direction.
What does that tell us about the industry post-2000 era?

Attached: Kaneda-motorcycle.jpg (3000x2580, 2.26M)

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it's become shonen, moe, and yuri trash as of this decade. there is not passion for people to animate on 1's and draw every frame now that digital animation exists

Attached: 570.gif (410x230, 1.81M)

Ever heard of Zeta?

Why does it need to be topped?

>it's been thirty years
>what does this tell us about the industry in the last nineteen years?
By your own words, that it was the same as the preceding decade+, I guess.

Feature film anime is a fucking wasteland, the next generation of directors is an embarrassment.

When is the next bubble?

It literally doesn't look that good.

Attached: mersato.png (518x421, 308K)

Wrong in every respect, watch more anime

I'm gonna say the next animation boom is when neural networks take over the job of making actually animating between frames in 2d and artists/directors/editors can focus only on drawing key frames and mastering the software, we will see animation that is sumptuously detailed and beautiful, consistently smooth while clearly not involving any 3d cg or rotoscoping. The techniques to do this are already in the very early stages of development so there are a lot of problems still but it looks very promising.

Some people will hate it conceptually but I believe the results will speak for themselves in the end. Stuff will vary wildly in quality still as the human team is still the most important component, the AI only does the incredibly tedious part that people aren't paid enough to do.

>yet to be topped
Pretty sure SAO has already aired dude.

Attached: 43AEF134-EEDA-471E-91E9-26D325FAB16E.jpg (400x400, 23K)

This just seems terrifying.

absolutely based user

Attached: 1557431982324.gif (173x261, 217K)

Imagine being retarded for the sake of being contrarian

reminder that
anime was a m i s t a k e

This is some Scanner Darkly shit


They lack the money, spirit, amazing source material, and skilled workers of the bubble era. There's some luck on who gets hired to what position too.

we also need the AIs to write the plot for the animes. The openAI is already quite far ahead in that regard. Soon Ais will write your favorite SoL anime, pic related

Attached: ancientmeme.png (594x589, 51K)

GITS topped it in 95 the fuck are you talking about?


Also, I hope we never get to the point where art is literally mass produced. I'd go to crazy

We're in it

If you mean when it will pop, soon, probably around 2021.

Thanks for the nightmares

Kill your self ironic weeb

Kinda helps when it has a huge ass fucking budget and STILL went over budget.

Well this thread is shit. Can anyone help me remember a manga/anime?

there was a group of teenage special forces / soldiesr or maybe just two of them, wearing special suits. They enter an underground futuristic research complex controlled by an AI or maybe a presumed dead researcher to look for something or someone. Above ground it looked like a castle, and there was some sort of entrance with a large hole leading straight down I think.

There was monsters and plants and weird shit goin on down there, I think a few of them died, and a large part of the manga was spent trying to get out. At the end they learn it was all a game or something.

It was set in a fantasy / sci-fi setting? Maybe post-apocalyptic? It starts right off with them entering the castle or whatever.

Isn't this Kimi no nawa?
