Manga 3x3

post your favourite vietnamese rice farmer manuscripts

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That's not even a 3x3 you tranny.

sorry I'm not pretentious enough to post in here

just post hxh and some other random shit


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About to start reading Pluto. What is top left?

enjoy it, pluto's great.

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Oh fuck it is a manga one. Nevermind

You know Yea Forums can't read bro

bottom right?


Very good taste. Love Ultra Heaven and Maruo.

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I really need to change this grid up. I'm going to replace Dororo with Iceland by Yokoyama Yuichi, and I think Seraphim is going to get switched for the original Kamen Rider manga. Might choose a different Tatsumi manga as well.

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which manga is middle top?

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A Distant Neighbourhood

Most people don't have manga 3x3, do they? I wonder whether that's related to more people watching than reading or whether people consider it harder to come up with manga 3x3.






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Yea Forums is illiterate and can't read


I'm too normie to note the rest

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Well, it's not exactly high literature we're talking about or even light novels. Reading manga should be easy even for the most retarded 4channeler.

Manga: 1/3
Anime: 3/4

Damn ... manga 3x3 threads are always so dead. If only people actually read manga on Yea Forums ...

What are the things you didn't like ?

Fire Punch, Blame, Hokuto no Ken.
Don't hate any of them, but I really don't like them either.

Also, just noticed: Is bottom-right Akira? If so, that makes the anime score a "4/5".

>Is bottom-right Akira?

++Takemitsu Zamurai
+Innocent,Ultra Heaven
+/-Paranoia Star
++Takemitsu Zamurai
+/-Fire Punch,Jitsu wa

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Bumping. Because you (Yes, you!) could be making a manga 3x3 to post here right now.

I haven't even completed nine manga.

Well, get to it then! Look at a few one-shots. I'll await your return in an hour with a 3x3 that will blow all our minds.

based Taniguchi user
I'll forever regret not getting in line for a signed copy in what was one of his very last cons

Bumping for more 3x3 ...

So .. are you done yet, user?

Yeah, sorry, reading enough h-manga to make a 3x3 was physically exhausting. I'll get around to it eventually.

>reading enough h-manga to make a 3x3
shit user you just gave me an idea

>you just gave me an idea
It's not as if other people hadn't done that in the past, you know ...

Sure but I never thought of doing this before

Well, if you do it right now, you might be able to post it while this thread's still alive!

Too much of a pleb to have good taste so I'm just gonna drop mine and look for stuff to read from this thread
cant recognize any of them
Bonus points for the color theming

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What's middle right ?

The Voynich hotel

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Is Prison School actually good, or is it meme good. The art seems alright, although very digital compared to what I usually read.
The last couple volumes of blame were quite good. Great set pieces and framing. I hated the volumes before, they're too messy to figure out. Do other Nihei manga look as consistent as late blame?

>Is Prison School actually good, or is it meme good.
Don't ask anyone in 3x3 thread whether something they put among their favourites is "good". Of course someone who has something on his 3x3 finds that something good, so I hope you don't expect a different answer from him.

Well, I'm not him, but let me try to give my opinion: It's solid enough. Like you said, the art is good. The plot is full of ecchi and fetish material, but quite entertaining. As are the characters, mostly.
It's worth a read, even though I don't think it stands out much over other contemporary manga.

Often people have meme good things on their charts, so it's a legitimate distinction. Code Grass is one of those shows where it's liked because it was fun watching it with Yea Forums back in the day rather than it being good.
I'm not into fetishes, so if that's the majority of the manga, I'll have to give that a pass.
I have similar questions about Fire Punch. I hear very negative and very positive things about it. I trust that you'll have a fair opinion on it.

>Code Grass is one of those shows where it's liked because it was fun watching it with Yea Forums back in the day rather than it being good.
Not sure about that. The must be people out ther who genuinely liked it.

