Bakemonogatari - Raw Chapter 50

Bakemonogatari - Raw Chapter 50


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Just bought the first volume of Bakemonogatari (collector edition

> clerk : oh Bakemonogatari. Multiple people ask me to keep copy for them. I started reading it and I don't understand the plot.
> me : oh yeah, it's probably because you need to watch the anime first. And a lot of pun may be lost on translation
> clerk : ok, but can you summarize the story to me if someone else ask me about it.
> me : yeah, it's a girl who lost weight because of a crab
> clerk : ..... Why is it so popular

Can you helped me explain why Bakemonogari is good. I like it but I don't know why?

Raw or localized?

Greatest love story ever told
And crazy women go to a half way crazy vampire to solve their inane problems.

Localized. The first volume is released today.

Yeah, I should had just said : Senjougahari is best waifu.


Cause it's a good trope reversal and a commentary about the harem genre. Also the writing style is pretty cool

It is a perfect combination of a character driven story and a plot driven story. There are also two simultaneous plots that are seamlessly woven together; The plot revolving around the characters themselves, how they deal with their problems, and how Araragi tries to save them, and the plot of the spiritual events happening in the town because of Shinobu’s past and the shrine. Neither plot detracts from the other, and both build off of each other as the story progresses. The characters all have issues that come from something normal, but they are looked at through Japanese Shintoism, causing all the characters to feel rooted in reality, but at the same time fantastic and mysterious. It also has an awesome mythology, Kai and the way they interact with the world and people are cool as hell. Add to that that Araragi is a top tier main character and a top tier narrator, each of the girls have personalities that stand out aside from whatever he does, all the girls are cute, and there is a lot of fan service. It’s like any boring real life drama except turned into a fantasy and all the characters are actually good.


It's not bad.

Not even the editor representant managed to sell her (the clerk) the story.

I guess I will need to print your post because I don't think I will be able to reformulate it.