>back in 2013 Yea Forums hate anime eren because he was too generic,weak and annoying
>2019 Yea Forums hate manga eren because he is too powerfull,smart,deep and dark
What's wrong with Yea Forums?
>back in 2013 Yea Forums hate anime eren because he was too generic,weak and annoying
>2019 Yea Forums hate manga eren because he is too powerfull,smart,deep and dark
What's wrong with Yea Forums?
We grew down
I just hate Eren. And Shipgeki no Kyojin
success breeds jealousy
>powerfull,smart,deep and dark
You mean your average edgelord.
Hate the shippers,not the manga.
>powerfull,smart,deep and dark
You mean your average edgelord.
Well,he have actually good reasons to be unlicke characters like shitsuke uchiha who act as edgelord only for "mhu clan" and "mhu brother".
You're worse than NGEfags, shut the fuck up about your pretentious series.
Whats wrong, you don't like the "grey and mature war" setting and prefered the "shonen survival "one?
As an animeonly shitters i can't fucking wait till he apparently turns into Hittler.
>Hated Eren when he was one of the blandest MC ever portrayed in shonen media
>Hate Eren now because he is an edgelord
Edgelords pissed because animu > manga
>grey and mature war
Please go read books and get some standards.
>powerfull,smart,deep and dark
You mean your average edgelord.
talking about edge lord
The butthurt is strong in you all.
I have ridden berserk,jojo,fma,dnote,lord of ring,fate zero and other series......and to me AoT is near to berserk level as story and characters.
we're talking late/second half of season 4 at the earliest, so gotta be patient
When he did the grim reminder to Marley he differentiated himself from the generic shonenshit hero. Instead of settling everything with a conversation or going by the trope of: "If you kill your enemy you will be just like they" (in this case is kind of true though) he went there and fucked them mercilessly because they are the enemy and it is a war. Although my fear is that Eren is trying to do the same as Lelouch, turning into the enemy of the entire world or something like that.
Still, now I'm a Erenchad.
So Yea Forums hate eren because now is edgy and well written, but love guts (i love him too) who is edgy and well written too.
You guys are a bunch of hypocrits
>laughing about a guy who have writting disorders and isn't even english
Wow very mature,are you prould of yourself?
To each their tastes I guess I never read that manga so I don't even know what a "titan" looks like in this fantasy
why so serious?
Eren is the most favorite character here.
the shippers are the reason some people are repulsed by snk on Yea Forums
I mean read books for adults, not fantasy shit.
This is ironic.
>powerfull,smart,deep and dark
fucking hell this sounds like something out of coldsteel's bio
the absolute state of snkfags
>muh freedom
>muh race
Erenfags are mentally ill
>I have ridden
Why do shipperfags even exist?
I don't get it? Family murdered by brother sounds like a fine reason to be fucked in the head.
At least you guys should try to explain why eren is a shit character:
>he was a child who didn't accepted to be enclosed by stupid giant monsters
>his mother got eaten alive by one of those monsters,for this reason he got a vengeace boner against them
>got a strong power but he is unable to use it in the right way (and later we find out his titan is literally the 2nd weakest of the 9s,since he don't have special abilities or deformation like armor and strong jaw)
>got his ass kicked 90% of the times and the people closed to him became traitors .
>find out how weak he is after losing many friends cause his inability to win and after found out his father did horrible things to the royal family.
>started to matured into a better person and fighter
>found out the shocking truth of his world thx his father memories (literally living and feeling them, torture and loss included) and also he found out he will die at the age of 23 cause titan aids
>wanted to protect his closed friends (the only thing closed to a family he have) and want accept to sacrifice none of them (and also 50% he could also have started a deeper relationship with the small queen, but this is still not confirmed).
>find out the only way he have to save his race and his friends is became the monster the entire world think he is, so accept it and changed from the childish annoing crybaby into a full growed up man who won't esistate to kill innocents to save the people he cares (a distorted version of kiritsugo's morality to be fair)
How can all this be considered a bad and unatural charatterization while his character got a long term development since unprising arc to the 4 years after the timeskip.
The mangaka should be praised for all the good work he have done on his character.