Ok i'm about to get trashed hard but whatever

Ok i'm about to get trashed hard but whatever.
Is the 'horrible sao' meme the same as the star wars 'horrible prequels'? Like as far as i remember sao wasn't great by any means but it was ok until the first game ended. Maybe i would change my view after rewatching it now years later.
Just my random though.

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thats actually a really accurate comparison
sao is fun and good, the hate is mostly a meme perpetuated by disgruntled fans and youtube personalities who make bank on hour long videos deliberately misinterpreting things and repeating the same debunked argument points over and over, trying to prove that there's something tangible and objective in their arguments instead of just their opinion, to an audience ready and willing to lap it all up and place those opinions on a pedestal as a holy text to repeat for years with zero intention to reach their own conclusions
there are also those who hate sao on principle because it is and always will be more popular than their favorite anime, so there's that too

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It was fine until it starts throwing more and more girls onto Kirito while still going “n-no, he’s still totally loyal to Asuna! R-really!”

literally only debatable with Alice, with good reasons

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SAO is shit and so are the prequels.

It was like this for me until Eugeo was cucked by Kirito. Back to step 4 with that.

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>eugeo was cucked by kirito
i'm sorry, what? with who?

I know that you know, and I know the stupid answer you're going to give me. He's a cuck, and you are a faggot.

Quinella thread?

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>I know that you know, and I know the stupid answer you're going to give me
if you already know your argument is garbage and doesnt hold up to a light breeze, then why are you arguing it in the first place?

Attached: eugeo think.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Yeah, SAO is horrible just like the prequels are horrible. The only people who disagree are contrarians and teenagers with the attention span of a goldfish.

I'm not arguing. I don't want your faggot (You)

best girl

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The prequels are pretty horrible though. Only Revenge of the Sith is genuinely fun to watch, and even then somewhat unintentionally

To be honest if you watch the Prequels dubbed in another language and don't have to hear Christensen's voice, it's pretty good.

SAO is mostly just mediocre. ALO is the best candidate for "horrible" and even then I had fun.

>rapes you

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>sao is fun and good
It's fine to enjoy swill, but don't call it haute cuisine.

SAO is great but flawed for about the first third of its first season, then it's just fine, and by the second half of its first season it's just a shitshow with occasional flashes of what might have been.

Its just an extremely low hanging fruit. Anybody can shit on SAO and "cultured" because you realized that popular thing=bad. Its the anime equivalent of shitting on Justin Bieber or the Transformer movies.

god i wish that were me

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How does this make you feel:


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but bieber and bayformers are actually bad tho

>quinella defeated by the dick
my immersion is broken

I'm not denying that, but at one point it just gets tiring seeing people nitpicking the smallest things about it so they can show off how superior they are to plebs.

Isn't she supposed to be a virgin tho? She's slutty and manipulative, but never bothered to partake in such "meaningless" pleasures.

ok thats fair

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nobody knows. everyone says she boned bercouli but thats just popular assumption. with that body you can be 100% certain she was well aware of using it to her advantage
fused with the system as she was, she probably fugged with it but never for carnal or emotional satisfaction, definitely in pursuit of an impersonal end goal. dont know what that implies for purityfags since its still all just theory

>star wars prequels are good

SAO turned to shit for a reason, at first it had a good feel to it, it was fresh, dude in a video game world, the only real characters introduced we're his bud, his waifu, a few side characters and the BBEG and a mid boss or two. good stuff, and a good ending to boot
then... then... it CONTINUED
it turned into harem shit and shonen shit at the same time, it coulda just ended there, at the end of the game, and been fucking the best, but it didn't, and we all suffered for it

You can only take a series that relies on rape conflict so far until you grow numb to it.

Was her rape of Eugeo meant to disgust or titillate us?

Attached: rape.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)