
Find a genuine flaw.

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>Part 2
That's the flaw

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Its fanbase.

Here's one

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> Story is generic.
> animation is trash.
> fights are stupid
> jokes are unfunny.
the last fight is epic though.

>repetitive monster of the week formula
>character development is almost non existent except for part5 and 7
>big same face issues
>replacing hamon with le randum stands

Part 2 was good but I'm glad Hamon ended there.

you either just dont like heroic characters or you´re simply retarded; ceasar is one of the most likeable side characters ever and araki implemented him perfectly into josephs story

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>find a flaw in x
>"something completely unrelated to x"

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There really was nowhere to go after the battle with Kars

>>character development is almost non existent except for part5 and 7
yeah all that character development in part 5 lmao

We are talking part 2 buddy

One day it will end.

The writing isn’t good. Conflicts are incredibly shallow good vs evil plots and don’t really require the incredibly basic characters to grow as people besides just getting stronger. However, that isn’t what I come to the series for anyways. I come for Araki’s creativity and sense of style.

>Training arc

my bad

it's genuinely entertaining.
fanbase isn't as bad as some others. in fact i'd go as far as to say it's pretty good.

Araki forgetting some points or just choosing to ignore them, other than that the KONO DIO DA MUDA MUDA MUDA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA part of the fanbase

The villain and the jobro



>William died saving Jonathan's life
>Gyro died showing Johnny the full potential of the spin which inspired him to learn the infinite spin
>Caesar died to inspire Josheph to do.. what he was already gonna do, literally did not help the story in any way

>William helped Jonathan not only by teaching him hamon but also by training him and assisting him in a fight
>Gyro helped Johnny by teaching him the art of spin over the course of the part, being his best friend and fighting alongside him for the entirety of the part
>Caesar helped Joseph by.. showing him Lisa Lisa who did everything else after that(Lisa Lisa would have been a better Zeppeli than Caesar if anything)

>William went straight on to fight Tarkus knowing he is fated to die there but accepting that fact and not trying to run away showing courage in face of definite doom
>Gyro fought Valentine not only to protect Johnny who was off his horse but also to protect Lucy while knowing that even the smallest mistake could lead to his death
>Caeser fought Wamuu because >muh revenge(Polnareff's revenge story is the only good one that Araki wrote)

>William granted Jonathan a powerful power-up after death
>Gyro indirectly taught Johnny the infinite spin after death
>Caesar granted Joseph the antidote to the poison that was gonna kill him.. which he didn't even use

>and the jobro
This, fuck nu-Zeppeli.


>last fight is just Joseph getting assblasted until he gets saved by a totally random stroke of luck

Joseph not taking the antidote immediately is legit one of the most retarded things I've ever read.

It was really entertaining so I had no problem with that.

Monthly Schedule.

Lisa Lisa losing to base form Kars was pretty dumb, would've been better if she won VS base form Kars, kars transform and beats her, then joseph beats kars.

literally everyone jobs to make joseph look good, just another reason why hes a gary stu.

literally the worst part

>awful cast
>awful villains
>fights entirely revolving around constant asspulls
>red stone of Aja is a retarded plot hole, destroying it would 100% end the conflict, the only reason it doesn’t get destroyed is because of a nebulous prophecy that is logically bullshit

If Jojos is generic, then what do you consider dynamic?

He's just talking about part 2

loves it and if Yea Forums has taught me anything it's "if /r/eddit likes it then it's bad" thus making part 6 the best part.

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Josephs personality briefly changes to an indecisive pussy and refuses to confront a pillar man so that Caesar can die to give Joseph a power up.

Yea Forums just hates the most recent parts and reddit loves the most recent parts

>if Yea Forums has taught me anything

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The supporting cast is basically a non character. Smokey gets a good introduction, but then does nothing and appears at the end as if he was supposed to be important. Messina, Loggins, Lisa Lisa, Caesar, everyone just jobs immediatly or do nothing at all. Stroheim was cool tho.

only part 2 is generic