
Why is Yuuji such a bitter asshole?

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>People make fun of "literally me" characters
>But this guy always gets left off the list

>sister is a super-genius
>she leads to destruction of your home
>your father is an asshole, your mother kills herself
>gets sold and trained as child assassin
>fuck up and get caught by government
>find a great master that teaches you how to take care about herself and life's wisdoms
>she dies few years later
>has to deal with sexually frustrated blonde
>wants to go to school, but is put in an asylum masquerading as a school
You tell me?

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Because he's literally not you. Anybody that wants to be actually be him is a fucking sociopath. It's not like Nii-San or Kirito, from the moment you see what he does in his closet, Yuuji is fucked.

I'd say he still fits, he's just far scummier than the rest
>Smart, intelligent, and a wicked sense of humor

Fuck that's not how it goes
>Nihilistic, intelligent, and a wicked sense of humor

He just is like goblin-dono

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Do you think Yuuji was a sociopath as a child, before his parents died?

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Yuuji isn't a sociopath, he just thinks he is. That's his entire character arc. But people who would want to be him just to get a harem of mentally scarred waifus are. As much as "God I wish that were me" gets used, I think the Juice is a little beyond the limits of what self-insertfags can handle.

He's had a hard life, that's why.


Does Yuuji realize he isn't a sociopath during Rakuen?
Do you think he's a better person than most of the girls?

Reminder that Phantom Trigger raws are out.

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The VNs are only okay and the anime is basically guaranteed to be a couple steps worse than that, so why bother?

But it has a cute tsundere sniper!


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And she's generally okay. I'll torrent the VNs if I want more PT. It just feels like milking their one big hit and I prefer their other, original projects.

>It just feels like milking their one big hit
I don't think that is right way to look at things.
Sure, it is called Grisaia, but it has nothing to do with the original. All the characters are new and even setting is changed to be different from the previous one.
And I kind of like how each of the chapters focuses on single character's story while also building an overall plot.

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It feels like milking because it's completely and utterly unremarkable on its own merits and I wouldn't pay any attention to it if it wasn't called Grisaia.

A mix of autism and a very hard life.
You forgot arguably the most traumatic part: getting adopted by a pedo terrorist and dressed to look like his "dead" sister. Nigger probably got ass fucked frequently.

Was he autistic as a child?

He was very timid and had no self-value when he was a kid, but not really autistic. Only after living in the wilderness for a couple years with only 2 other people to talk definitely stunted his social skills, joining the military soon after did even more damage.

Wasn't that the part where he was working as an assassin?

She is the last boss, isn't she?

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>ara ara onee-san

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