Why did they give her something worth way more than her apples?

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Did they rape her or just beat the shit out of her?

They scolded her and gave a lengthy lesson on macroeconomics until she couldn't stand up anymore


according to the wiki it was just a beating... lmao

>Here's my anime villain with a shit destruction for the sake of it motivation
>but it's justified because sad back story!
Japan needs to pick up a fucking book and learn some basics to character development.

god i wish that were me

>tfw la goblina is a literal anime character now

>Here's my anime villain
Stupid nigger.

She was one of the main party.

Wiki said rape, but you know how 4kids those guys are.
Based on the anime, yeah it was rape. And no one cared because she's half monster.

>half monster
no, u r talking about zealotus right?


Did she end up becoming Job2?
Looks like she's one of those dex+luk forger/brewer leech

>vending in the middle of the street
>spamming all chat
>vending in the middle of the fucking street
Bitch deserved it and worse. Should have sold her retarded ass to Orc village. I hate retarded merchants like her. And warp portal selling acolytes too.

She wasn't even a fucking merchant yet, she's just a novice and spamming chat selling apples nobody need.

xration any1?

I was going to point out the cart, but then I remembered novices started getting "preview" skills while on the first job change quest. I think it was added around the time they gave Acolytes Holy Light as their single offensive skill.

So you're right. Still pretty bad though.

That one comic with the novice going into Prontera Church to become an acolyte, and her little friend that wanted to be a swordie.

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It blows my mind that such a shitty Korean MMO grindfest could have such a great anime

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Damn, I watched this so long ago that I didn't remember this happening but I do remember Takius getting banged by Zephyr when she was a loli.

I'm still playing the game.

It blows my mind that people still pay monthly to play this on top of having blatant pay to win cash shop in japan.

Someone really needs to put a hit out on that lowlife already.

Takius zephyr never happened stop headcanon

It did! She was naked in the bed.

still better than what the sjw shit tier colored hair tans woman land whale "writers" can come up with these day

is that a poring

I'd have raped her, too.

I know what happens next

how many dicks did they stuff in her?

Same here

>complaining about colored hair on an anime board

edgy but it got to me.

Based Sseth.

>I'm still playing the game.
Which server?

rape is always a sign that writers are incompetent. whenever there is sign of rape in something I immediately drop it and give it the lowest rating possible

she deserved that, for going against her zionist masters

Guess you weren't happy about your parent's marriage

I think youre trying to be funny but I dont get it

I'm saying you're a salty little rapebaby

Serves you right (((merchant)))

>no impregnation

dropped the ball on that one.

>you're a salty little rapebaby
nope my parents are still happily married. your insult attempt is about as effective as calling a thin person fat. I am trying to think of some way you could insult me but its difficult. maybe call me insignificant loser who will never reach her dreams?

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Why didn't she just cart revolution on the men?


Probably didn't finish the skill quest yet.

She wanted to get raped

You're just mad you're too ugly and no one wants to rape you.

That's why you play on private server with job+quest skill NPC

already a little bit better good job

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What anime?

So Yea Forums, you got visited by truck-chan and got Isekai'd into the world of Ragnarok Online!

You're a novice and have no special skills or items, outside of what the novice tutorial area gives you.

What's your class? How do you earn your livelihood?

Alchemist selling potions?
Mercenary selling loot?
Priestess selling non-sexual favors ?

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Wasn't this same show where the MC gets cucked or something by the heroine's onii-chan?

Why turn it into another isekai when Netoge already exists?

because it's fun to pretend user


She probably can't bear a child yet

Becoming a priestess is the only way to achieve happiness in RO

but priests make for the very best sexual receptacles, and isn't that true happiness?

Despite your garbage opinion everyone likes rape even women, they get off to the thought of it even if they say they hate it.
Men love rape because seeing women dominated and mindbroken until they enjoy it is hot.
And there's nothing you can do about it.

Priest selling warps to dungeons

Alchie selling pots and making sweet love to my homunculus (vanilmirth)

Female Ranger so I get a giant wolf bro to fuck me

By picking up stuff on the ground that people throw away.
And then I sell it all when the housing update arrives.

This is the reason why people hates jews

Fuckers, how can some of you be amused by tormenting and crushing a poor child that tries that hard. Fucktards, you deserve the worst. Go rot.

>child made that cart herself
You bastards, you deserve to be hated and disgusting to the end of your lives.

I think this shit has made me finally quit this Yea Forums shithole after all these years spent

>Based guild defends local trade

who cares anyway