>I'm not into fetishes
Strange statement. If there's anything you're into, that's a fetish for you. Even if you're only into vanilla, that's a vanilla fetish.
The manga has some strange ones, but also a few rather light ones. It caters to a lot of people. That itself doesn't make it good or bad. Of course, it makes it kinda exploitative and pandering. If you don't like that, it might not be for you.
On the other hand, it doesn't take itself too seriously and is relatively lighthearted, despite the hardcore stuff. So there's that.

>Fire Punch
>I trust that you'll have a fair opinion on it
Fair, yes. But not very informative. I found it kinda boring and dropped it quickly. But I admit that that's down to personal taste, not necessarily to objective weaknesses it might have had. So someone else might be more helpful.

>Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.
No thanks, you guys are weird. I'll stick to the haram body parts and making babies.
Might check out Fire Punch then.

Only decent thing there is the one that looks like Erased.

Threw it together in under a minute, sue me.

4/5 manga
1/1 anime

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>a nonsexual part of the body
There is no such thing as a "nonsexual part of the body".

lower left?

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
You have a good contrast between relatively serious manga aimed at adults and then top middle balloon tits for 14 year olds

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>relatively serious manga aimed at adults
All due respect, none of those are aimed at adults.

Sure they are. They may appeal to late teens the most, but they are aimed at adults. In Japan, the fans are likely to be almost all adults.

>They may appeal to late teens
Late teens? As in "deceased teens"? Or just teens who miss appointments?

most of the time I don't recognize or haven't read the handful of series out of thousands that get posted in these threads. It's incredibly time-consuming to read anything of a decent length and the potential range of titles is enormous. In anime people's tastes tend to cluster around certain shows and you can finish a shorter series in a single weekend.


>In anime people's tastes tend to cluster around certain shows
Really? I find that anime 3x3 tend to be just as varied as manga 3x3. The only reason that there are more intersections (in absolute numbers) is that there aree way more anime 3x3 than manga ones.

>you can finish a shorter series in a single weekend.
The same is true for manga. In fact, I find it way easier to quickly read a manga (at my own pace) than to sit down for multiple hours (either at once or scheduled over multiple sessions) to watch an anime series.

most anime are adaptation of manga though, and the majority doesnt cover all of the content, leaving only option to just read the source, add to the fact that some manga are really difficult to adapt to anime in a proper way, without doing a mediocre adaptation that is.
>anime people's tastes tend to cluster around certain shows and you can finish a shorter series in a single weekend.
I kind of agree, though OVAs tend to be more varied, due to the sheer ammount of users in anime 3x3 its easier to find 3x3 that are mainstream ecchi-shonen-SoL of the season or some pretentious list of 2deep4u anime.
Dont know about the time of finishing a series though, i find a short anime longer than it's manga counterpart, maybe due because of my reading habits, since I read whenever I can have a bit of time in between appointments. though unlike anime sometimes it's very tiring to binge read a series for more than 10 hours, maybe it's just me

Made my day user
I find it very rare I actually don't recognize something in an anime 3x3 but it happens all the time with manga and I'm much more of a manga reader than an anime watcher. Manga's a deep and wide pool. I do agree with the second user that a 5 volume manga is a much easier consumption than a 12 episode anime.

Don't really read much manga.

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I am a very fast reader so I can get through manga really quickly, but anime is bottlenecked because it has 1 speed unless you do funky stuff like 1.5 or 2x speed. Sometimes I watch in 4x and still don't miss anything because anime is made to waste time.
Manga 3x3s tend to have much better stuff on them because there are more good manga then there are good anime. Manga is easier to make so the pool of good ones to read from is far larger. The pool of bad ones is also pretty big, but easier to overlook because there's so much good. Manga is also respected in Japan, whereas anime isn't really. Old manga look great and are easy to read, but old anime often look terrible and are hard to watch. Take Dougram, for example. Nobody watches Dougram. It looks garbage. It's hard to sit through the whole thing. But some random ass manga from the same time will be really easy to plow through.

