Jesus Christ, it looks like something from Jimmy Neutron

Jesus Christ, it looks like something from Jimmy Neutron

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What the fuck kind of Jimmy Neutron were you watching


The good kind.

Who would win in a fight between Jimmy Neutron and Child Emperor

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Eww murata version

mob psycho > one joke man

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Shit, really? I've got to go watch Jimmy Neutron then.

Im seriously curious as to what about this looks anything even remotely reminiscent to anything in Jimmy Neutron

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Whole episodes budget went into buffing DO-S's ass

pretty much

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Who do you want to fuck more?

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From here to the stars,
With my candy bars,
Rides a kid
With a knack
For inventions.

That's what I said, Sodium Chloride!

My fucking COCK brehs for both of em

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Jimmy is more reckless and less ethical,he'd do what it takes

Really hoping they dont just copy the like 4 other frames there are of Eyesight from the manga but this episode doesn't make me hopeful.

What anime is this?

Single attack male humanoid.

Solitary Assault Dude

Boku no use WAIT

this is cool as fuck


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Jimmy has a cheese ray

Serious question: Why the hell is JC Staff using this weird CG/gradient texture for things? What's so hard to just color things properly? Genos' arms look like trout for lord's sake.

Attached: vegeta_aw_yeah.gif (245x242, 471K)

Maybe there's an antisemitic subtext behind her design we're both missing?

Wait, what? Give me a quick rundown about this.

>he doesn't know about the Sam Raimi's written Jimmy Neutron episodes
Like, what have you been doing mate?

Same reason studios just slap flat gradients on peoples heads and call it a hair color.

...I don't know what that reason is, but oh well.

One Punch Man.

The pizza is aggresive one???

One budget man

>Jimmy Newtron


Why does the costume look so cgi?
Like those really badly shaded and colored practically 2D cgi pieces of shit

Reminds me of that tongue and mouth from Hellstar Remina

Attached: 6252349-19.jpg (921x635, 238K)

It's just is the artist that's doing the colors signature, ironically enough since you posted DBZ it's like how Goku and Vegeta look otter mode in Broly and Jacked as fuck in other seasons or movies

it's explained here

Jesus fucking christ, that entire Metal Bat fight was disappointing
Jesus fucking christ this whole season is disappointing

Quality is a bit too uneven to really enjoy, even though I wasn't expecting much to begin with.

>DenialFags actually thought JC staff was saving money to animate fillershitter Metal-Bat/Garou fight

literally thats all JCfags were posting last week

Attached: PureUtterDelusion.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

Hell, I believed it too
But fucking A, Tanktop vs Garou was WAY better than this shit, at least in terms of budget
You wait 5 years for a new season, and JC Staff likely had at least 1 years to actually make the fucking season and THIS is what they came up with?
Who fucking owns the rights to OPM anime? Is it Shueisha? Who the fuck do I send hate mail to to complain about this shit?

To try to cover up for the sheer laziness of the art and animation that's normally there
It's the anime equivalent of auto-tune

>1 years
About 2 years
They had WAY more time to prepare for OPM2 than most studios who work on typical seasonsinal anime. If they wanted and started very early they could have actually drawn Elder but naaaah, why even bother, better to start production a week before deadlines.

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I felt like episode 2 was the worst in terms of animation. I think episode 3 was the best if I remember correctly.

>who work
which work*

ok up to now I generally thought they were doing ok but this time, JC Staff, you genuinely fucked up
you missed the best part of the fucking fight, I am actually mad right now

Attached: onepunch_man_90_4.jpg (728x1047, 192K)

Centichoro's CGI is unironically some of the better CGI I've seen in TV anime, which makes it a fucking shame that such well done CGI is being wasted on this.

They didn't spend those 2 years to animate stuff obviously, animations usually took around 6-7 months

bald cape man

Why is everything a slideshow now?

Honestly I think they are trying to emulate Murata's style of shading.

This 100%
The whole fight could have been ass (it was), but if they included this and made it just 3 seconds of pure sakuga it would have been fine. Fuck JC Staff.

Slide-Show Man

pretty sure this was removed for the tankoubon because one said it was OOC, metal bat isn't smart enough to do shit like that and can only swing his bat.

I feel like I have to rewatch each episode to enjoy it.

So why does shit that’s produced every 2-3 years like Hero Aca or even the “important” episodes of toei shit like One Piece look so much better than this show that had literally everything going for it?
Why can’t JC Staff fucking make an effort

What is this? Mad max?

