Which of the pushed series is worse written? For me its black clover

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Dont know why you keep posting the same thread, but i think Eyrshield 21 & Nurahiyon no Mago was best written pushed series. And Detective Conan as well.

For me it is One Piece

I dont think any of those series had a billboard ad in the streets of Japan before they even released

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Kimetsu no Yaiba obviously since despite having an anime, it simply underperforms on sales.

I don't know about Yea Forums but I don't think people enjoyed reading Kimetsu no Yaiba

The anime just started though.

I don't read We Never Push or Pushed Clover, but Dr. Push, the Pushed Neverland, and Kimetsu no Pusher are all varying degrees of OK

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Either clover or bokuben, they're both pretty bad

well if you are talking about sale it should be either dr.push or we never push. dr. push got beaten by act age and we never push also get anime but there is no boost in sale.

Black Clover is really bad

Black Clover isnt poorly written.
Its just insanely generic.
You retards should stop conflating generic and bad.

KnY's overall volume sales have been skyrocketing since the anime started.

t. butthurt cloverkek

There are definitely some aspects I'd call poorly written or underwritten.
>Main rivalry is painfully one note
>Magic system relies on the boring and convenient "low on energy" excuse the story can use or not use whenever it wants
>Powerups are built into bursts of emotion so the story can pull them out its ass whenever it wants
>Flashbacks are frequently introduced the exact moment before they payoff
I like Fenral though.

>Powerups are built into bursts of emotion so the story can pull them out its ass whenever it wants
>Main rivalry is painfully one note
These especially

Bokuben. Its just nisekoi all over again.
>Send guy she likes a lewd cheesecake selfie on line then deletes it out of embarrassment.
>Huh, what was that?
>Oh, uh....just some ugly looking dog I saw haha.
>Wow, I must be hallucinating if I though a dog pic was my friend being lewd.

Bokuben doesn't have writing, and doesn't need it either

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>>Main rivalry is painfully one note
>>Flashbacks are frequently introduced the exact moment before they payoff
I agree with these but
>>Magic system relies on the boring and convenient "low on energy" excuse the story can use or not use whenever it wants
I can't remember any specific moment where this was actually an excuse and only used as a means of urgency. In a way it means nothing but you also have to consider that it doesn't really matter because the story knows that we know the good guys will always win.
The limitations that are placed are more so on per-use. Big spells have a number limit instead of some arbitrary manapool. And the rest of the time there is some method of restoration.
>>Powerups are built into bursts of emotion so the story can pull them out its ass whenever it wants
Its convenient but its not really an asspull because the author made sure to plaster with signs that he is going to do this and for instance with the fate magic shit the whole point of the character was wrapped around said ability and we knew of said ability before it even appeared. Another instance was were a character gains an ability only after the climax of the fight.

Though I don't like dr. push, I think bokuben is the worst after golf kuroko.

Golf Kuroko was great, and everyone else is just plebs!

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>Golf Kuroko was great
Hahahaha. Then why does this one was the first push series that got axed? Because it was bad.

It's anime boost is relatively huge though (so far).
It's sales are getting close to the sales TPN had at the top of it's boost.
And that's while the average TPN volume had more the double the sales of the average Kimetsu volume before the TPN anime.

Based Ufotable saving shounen.

>Dr. Push had an obligatory "katana is the greatest sword ever" wank scene
I thought the main character was supposed to be smart lmao.

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>KnY's overall volume sales have been skyrocketing since the anime started.
So... Heroaca Killer?


>despite having an anime, it simply underperforms on sales.
The fuck are you on about? It immediately received a huge boost as soon as the anime aired? Pre-anime sales wasn't bad either.

Do you still live in 2018?

Samurai 8 with its SJWs undertones will be the heroaca killer

>one black character
Kill yourself subhuman. You /pol/fags didnt shitpost this hard when Bleach and Naruto had even more niggers or when MHA introduced its token nigger character.

The first chapter isnt even out you complete brainlet

the setting is attractive. they are probably confident that it will be the next big hit

Dr. Stone: a gary-stu mc + repetitive plot + terrible pacing

Black Clover: does not even try not to look generic

Kimetsu no Yaiba: lame ass fights + countless flashbacks + countless power-ups (the characters are cute, tho)

Neverland: asspulls + mary sue trio + lame ass art (the color pages are cool, tho)

We Never Learn: does not even try not to look like Nisekoi


It's both you idiot

butthurt herokek thread since their shit manga's falling to sub 10 in TOC.

Toriko or Sket dance were probably the worst series that were on life support from Jump recently. Samon was ok, but it really ran out of ideas at the end.

>there's an official group called JUMP SUPER PUSH
>still believe in the TOC system

>Giving a single shit about "push" as if Shueisha cares about muh honorable organic sales, and is not just another company that will do anything for more profit

It's the push that makes MHA rank lower than non pushed manga right herokek?

Hey herofags how's the view from 10th place?
Can you see the axe?

Is Soma axed yet?

If high positions mean popularity and low positions mean a drop in popularity, why Dr. Stone, who is always in the top 5, can't sell 100k per volume, and MHA, who is always in low positions, continue to grow its sales?

This new editor in chief is an idiot. The only PUSH group series that was successful was Neverland, and the funny part is that this is not due to the PUSH group, but to the publicity made by a TV show.

Dr.Stone anime hasn't aired yet. Wait until summer to see if a signifigant boost happens or not.

The point is that the PUSH exists and the ToC system is not the same as 5 years ago.

well I think jump toc never base on pure popularity because at the end it has to pass the editorial team. Yes popularity and sales are important but as it was pointed out in Bakuman a system shouldn't base entirely on that. However, I do agree that the current editor in chief tend to push more series than normal. Though he pushes many series, Jump still axe at least 8 titles per year. So at least this show that they still maintain their standard.

>every manga except MHA is pushed
How much more can he cope?

It's not even a question, the ToC and the voters ranking are different things, anyone who says otherwise is either a shitposter or misinformed.

Probably Robot x Laserbeam.
Toriko is the best battle shonen in WSJ. the best overall is Saiki

BC writting has its points
while I don't have a fucking clue of any detail over the magic power system
the author sure keeps the action runing every chapter with fun twists
I think the fast pacing of BC is its selling point

Many people I know and in my country anime board think they are the same thing mainly because the way they present it in Bakuman.

>well I think jump toc never base on pure popularity because at the end it has to pass the editorial team.
I agree. But, 5 years ago, when you saw a series at the top you already imagined that the title was popular and sold well. There was a balance between toc and reality. Now that doesn't work anymore.
The initial print of the first volume of MHA was less than 70k. The editors were not giving a fuck about the manga (after Zoo and Bulge, this is totally valid). And then it sold almost 300k in less than two months. It didn't need a PUSH. The same happened with Haikyuu, AssClass, etc. They had advertising, of course, but were not pushed.

PUSH consists of giving a "big hit treatment" to a series of average/nonexistent popularity.

I dont see mha

haikyuu, kimetsu, neverland, bokuben, chainsaw end in 1-2 years
BC will survive on pure stamina.

mha was never pushed retard