Worth watching?

Worth watching?

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it's pretty, but i lost interest in the story

Yes, it’s a cute series.

It's boring desu... Shame, really.

Watch both OVA, skip the anime.

No, its not even cute. The characters were annoying as fuck especially the MC.


The first OVA is the best part of the franchise, tho

Watch the anime, skip the second OVA.

>Recommending the tumblreddit favorite Anime
Fuck no. Just watch the First OVA, OP. OVA2 if you want a bit more and avoid Anime like cancer.

Watch the anime, OP. The first OVA too, but avoid the second one like cancer.

Oops, i mean OVA1 & OVA2 anime. Avoid the TV like cancer.

Oops, i mean OVA1 & TV anime. Avoid the OVA2 like cancer.

Yes Akko is very cute.

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Fuck off, falseflagger Kyoanitard.
Watch OVA1 & OVA2 only. Ignore the falseflagging retards who recommend TV

Fuck off, falseflagger Kyoanitard.
Watch OVA1 & TV only. Ignore the falseflagging retards who recommend OVA2

What's wrong with TV?

>Literally copy pasting my post

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You're like an autistic bot, so why waste more time?

>No U post
Yep, a retard

Overall this series was a waste of my goddamn time.

It never quite catches up to the potential of it's premise.

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Give my fucking 24x25 minutes back to watch better shows.

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>elect to watch 24 episodes of a show
>"wow that sucked!"

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I have an autism which i cant drop any show i started to watch.
Mirai Nikki is pure shit on episode 2 and i actually finished it. Also same with Princess Lover anime.

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Because it took them like 3 quarters of the TV anime to finally reveal that godawful Shiny Chariot backstory that is pretty much the only plot point you are invested in from the OVAs to the TV series.

If they had put that shit sooner into the season I would have dropped this garbage faster.

Why was there any need for a backstory, looks like Chariot just retired in the OVA

It's the only good thing Trigger have made.

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No that was KLK and its obvious

Which of the girls would be open to their partner fucking other women?


That's a strange way to spell Luluco.

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OVA yes, TV show not really. I watched it for best girl but boy does it fall apart.

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