One frame man

bullshit, if a bat of all things is his main weapon he should be a master of any baseball-esque scenario

That’s interesting if true, and I can buy it. I’m curious if there’s a list with differences like that somewhere. It’s hard to keep up with releases and changes between the webcomic, the chapter, and then the volume version

him hitting a manhole cover with his bat, sure that's in character enough, but calculating all those ricochets and then tackling garou into it's path to hit him? no way

pretty sure there's a list of manga vs webcomic differences on the wiki somewhere, i don't think there's any lists for tankoubon differences though

I'm ashamed I get that reference.

I didn't feel like it was a stretch, he just seems hot headed and rude, not necessarily stupid
and either way it was cool

Jimmy, you saw what he could do with just McSpankys

yeah sure it was cool, im not denying that. im also not saying he's an imbecile just that he isn't that smart and his fighting style is very straightforward.

It depends on if jimmy can channel his brain blast or not

What does the OG non-manganized one look like

If you mean the webcomic one then there is none, she wasn't in the webcomic. ONE used a design from another mangaka for the webcomic and then Do-S replaces her in the manga.

the butt pregnancy one

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>Daiz owns JC Staff
It all makes sense now.

Do-S never existed originally. Instead there was a monster callled Goddess Glasses. She was a copyrighted character ONE borrowed back when he was unemployed and just doing the webcomic for fun.

Finally the queen.

Based man in tights poster


Jimmy has less scruples about pulling some bullshit.


Who the fuck knows, the normal metal colour looks decent enough.

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It's time to apologize to JC Staff.

Attached: fubuki_vs_do-s.webm (960x540, 3M)

Holy fuck this just keeps looking worse....

She wouldn't even need to whip me. I'd become her slave in a heartbeat.

Getting whipped is just an added bonus.

Firat number closed fist thrust patriarchy


the fuck. i thought OP's picture was from ninja slayer from animation

Unironically Midnight seems like she'd be gentler. I'm also a sucker for the fair skin, dark hair, blue eyes combo.

>Ignoring thunder geisha

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What's so bad? It doesn't look bad at all, other than maybe some cherrypicked stills. In motion S2 looks fine to me.

mostly nonviolent male

>in motion
Implying static picture with camera moving is "motion"
And even on preview her mask look like its from ps2 game.

why is everything so fucking close up?

This is correct. Murata removed that scene from the chapter after ONE’s comment. Fucking newfags.

You can leave your apologies on JC Staff's front desk.

Attached: garou_vs_metal_bat.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

why does it look so... 3d? like the animators just made Do-S in Honey Select and just put her in the frames

So... did she retire from being a villain and pursue an honest career after a really drastic make-over?

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>Murata's filler is so long it will take two seasons to get through it all
I hate that guy.

Fuck, wrong thread.
Oh well, at least it's an OPM thread, too.

After seeing his fight against Phoenix Man, Child Emperor for sure.

It's just so absent of soul

why do the gas mask bits on her mask keep changing color?

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Quit fucking around.

The banned /ss/ episode

Big mcthankie's from Mcspanky's!

You get to cheat. Do more pans, hide parts of the body you don't need to draw, etc.

OPM 1 was based off a minor success. Top animators just wanted to work on it because I guess everyone involved thought it was a pretty unique show and would look nice well animated as a very rare get together of talent. You literally can't complain.


Attached: garou_vs_metal_bat1.webm (800x450, 3M)

you mean the banned SS episode

Yeah, just like the first season, same quality.

Singular Attack Guy

Its bothersome knowing there are people out there who think these clips are anything beyond mediocre. This is the absolute bare minimum action anime should aspire to achieve. Anything that looks worse than this is shit and the production itself is not at all impressive or captivating to watch.

> impressive
About that.. I find the "action" a bit disappointing - dozens of "slashes" with machine-gun sound effects was WAY too overused this episode - it's like every fucking one is doing the same shit - both the good guys, the bad guys, the filler guys....

They're built for extremely different kinds of sex so it would depend on my mood.
Do S is probably the one I'd go for since I'm not a kid and Midnight is obviously a pedophile.

Oh god, imagine that tounge wrapping around your cock and balls. Such a thought makes me DIAMONDS.

One Bitchslap Man

I find the whole thing disappointing. There is nothing on screen that keeps wanting to continuing besides the fact I watch it with a friend who is much less of an elitist. But even he is complaining about it.

Where as with season 1 I have watched many times over on my own because it's so fucking beautiful.

Jimmy can breathe in space

probably, I mean he's like 40 years old and a serial killer while the other two are just smart children

It’s called ‘polishing a turd’ or ‘putting makeup on the pig’.

What a wasted opportunity for villainess redemption.

Blank Man

You just had high expectations. S2 has good moments and bad moments, just like every other show out there. It's above average for sure but nowhere close to a masterpiece we'd like it to be. Hence all that whining in these threads.

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The scene was removed from the localized manga as well.


yea it's a tankoubon dumbass