I want to go back

I want to go back...

Attached: Dragon-Ball-One-Piece-Toriko-crossover.jpg (1280x720, 275K)

back to shit?

I remember SJ pushing and shilling Toriko like it was going to be the next hot thing. It failing wasn't as satisfying as it could have been since it didn't have an annoying fanbase (mostly because it didn't have a fanbase to speak of) but it failing was still satisfying.

Only niggers, homosexuals and women hate Toriko.

i guess only niggers, homos and women watched toriko then? because everyone hated it

There's been a recent spike of contrarian faggots on this board pretending Toriko was the god of shounen

Plenty of people watched it, you dumb niggerfaggot transsexual. It was popular enough to warrant several OVA series and even a few video games. And it never failed, Tyrone sucker, it just didn't make enough shekels for the Japa-Jews that run Jump.

All I've seen are threads were people talk about how awesome the manga was, I dunno what you're talking about.


When people talk about Toriko they're talking about the manga.

Toriko > One Piece and DBZ

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Yes, back when faggot protagonists like Deku didn't exist.

>pretending Toriko was the god of shounen

This has never happened even once on this board. Fucking ever. Toriko threads are comfy meeting places of fans of the manga who loved it and wish Toei didn't rape it to death with its horrid anime adaption.

Attached: Toriko_Red_Oni.jpg (631x710, 246K)

Why you niggers forget that BoBoBo was published in Jump?

>SJ pushing and shilling Toriko like it was going to be the next hot thing

That was THEIR mistake. If they had just let the fucking guy work at his own pace there'd probably still be a Toriko right now. But nope, had to try to turn it into the next Dragon Ball. Fucking idiots. Short-sighted, dumb, greedy little asian jew dickless faggots.

Fuck you mean; I loved Toriko

Then you ain't a nigger. You're just my nigga.

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Time goes on, OP.

Mourn the loss if you need to, but do not stay in one place.

What's that supposed to mean?

user, if niggers liked Toriko it would be DBZ 2.0 and would have gained memetic popularity beyond your wildest dreams.
They hated it.
And for good reason.

One guess where the blue hair for SSJB comes from. I'll give you a hint. It was an attempt to push toriko.

>but it failing was still satisfying.

Is Toriko good? I think I made it to the part where he chooses the first part of his full course meal or whatever and then i got bored and stopped reading.

>spic eating with shounenshit MCs
They really knew their audience.

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>Toriko didn't make it in to Jump Force after being one of the first characters revealed in J-Stars
How the mighty have fallen

Toriko is one of the gayest manga in decades.

It's not Toriko's fault you're attracted to his muscular body you fucking faggot. Why don't you take this and go pleasure yourself in the shed? You can pretend he's fisting your asshole with a kugi punch.

Holy shit, what a fucking homo.

Attached: Toriko_pumped_up_for_Kugi_Punch.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Good. Jump Force is absolute shit. Let Toriko rest in piece.
