The protagonist of the last anime you saw replaces the MC of re:zero.
How does it improve?
The protagonist of the last anime you saw replaces the MC of re:zero
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Non non biyori. I wonder what will happen.
more dress break
When you replace the mc with a new one, from what point in that character's original anime do you do it?
He may have gone through a great change and may be a very different character at the end compared to who he was at the beginning.
Well, he'll definitely succumb to the stress without the fluff.
>pic related
She would get raped and killed every loop
The suffering somehow manages to become three times worse
imagine being such a a low IQ buffoon you actually read/watch your pic related
From whichever you like user
What is an high IQ anime/manga that I should watch/read, then?
inb4 Gochiusa
The last anime I watched was OPM S2 episode 5.
Well, now what? Saitama singlehandedly punches the shit out of the entire witch cult and calls it a day?
Salaryman in another world courting the queen candidate.
>Zombieland Saga
The zombies will never gets sucess.
He will instantly become a hero in 2 episodes.
>the dude from Senko-san
It would be fairly short.
>isekai quartet
>uses IQ and the word back in unironically
Wew lad
>Low IQ user looking for high IQ anime to watch.
Why though? If someone were to tell you to watch K-ON! you'd just get bored as you're ill equiped to grapple with the philosophical significance of Yui's fun things treatise.
I don't know to be honest
How so?
He supposedly has Return by Death too.
Haven't watched the show btw
How would that work if he can’t die I wonder?
Well it'd be far more interesting than Subaru, Lelouch would probably end up ruling the world in the end.
>Lelouch in Re:zero
I wonder how Emilia would react if Lulu fed her the: "If you're a witch then I'll become a warlock"-line.
>Strike Witches 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu!
Yoshika either joins Priscilla or Elsa based on purely her love of tits. She also has some grand healing factor instead of Return By Death.
>Immortal Sugimoto
Mad cunts it
Assuming he's predestined to get involved with Emilia and Puck he could get all the fluffing from Puck that he needed.
I'd have way more faith in Nakano than Subaru to meander his way through the world. He's used to working crazy hours, he understands beaurocratic structures and proper decorum.
Isekai quartet, not sure if the 3 other MC's replace Subaru (in which case Re:Zero would improve by far) or if he just still exists (then not as good as the first option but still has fun shenanigans). Also I'd say from whichever point in the show you last saw them.
I quit episode 2.
He would use the loop to his advantage