
>we will be near death before we can ever go into high level vr worlds and kill each other constantly

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Other urls found in this thread:


You mean you will be dead. His timeline is 2138 and NPCs couldn't even speak with lip movement or show emotion because the VR wasn't advanced enough. But don't worry kiddie SAO universe will fix that, switch over there.

nigger, wait for the pastebin.

Tech will advance faster than that.
In 30 years we'll have something good already.

I don't think you realise how far away we are from being able to upload consciousness.

They still use their keyboard so it's not a full consciousness dive.
And I'm not drilling a hole in my skull either.

Today's part was kind of boring.


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It's pseudo-full-dive. His consciousness is pulled into the game but he needs controls and voice to use his character.

>cum restaurant

Fucking hell Nigel

And I don't think you realize how far along we are already with brain interfacing.

>papa bones makes skeleton dad jokes all the time
Cutest father and daughter duo

Restriction to stop immersion required by law.

Citation needed user.

Sasuga Nigel sama
Sasuga Satoru sama

bit short today

Sounds like a good way to go.

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>Make a Lich character in Yggdrassil
>Guild members laugh.
>Make Lich a necromancer, put every point i can into bluff.
>Prestice class as a Overlord to get more bluff.
>DM says nobody will like a undead.
>Max out Charisma.
>By talking and playing dumb i can fake being a Oldbone which im definitely not.

>Use Isekai methods to hire a Loli Vampire
>Give her magic item to let her not show as undead.

"Ah, um..."
"And excellent suggestion, Ainz-Sama. We really should ask about the yuriniggers that popped up."

>Over the course of the 5 years, be knighted as Satoru the oldbone
>Queen holds a dinner in my honor.
>A guest named Jircniv becomes the first man to ever make a Insight check that can beat my bluff.
>Shouts out loud
>Man is escorted out of the castle while the guards apologise profusely for the indignity
"We´re so sorry, Satoru the Oldbone, very sorry for this man´s behavior."
"Ah, um..." *shrug*

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I can't stop imagining ainz as a kid with a keno doll.

Fuckin kek

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I guess it's going to be a slow day.

He needs an undead bear as a squire.

Undead bear bard

Imagine transporting into NW as a giant
>Finally found an inn that accommodates the big after the long travel
>You don't need to sleep outside the city walls anymore or use the ring of no sleep
>It's only for those who are 2-4 meter, aka manlet giants
>And beds have no springs

his groping duty in the first volume.

The beds probably have springs, it's just that they're truck suspensions and keno is too light.

Why he live in the matrix world?

Nothing about law stopping full immersion (NPC being more alive ) It's just stopping lewd actions.


This was because R-18 actions were strictly forbidden in these games. Who knew, perhaps even R-15 actions might be banned as well. Violators would be publicly listed on the game’s official website, and their accounts would be deleted, or worse.

Once the records of these R-18 actions were publicly released, they might be punished for damaging moral culture and thus violating the Social Order Maintenance Act. As such, most people would consider these acts off-limits.

If they were still in a game world, the company should have made it impossible for players to do such things. If the GMs and the game companies were watching, they would have prevented Momonga from performing lewd actions. However, there was no sign of any resistance or opposition.

In addition, one of the fundamental rulings which pertained to DMMO-RPGS was that forcing a player to participate in a game without permission could be treated as a form of cyber-kidnapping.

Fuck, I wanted to live to be over 150 years old...
Knowing that I will never make it to the 22nd century is kind of sad.
I know some kids today have that chance.

does anyone unironically care about this though
i mean aside from retards that will eat any shit up thrown at them

I dropped this series long ago, have they explained why he's stuck in the game or who else is in the game world with him or anything aside from his meaningless interactions with the fake people in the fake world and their meaningless problems?

Ainz in the LN is around 1,70 m (5'7) right? In the anime he's over 2 m (6'5).
I thought Maruyama went with the anime Ainz proportions, turns out he didn't.

