Is it just me or has the board been way slower than usual lately...

Is it just me or has the board been way slower than usual lately? It feels like every semi-intelligent poster here just up and left in the last few weeks.

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Wait, I don't get it, how would five people leaving make the board "way slower"?

there's no leaks of nothing and the season is shit
that could explain why
it is, indeed, very fucking slow

>the season is shit
This. Actually the worst season possibly of the decade. Only a handful of shows worth watching and they haven't got much to talk about. No shitstorms, no waifu wars, no plot, there's nothing.


Dull seasonals atm, nothing like KLK or DitF to unite the board in seething
People have already argued about Rei/Asuka or K-On
Also HiatusxHiatus, >Griffith Chapter, Tomo-chan wa On Hiatus, HnK is a monthly release, etc. etc.

don't worry, summer is nearly upon us, you'll have plenty of 'Shinji just get in the robot' and 'sword art online was amazing, what next' to read in a couple weeks' time

>wanting a fast board
Fuck off.

The only reason to use Yea Forums instead of /qa/ or some other chan's anime board is its speed though

>It feels like every semi-intelligent poster here just up and left in the last few weeks.
Don't worry, super intelligent posters like yours truly are still here to discuss with you.

I've noticed that too, but then again I'm the most intelligent poster on Yea Forums.

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They shitpost a lot

Current season is terrible.

mods are thots

>Isekai Quartet


Auto garbage.

Summer is coming

>a crossover between isekai characters
>not even good ones like Slime
It's shit.


I remember Yea Forums was much faster a few years ago

this is a good time to catch up with other shows though
i'm watching lain and going to read this manga called "ashizuri suizokukan"

Only JoJo and Hiterobocchi are worth it this season.

I blame the mods that made this place a no fun zone,almost every thread that i like get deleted even when is anime.

This, most people are going through backlog. Also Lots of threads either go straight to page 10 or mods delete them for no reason.

Isekai Quartet and Amazing Stranger are the only good things this season and both are shorts

>slower because of seasonal shit
That's why I advocate that people watch more older anime. There's a lot of gold made in the 20th century.

>There's a lot of gold made in the 20th century.
quads of truth
but for reals though i would watch 20th century anime if it wasn't 100+ episodes each...
good thing about 21st century anime is that i can watch and finish it quickly, so it stays nice and if it's boring i won't have to see a lot

>and if it's boring i won't have to see a lot
What if it's all so good that you enjoy rewatching 50+ episodes series?