What would you do with a Yui?

What would you do with a Yui?

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Hug her pillow.

Inseminate her butt.

Tell her that everything is going to be daijoubu

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Would you nantsutte her tsuchattas

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Please delete this immediately.

>explains why everyone else runs when they come out

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I want to Yui Yui's Yuis

Attached: yui.jpg (829x1200, 151K)

What about her bean?

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I pay 1000 Life Points to destroy a monster on the opponent's field.

Why is this so lewd


Yui is a lewd girl

I did not need to be reminded of this

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Play with the bean of course.

I would hang around with Yui and not lewd her cause do not fucking lewd the yuyus.

Based and yuyupilled.

I can't get over how much bigger her boobs get over the course of the season. Made for breeding.

Does Yui ever visit Yuzuko or Yukari's house?

>ywn be her pillow and futon

Attached: [Commie] Yuyushiki - 12 [BD 720p AAC] [34E8F4D0] 00.21.52-00.21.54.webm (1280x720, 447K)

I rather be her pants.

Was it rape

I'd nantsutte her tsuchatta, if you know what I mean.

Ne Yui

>ywn be her bra

was there ever hope for a 2nd season bros?

Get to know her so that I can get acquainted to Yuzuko.

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>this again

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This again.

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What about this?

Attached: [Commie] Yuyushiki - 03 [BD 720p AAC] [BF371F15].mkv_snapshot_15.38_[2019.01.31_18.09.09].jpg (1280x720, 449K)

Aikawa is mentally ill.

Are Aikawa's friends also mentally ill?

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>3 out of 9 volumes translated
Is the wordplay too complex for scanslators to handle?

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They must be, to be friends with such a crazy girl.

more like there are literally 2 people on the entire globe that care enough to do it user. And they do it only when they go to the shitter to read dolphin porn fanfiction.

they should just group this and YY and do a crossover, otherwise neither will ever be animated ever again. Namori already did some pieces with these girls, shouldn't be that hard. Specially now with the isekai SD shitty miniseries they are releasing. What other series could go with it?

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What if Yuzuko and Yukari are ghosts that just possess random people?

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That would be rather rude of them.

That's usually a sign that she has already been bred...

Okaa-san no!