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It's not a fake world. And the reason he was transported isn't important. It's just to setup the premise of "being a Japanese salaryman doesn't qualify you as a good ruler like every other OP main character isekai seems to suggest", so they just needed a reason to throw him into a scenario where he is already in charge despite having no qualification for it.

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So, no explanations?
I really don't get the appeal of this series.
He's a skelly with nearly no feelings and the things happening around him seem to have no consequence, a lot happens around a parade of new characters that he doesn't really care about and that's all.

I see how it is. The random bartender gets an illustration, but not a single Night Lich does, not even the one with six arms and two heads.

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One of them might have a character sheet. We've only been shown Keno's and ECDL's.

Doesn't look like he is talking with Satoru in that pic.
Today's chapter was indeed a bit boring, but we did get a few curious things out of it.
New World has a hundreds of competing ""merchants"" guilds. Makes perfect sense, actually.
>ywn travel with a cute girl in a world where you can't waste time, for it's a limitless resource for you
Being one of them rotting undead is too fucking romantic and shiet

No "adventure" guild because there are no 13 hero yet. How did they beat the more established guild in the main time line?

was hoping they would meet some of them eventually

I want an 8GK backstory vol or they get resurrected and face nazarick.

>a good story must be about a hot head shonen protag sperging every 5 minutes about muh friendship

Isn't the adventurer guild is mostly just a human kingdom's thing? That PDL's country also have one if i recall things correctly, but that just the exception.
The impression i got from the main series is that while claiming to be a universal organisation above the petty countries conflicts, the advenurer's guild is actually not that universal or above the laws.

It seems more like the Sugar Guild, the Oil Guild, etc. Better to sort by product than trader, since that automatically gives you buyers and sellers for a specific product rather than hoping that the trader you're talking to is interested in what you want.

It was made to safe guard civilization and explore the unknown by player but degraded into that.

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So was the one horned bartender a half-giant or type of ogre? 2.5m seems to be pretty small for giants when the doors & beds are at least 4m+ in height.

He had a really smol and kinky mum

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Draphs are the gift that keeps giving. Short-stacks have always been my favorite.


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>Albedo is a shortstack who can pass of as a Grand Blue abomination
Do NW treat her less seriously?

>treating anything Ainz-related not seriously after Katze Battle

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>Ainz decides to send envoys before vol 9
>(Draph) Albedo gets out of the cart
>"Is your mother with you?" "Sending a child as an ambassador!? The audacity!"


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Don't worry, Philip will treat her as a woman should be treated.
Then ainz goes insane and make the city into a despair farm zone.

I wanna fuck Lakyus, I wanna bang her while saying chunni shit

>Not Enri

Enri does the fucking though.

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I want her goblins to be strong enough to make ainz consider killing them all.
The actual threat is enri and she needs constant falseflags to keep the goblin population in check.

>The Actual Threat is Enri
>The Actual Threat is Nfirea
>The Actual Threat is Renner
Doesn't bode well.

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PA is more zannen than Aru.

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Why is Overlord based on DnD?

>10.000 years of feeding and making the goblins stronger then makes the sorcerer kingdom fall
Sasuga ainz-sama.

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>Everyone thinks Albedo is a precocious kid
>Philip doesn't care
Would he?

Me too, Albedo, me too.

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>desecrating image of her master
>no consent
Tribunal is waiting Albedo.

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This page hurts a bit for whatever reason.

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Do you want a bone daddy?

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what did mare do/say to shallter when she was fighthing ainz almost at the end of the fight?

She said Read the LN

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Cocytus is stronger than shalltear.
A cocytus vs ainz showdown has been mentioned twice and will likley happen after he proves himself worthy in the nazarick tournament.
Ice is way more useful now than in the game and simply slicing of uncovered parts on shalltear will ruin her eyesight plus th lance can be knocked out of her hands with superior fighting skills.

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More like couchcytus.
He's also living opponent.

