When did you realize that Yuu x Touko are the cutest yuri couple?

When did you realize that Yuu x Touko are the cutest yuri couple?

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Delete this thread right now.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yagate Kimi ni Naru - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.42_[2018.12.28_18.00.34].jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Yeah they're a pretty good couple, but they should at least let Sayaka watch. The girl deserves that much at least.

during the field day event when yuu was watching touko run

>implying manaria friends didn't shit all over this shit heap show

More like Manaria friends until graduation, am I right?

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She literally says that they have obligations to their kingdoms but will be together forever. Anne even skips her obligations to get back to grea.
Sorry yaganigger but manaria friends is the romance of the year.

Sayaka x brown tomboy is the cutest couple.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Koukaku no Pandora - 07 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_17.20_[2016.02.29_01.30.11 (1280x720, 442K)

>cutest yuri couple

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Delete Sayaka's homosexuality.

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Not a couple, barely yuri and only moderately cute.

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I miss these dorks so much. I should rewatch it some day.

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>barely yuri
Kill yourself.

>yuri coupl
>no lesbians
Choose one.

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>watch anime
>laugh at Sayaka
>read manga
>cry at her confession

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I really want it animated

Ever since I first witnessed their hot'n'cold-act

I want to _be_ Yuu!

Why even live ;_;

>cutest yuri couple
not even close

>are the cutest yuri couple?


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They're pretty cute together. Can't really say they're they best yet when they haven't even confessed to each other properly.

Don't you low-lives have your own board?

I'm sure virgin, ugly fatass hikkikomori have their own boards somewhere too, yet here you are.

Being able to do something and being obligated to do something are two vastly different things

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>when they haven't even confessed to each other properly
Well, about that

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Them being girls doesn't even play any role, if they both were boys it would be exactly the same. That's why they are not the best.

>Them being girls doesn't even play any role
Are you retarded or stupid.

Imagine if both of them had dicks. Touko would have a premature ejaculation the first time they rubbed them together and that's cute.

You could say the same about most love stories, most girls in anime fall in love because of the dudes personality, his physical attributes only come into question later

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