Newtype June 2019 character rankings

Newtype June 2019 character rankings.

-Male Ranking-

>Kirito (Sword Art Online)
>Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
>Naofumi Iwatani (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
>Norman (The Promised Neverland)
>Shuuichi Tsukamoto (Hibike! Euphonium)
>Char Aznable (Gundam the Origin)
>Hyakkimaru (Dororo)
>Shirou Emiya (Fate)
>Miyuki Shirogane (Kaguya-sama: Love is War)
>Koyomi Araragi (Monogatari)

-Female Ranking-

>Kumiko Oumae (Hibike! Euphonium)
>Alice Zuberg (Sword Art Online)
>Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online)
>Reina Kousaka (Hibike! Euphonium)
>Saber (Fate/stay night)
>Emma (The Promised Neverland)
>C.C. (Code Geass)
>Mizore Yoroizuka (Hibike! Euphonium)
>Raphtalia (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
>Rin Tohsaka (Fate/stay night)

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based shoe

>naofumi at 3rd place

>first place

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>no wormslut

Isn't it always kirito in 1st place?

>Mizore Yoroizuka (Hibike! Euphonium)
wow i wonder why the japs like this rei character

Yuritards and autismal hikkis.

Yeah why does Japan have such good taste? Boggles the mind.

Why is Dazai such a qt?

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Kira Yamato will reclaim his rightful spot as #1 once he gets unbanned.

>Cared about new-type ranking
Kirito and Asuna always on top. Literally only the same group of people voted on this shit.

You can't stop the king bitch !

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The only way he'll get unbanned is if SEED gets another anime.

Actually pretty impeccable taste for the males if you took off Kirito.

>Miyuki Shirogane (Kaguya-sama: Love is War)

where is footaru?

>haremshit lead

>Kirito sama wins again
Why are nips so based

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He never was banned, people just stopped caring about him. He got 10th place a time or two while Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphan was airing. He just hasn’t been relevant in a decade, and people have long since switched to voting for Kirito or Shirou.

b-but user, Yea Forums loves him. H-he is he best prota of all time
also, Yea Forums l-loves that haremshit trash

He was taken off because they made it so that the SEED and Destiny versions of him were considered two different entries. Without those combined, he can't appear on the ranking anymore.

when we needed him most, he vanished.

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>considered two different entries
But there is only 1 god

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>Miyuki Shirogane (Kaguya-sama: Love is War)
Based Prez.

He might've not scored high but he did beat kaguya again.

Surprised he's still up there, to be honest, but well deserved.

>1 - Kirito (Sword Art Online)
>2 - Alice Zuberg (Sword Art Online)
Into the trash it goes.

Don't even read Kaguya anymore but I'm happy for my boy

Too bad Kaguya is shit.
Dropped it after that dumb arc

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Based prez, he's literally /our/guy, redditgami BTFO

This shit is worthless for years. Polls with like 300 votes.

Yeah that is impressive given his TV anime series has been over now for almost the last 2 months.

I know that the first 2 volumes of the home video release are out now with the 3rd forthcoming, which may attribute to this but it is still impressive.

Nothing like your not-gf putting you through hell because of her deep rooted issues to garner some points.

a long long time ago...

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Raphtalia...if you kill him you will be the same as him...
Yeah, I am not like you

>generic cock-blocked bland harem girl

Forgot pic

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Based nips

>Saber still on the list
>still above Rin
God damn she doesn't even have a currently airing show. How does she do it?

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>no Kira
Fake poll.
>Shield faggot is in the top 10
I though Japan didn't care for that.

Face of the franchise. Notice how Sakura isn't even on the list despite having the most recent media.

Which is a shame because I was hoping sakurabros would have a longer chance of seeing their girl get the limelight.

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I don't particularly care for Sakura (none of the main F/SN girls do it for me) but I don't think she was very popular in the first place. So coming straight out of a movie people will think highly of her but revert back to their old favorite pretty quickly.
And Saber is pretty hard to beat by the sheer exposure. Her face is plastered to every single TM-related promotional material.

>Norman (The Promised Neverland)
>Emma (The Promised Neverland)
Wow okay.

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Japan's shit taste strikes again.

Indeed, being a sakurafag is suffering. They at least have it better than Illyafags

Well they're the main characters, it's not like there's anyone else relevant enough from that series to rank up there.

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>Sakura not even in the ranking anymore
Serves you right wormfags for shitting every single fate related thread with your shitty waifu.

How will Norman do when season 3 comes out?

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Even better, everyone's gonna be wanting to fuck him. Just like in the manga.

>shows up in most recent media for literally less than a minute
>still outrank entire cast
She can't keep getting away with it.

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Norman is sexy as fuck.

Fuck of and stay off.