He has the best offence with a weapon, also Ainz is immune to the cold and Shalltear should be the same or at-least she should have a higher resistance than the living do, after-all she has a dead body. Also Shalltear has a skill to instantly equip her gear and weapon that no other guardian has, pretty sure losing her weapon is the last of her worries.

ded thread
ded seres
ded EE

Cocytus might be stronger statwise then Shalltear, but he doesn't possess nearly the same amount or tier of gear as she does.

>Honestly. I used to be the sort of person who wasn’t bothered by seeing the corpses of street orphans, since they came up so often that it was hardly a rare occurrence
That's kinda fucked up.

>Just, just count me out… ah! I know you’re thinking about me, Satoru, and I’m glad! And you’ve also lent me several amazing items! But what’s do you call it? Ah, grinding, that doesn’t seem to work, does it? I mean, I don’t really like taking a stick and beating a dying Dragon with all its limbs chopped off over and over again... I’m not talking about your plan, but more like how you kept ignoring its pleas for mercy, er, yeah, that’s kind of heart-wrenching -- no, it’s not like that
What the fuck Ainz.

How short is EE anyway? It's tough to grasp how tiny she is when everyone around her is a manlet anyway.

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Imagine tier multiplied by 0.7

I always forget Ainz comes from some horrible cyberpunk dystopia Japan, it honestly explains a lot.

What the fuck I came for laughs not for boners.

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whats that?

Thats the scariest thought

>yfw you're so greedy that you reach out to alien jews across dimensions to trade your horrible soul-burning magic for their impeccable treasures but soul mules they send over to you are more than you can handle and end up driving your species nearly to extinction

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where is all this from??

Overlord Official Comic A La Carte

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I think we're about 20 years away from that kind of shit,

I'll had a VERY high level Runescape account back in the day so I feel Mononga's pain.

Fuckin' kek'd

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I didn't sign up for orphan feels either.

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>yfw your friends kids overhear your nostalgic remark about cup ramen and go out to torture locals to find out what it is

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He should just give in once Dragon Lords and ST are eliminated. Maybe steal [Shapechange] off one of Dragon Lords and make that one doujin canon.

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>An eternal unlife of dad jokes from Ainz
Keno is more blessed than every single NPC of the current timeline Nazarick.

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I've never touched an MMO in my life and I'm just here for the lich protagonist. I think I'd like Overlord even more if vidya games had nothing to do with it and he was just a natural lich in the world like he pretends to be sometimes. That segment about Corpus of the Abyss was more engaging for me than everything else in the series thus far.

I want to HUG Clementine!

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Not only that but millions will die childless due to wasting their every waking moment in VR and becoming disillusioned with their boring everyday lives

Japs will go extinct, no question. They might not even last long enough to get to that point, but I suspect they will.

Good. Limiting Causality speed in this universe was a mistake. We should just assemble better simulation around iron star or black hole, make ourselves immortal and forever dive into endless AI-generated living, breathing fantasy worlds.

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Thats just fine. Gotta combat the overpopulation somehow.

Overpopulation won't be an issue anyway.

If I were black, I'd use Nyggdrasil as my online handle everywhere.


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>Solution even colder than usual
RIP my dick

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Sounds like heaven for the forever crippled.

Overpopulation is a myth, the world just has a resource distribution problem

By the time tech is advanced enough for such VR cripples wouldn't be an issue.

So is Tsuare dragonoid dick mileage already above three digits?

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I hope you're right user.
I don't want to hire a nurse to shitpost for me when I'm finally unable to do so by myself.

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Man-machine interfaces are already being heavily researched, especially by AI paranoids like Musk. In 20 years you could probably upload your consciousness into a more durable digital host, synchronize it with your meatbag original and then decide which half you want to cut off.

Then you can finally bang all the shotas you want and suck all of them bbm dicks unironically no homo.

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I miss Sebasposter. Who else is going to say that "I can do it" to me?

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This is rare tired, but honest Narberal. Say something nice about her.

