The best of this show was this cute couple
SSSS Gridman
Not canon, Yuta got keked and rikkek keked herself.
rikka obvi wanted to fuck akane what r u talkin abt
It really is insane how fucked up and mentally ill you are, !Akemi. You care so much about trying to "troll" with shipping that it's taken over your life.
cute AND canon
Yuta is the luckiest man alive, fucking Rikka after fucking Akane for a while.
You genuinely sick in the head, !Akemi.
And it's obvious to everyone you don't care about "lolcows". Because if you did, you'd be targeting !Akemi (yourself) for being a pathetic retard who cries about having no friends. The fact you only call people "lolcows" when they are against things you personally like makes it obvious what you're doing.
lmao lolcows
Yeah, you really are one, !Akemi.
>using twitter
well that's a new low
Is ACK still butthurt over having a thread on Kiwi Farms?
There's no low you won't sink to, !Akemi.
Why would anyone be mad over you making a thread yourself, !Akemi.
It's not a like a single person in the thread actually believed anything at all you said. Even the first reply to your thread by a normal poster on the site told to post actual proof and not just random links.
You made that kiwifarm thread because you were mad there are ED and LM articles about you. So you tried to make a kiwifarm thread to retaliate so you could have some "proof" to link. Even though it's just a thread you made yourself.
Yes Thailand is a great place for vacation
Do you think you'll ever stop being so mentally ill?
My therapist asked me the same
Menage a trois with Akane needed.
Why is your life so fucked up, !Akemi. Why can't you just stop and post like a normal person. Once a "troll" has been outed, it's so fucking cringy to watch them keep trying.
Absolutely, and I haven't watched past episode 2.
Hi. They used your name.
You're just so fucking mentally ill, !Akemi.
You try to pretend you're some "epic troll", but you're really just some pathetic loser who's trying to act cool over the internet.
Benis in bagina
It sure must suck knowing that literally no one but you is going to bump your garbage thread, so you have to never leave your house and constantly sit around waiting to try (and fail) to "troll" people.
You replied to me thus I didn't fail :^)
I love how you're so retarded you literally can't even understand what you're saying.
That emoticon means "to troll". To troll means to say something wrong on purpose. You just admitted you're failing to bait people.
>lol xddd this ship so cool lol!!!
>!Akemi, stop trying to bait
This is literally your state of mind.
>I love how you're so retarded you literally can't even understand what you're saying.
But I do
So you're admitting you fail to bait, thus have failed at literally everything in your life.
You, !Akemi, are the only person in the world who thinks "replying" means "baited".
And it's funny, because YOU, !Akemi, reply more than anyone else. You just think that because you don't back link a post that you're not replying.
You are taking action (trying and failing to bait) in response to people telling you to fuck off. You are "baiting" yourself.
>You, !Akemi, are the only person in the world who thinks "replying" means "baited".
Wtf how did you find out that it was me, Akemi, the whole time?
>You are "baiting" yourself
Big if true
It's so easy to tell who you are, !Akemi. No one one else in the world acts like you.
mods please just delete this thread
I'm more of a Hass x Utsumi guy
Oh shit, that's awesome.
Henceforth I shall declare that I, !Akemi, totally support the RikkaYuta ship.
Why can't you just fix your life, !Akemi.
But I did, I finally understood that y/u/ri is shit and that heterosexual love is where it's at.
If you have the thought "I should go spent 24 hours of my day shitposting on Yea Forums to try and troll what I believe is a single other person" there is something really wrong with you.
Replying means baited.
>If you have the thought "I should go spent 24 hours of my day shitposting on Yea Forums to try and troll what I believe is a single other person" there is something really wrong with you.
Jokes on you I don't.
No, !Akemi. Replying does not mean baited. That's just what you delude yourself into thinking because this is literally the only way you can cope with how shit your life is.
I agree about the lolis and recent rise in anti-loli posting, disagree about the 3dpd.
When did this guy's imaginary friend get a name
>No, !Akemi. Replying does not mean baited
Nuh huh, I don't believe you. No sir. I require you to post more proofs that replying does not mean baited.
When did you realize that your life was so awful the only way you could even hope to cope with it is by pretending you're an "epic troll" over Yea Forums.
I'm the mighty !Akemi, I don't need to pretend.
>cries publicly about having no friends
I, the might !Akemi, need no friends. As long as I have my newly discovered lovely heterosexual couples I'm fine.
Imagine having to replying to your own posts calling them "based" because you know everyone hates you.
I know right? Unforgivable.
My multiple personalities love each other, how dare you deny their existence you bigot?
cringe and bluepilled
I honestly do wonder what went wrong with your life, !Akemi.
are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.
Cute and canon.
Who are you talking to?
Nah, just kill yourself, !Akemi.
What kind of defects lead to brain damage so intense you actually willing want to act like this?
A malfunction on an entire brain is a very different issue from something caused by some random flaw. A simple mistake from the driver of a truck can damage your brain and cause you to become aggressive.
That would be stupid. You would not want to act like they were stupid in any way. It is almost as if all this could have easily been avoided if they had looked at the consequences first, as one might reasonably think.