To me a short manga series is something like 2-4 volumes, and that's easy enough to do, but a lot of the stuff that's well-regarded is way longer, and I read slow as fuck.

one of the main disadvantages of manga over anime is the fact that so much good stuff gets by without scans or translation, and even popular series have unfinished translations/scans or none at all, which makes getting deeper into it way harder than anime, of course that gets obfuscated by the insane amount of competent manga that have been released with translations, but there's always a couple that are a pain in the ass to find.
other than that, I find manga overall a better experience than anime in general

i dont know if you are the dude who made the 3x3 with that manga or just some user answering my question but thanks i read that manga today and wow one of the best experiences i had in literarute honestly thank you

name of the manga with the couple kissing
middle top pic , name?
name of the manga with the girl next to a flower

Even checking out manga is a lot easier than checking out anime. Flip through a few pages and within 5-10 minutes you'll have a good idea what it is. 5-10 minutes of an anime isn't even halfway through 1 episode, so you have very little to judge off of.
In general, manga recommendations are better because there's far more unexplored territory and the chances you missed something good are quite high. Before the Dororo anime was announced, virtually nobody had heard of Dororo. But it's a short read and it's great stuff.
I'm a different Taniguchi user. You should check out some more of Taniguchi's stuff. Guardians of the Louvre is really good and in full colour.

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I read a couple chapters of Voynich Hotel. What's the appeal of it? It's not interesting at all. It's not funny. There's no hook. Is there something I'm missing?

I'm guessing since anime is more scattered and has a bigger consumer base a good series gets noticed right away, and if it doesn't live up to the source material still increases awareness of it. I've met some people who unironically only read manga because either adaptations were trash or left unfinished on a cliffhanger, so it gives me the impression that sometimes it's done for the sole purpose of marketing, which is a solid move most of the time.
It's a shame, since some manga would never be appropriate to translate into anime, just because of how it's delivered art wise, or story wise it would become a mediocre piece at best

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>name of the manga with the girl next to a flower
Kakukaku Shikajika

probably time to update mine but it's late and I'm tired

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>name of the manga with the couple kissing
Eternal Sabbath

I didn't like that Kamen Rider was propaganda the whole time, but at least it's useful and moral propaganda. Far better than Devilman.

>I didn't like that Kamen Rider was propaganda the whole time
What's the difference between taking a moral stance and propaganda?

> le funny wacky synonyms for manga
niggers like you should return to reddit


The difference is that propaganda is a purpose, and a moral stance is a theme. There are oft times heavy-handed themes that are not propagandistic, or purposes that are not obvious. Naruto is not propaganda when it talks about friendship and unity because that's not the purpose of the story. In fact, there was no purpose to the story and it was all made up as it went along. Most Go Nagai works are propaganda because the purpose of them is very obvious. Propaganda can be good and bad, but I prefer not reading propaganda when I read fiction. A good propaganda film is something I do enjoy.

Seems not much happened in here since when I went to bed.


That's not what propaganda means. It has to be specifically political, and not just "oh he said we should treat nature well, this is liberal propaganda."

Nonsense. You can have non-political propaganda. It relies upon whether you are pushing an agenda or not. There are some cases where people push agendas without realising they are doing so. This is still propaganda. The most effective propaganda is propaganda which is true and honest. You might think this sounds contradictory, but, in fact, propaganda relies upon truth to work. Dishonest propaganda can be easily dismissed on grounds that it is false or blatantly misrepresenting reality, but honest propaganda cannot.

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Sanctuary, but Imo it’s really bland and unrealistic, at least when it comes to politics

It's pretty good so far.

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What bothers me are the later developments of the story, Asami strategies would never work irl and especially in a conservative country like Japan with the majority of its parliament elected in single seat constituencies. Hojo’s plot is better, mainly because my suspension of disbelief is stronger when it comes to crime stories

You don't know what the word propaganda means, stupid burger.

Would you like to explain what you think propaganda is? Please avoid using a dictionary.

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wow, what is that middle one?

>bland and unrealistic
shit taste
also it's supposed to be unrealistic, the entire fucking scenario is unrealistic, it's a goddamn manga meant to entertain.