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Can't wait for Momon to finally fight Ainz

Yes of course, Im certain distribution will be no problem at all after we kill the last animal, cut down last tree and pave last square inch of soil. /s

>Yes of course
Yes, of course.
There's enough cultivated farmland to feed several times today' global human population.
Population growth also inevitably slows down with rise in quality of life, people procreate less when they live otherwise fulfilling and safe lives.
>kill the last animal
Who kills last cattle without putting some aside for breeding?
>cut down last tree
Two autists can restore hundreds hectares of forest under 30 years, it happened before and it will happen more and more as we move forward.
>pave last square inch of soil
Nice meme. You living in concrete-asphalt hell like Los Angeles has nothing to do with global ratio of paved roads to cultivated farmland.

You seem well informed on matters like these. What do you know about the destruction of the planet, Blue Planet-san? Is the ocean really doomed to become an inhospitable carbonic acid solution filled with toxic microplastics?

>destruction of the planet
Humanity is many times more fragile than a planet. If we fuck ourselves over - then so be it with apex species and it's influence on environment gone - nature would boom like never before.
Planet is fine, humans are fucked.

Are these stories part of volume 14?

That's fair.

Yeah, earth would survive anything any man-made apocalypse. The only thing is, humanity wouldn't.

where's the body?

Well, we can, like, make 200MT device and blow planet up.

Got up and ran away.

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Body is still nowhere to be found.

It's not like Maruyama is ever going to revisit what happened to Clementine after she disappeared. The silly Pleiades spinoff might as well be canon.

time for you to go back

>immune to the cold
She has a working womb full of hot blood so I doubt it

How would you know what it's like over there if you didn't belong there yourself?

>we will be near death before we can ever go into high level vr worlds and kill each other constantly
Have you seen most of the internet these days? There would be fare more fucking than there is killing.

Humanity has already survived them, all the ancient civilizations gone and humans are still here.
They will survive even if every nuke goes off and the planet becomes a winter zone for decades.

>There would be fare more fucking than there is killing.
Are you familiar with Eldar history of WH40K?

>all the ancient civilizations gone
The what now?

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>and the planet becomes a winter zone for decades
That would honestly be the best thing for it right now, but not with nuclear radiation in the mix.

Living for the turn of the millennium is a lot cooler than a new century, I kind of wish I was old enough to experience how crazy everyone went for that since I was just a smol boy in the 90's.

Yggdrasil is also just a trash chink mmo. I doubt it's even nearly the most advanced game on the market.

Techfag here.
Technology is pop culture is always either horribly underestimated in terms of how long it'll take to mature, or horribly over-estimated.
While VR doesn't have much momentum now, in three to four years we'll have LCD panels that can not only hit the resolution required for retina-vr, but also panels that can be bent on multiple axes simultaneously.
This will allow for retina-level full immersion visual VR, and once the average person sees it, they'd be willing to throw thousands of dollars into it.
Optical VR hasn't yet reached acceptable quality, soon it will. Once it does, there'll be a new tech race to outpace all competitors, and that'll mean billions spent trying to develop brain-interface VR.
It's quiet now, but it'll all start in about five years.

You have convinced me to shelve the rope for five more years.

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The tech is already in place, you can make a simple mmo with cheap looking designs and simple moves but no one is willing to spend money on it.

In five years we'll have headsets that use the same tech as the ones we have today, only that are actually good and immersive. It'll be some time after that until we have brain interface, but I think the stuff in five years will be of acceptable quality for most.
And I'm sure some time in the next five or so years we'll work out a way to have decent VR sex sims without needing a brain interface yet, so do watch out for robot developments too.
I mean, I'd be happy just fucking a bot, but some would rather do so in VR.
Yeah but VR is shit now, and I say that as someone in the industry.

It won't matter. Once conscious transfer happens, you can run the consciousness in a server on the device.

Is Shalltear fertile or is vampire mating a meme? Also isnt that Dragon a True Vampire? That means they can mate?

Reminder that PDL will be skinned by Aura.


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Based peroperochino.