I love them
I think you must be mistaken, user. Rikka is in a relationship with me. In fact, we're getting married in November.
Everyone knows who you are, !Akemi. And the fact you intentionally type your name wrong all the time only makes it more and more obvious who you are.
It's actually really, really sad and pathetic how literally your whole life revolves around attacking people on Yea Forums.
Please, do the world a favor and just end your life.
didn't read
No wonder all your posts get deleted. Have a pleasant thread, lad.
God I wish I were you.
It's not even a question why the posts get deleted. They get deleted because of Troid. Who has literally stated himself that he is both mentally ill and doesn't care about the rules. All he cares about banning people who he personally dislikes.
You try to pretend that because Troid protects you that you somehow are "epic" or some shit. But it's the exact opposite. You have a single mentally ill mod defending you.
Please, do the world a favor and just end your life.
It's actually really, really sad and pathetic how literally your whole life revolves around attacking people on Yea Forums.
Scan when?
Yuta is such a chad holy shit
didn't read
If you have a problem with the mods, take it to the IRC.
didn't read
>you act like talking to the mods over IRC would actually do something
It would do a hell of a lot more compared to your consistent spam.
>you act like talking to the mods over IRC would actually do something
Is whining here all day every day doing anything?
Please, do the world a favor and just end your life.
It's actually really, really sad and pathetic how literally your whole life revolves around attacking people on Yea Forums.
Just fucking blown your brains out with a gun, !Akemi.
Yes, !Akemi, it's obvious that all of these posts are yours and that you're just trying to spam bump the thread as much as you can because this is literally all you have in your life.
And you act like talking to the mods over IRC would actually do something.
The point is not for you to read it, !Akemi. The point is for everyone who sees the thread to read it. So they know what subhuman cancer you are.
No, you're the only one spamming here, !Akemi.
You just say the people who tell you to fuck off are spamming because you are trying to slander them and pretend that they are actually the problem.
There is no "whining". And it's making you, !Akemi, have a total mental break down forcing you to stay away for days, literally killing yourself with stress and lack of sleep, because you want to have the "last word" and pretend you're an "epic troll".
can you wish me a happy birthday?
it'd mean alot to me
didn't read
All me
I wish you'd kill yourself that way people don't have to deal with you anymore.
Yes, everyone already knows all of those posts are yours, !Akemi. It's not something that's hard to figure out.
didn't read
!akemi is a retard sperg, and i think it's cool you've had such high morals to have tried to fight him all these years
can you please wish me a happy birthday?
Is !Akemi even real? I would not be surprised if he was a creation of his deranged mind.
They're the same person
man, i had such a shitty day and am so sad you'd do this to me, accusing me of being akemi
all i want is a happy birthday :(
didn't read
Thats an Ack fACKt if I've ever heard one
i replied to a gridman thread and all i got was this louzy schizo
didn't read
how is
replying to myself?
you're making me ANGRY, im just here trying to enjoy my birthday and you're here shitting on my carpet and shitposting at me
Don't worry user, happy birthday.
oh so its the thread you're mad about, not akemi or the posts
then why the fuck are you unable to say "happy birthday"?
like really motherfucker? you're so "not angry" that you cant even be bothered to press a couple keys that would make my day?
a guy who rails against an innocent guy, just wanting to be wished happy birthday, is either a fucking douche bag or so angry he is lashing out at everyone
That you need to kill yourself, !Akemi.
Non canon cuck shit.
i dont know what you think it is, but its all water under the bridge.
i get you can get stressed out, i get you are bound to hit some innocents every now and then; i get it, i really do
now that being said, you're a legend, whether thats positive or not is depending on who you ask
so it'd mean alot to me to have a legend wish me happy birthday
!Akemi, you are not smart. You are trying to make it look like you're some guy who's "on ack's side" and then when "ack" tells you to fuck off and kill yourself you can pretend you fooled people into thinking "ack" thinks "everyone" is you, !Akemi.
Like the idea, not a big fan of the art-style.
Who has more fanarts, Akane or Yuta's wife?
didn't read
does akemi's brother think ack is real?
Here's a question for you: Don't you ever sleep?
i had a dream that it all actually was akemi and that somehow "ack" was actually many people; that somehow akemi was the schizo paranoid obsessed retard spamming, and ack was the collective normal
it makes little sense, but isnt that just crazy to think about?
Redpill me on this drama.
!Akemi, shitposter extrordinaire and literal, unironic tranny, shits up threads with shipping cancer.
It's all so tiring
Wish me a happy birthday
Trannies deserved to be gassed
Happy birthday user.
is ack multiplying again?
or is he having an seizure attACK
wow, thank you
a legend wished me happy birthday
holy fuck
i actually cant believe you actually did it, this makes my day -
thank you.
ack is multiple people and always has been
The is no "ACK". !Akemi made him up to shit on people who rightfully call him out.
Abs sensei, class already started. Your students are waiting for you.
no, ack is the name for anyone who falls for the akemi meme
akemi died in 2016 in a car crash
but his loyal discord server of autists have been shilling in his name
thats why he has an army, they're discord trannies like himself
I still think it's just Barneyfag.