Why do authors overuse the Seven Deadly sins so much? And why are the 7 Virtue never used?

Why do authors overuse the Seven Deadly sins so much? And why are the 7 Virtue never used?

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because alongside being easily digested symbolism, it's also a simple way of signaling to your audience the number of characters in a group without exposition dumping as soon as the group is introduced

I don't know, but one thing I can tell you is that greed is good.

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Can't beat Sloth.

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Why is grees always the best character?

>Sins! So dark!
Writers are chuuni.

because Greed is the easiest Sin to ascribe motivations to that are conducive to moving a story forward

The 7 Virtues are most likely known by a way smaller group of people, unlike the 7 sins, which basically everyone knows. And what would you do with the virtues? The sins work as either powers and/or demons, but I'm not sure how "effective" the 7 Virtues would be.

What about the seven deadly sins of Modern times?

aren't those literally just the villains from Captain Planet?

didn't nanatsu no taizai have virtue enemies?

Because those virtues sound like they’d make boring characters.

>not fucking as a virtue
Not if Abe can help it.

I don't at least remember it having. The angels had their "graces", but there were only 4 of them, and I don't think they were based on the Virtues. I could be wrong, though.

Demons had seven virtues

sins are edgier and weebs love them edge.

Did they? Don't recall that


No, they had 10 commandments.


there the seven saintly virtues


Because it can create chuuni stuff cause often a "sin" character will have a dark power associated with the dark aspects of man
As for the seven virtues not many series have them. I know that Tate no Yuusha has them, as well as Isekai Slime. Daraku no Ou potentially has them as well.

the 4 are the original 'cardinal' virtues


they later got bumped up to 7 to match the 7 dead sins

Virtues are boring.

there boring but they show you who who the mentally strong people are who have the willpower to restrain themselves

Flaws are more interesting

>never used
Watch more anime faggot.

This is true, and why Goblin Slayer is popular.

Well for one the deadly sins are more clear cut than the virtues right away

>anime uses the proper angelic ranking nomenclatures

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Just when I got done with Trinity Seven. Solid harem anime, would watch again
Yes, post more Liese

You can say that again.

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What about The Ten Commandments? Why are they so underused?

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because the commandments are more abstract than the sins. the comandments are a list of gods orders as opposed to character traits that can be easily personified and caricatured

>I'm not sure how "effective" the 7 Virtues would be.
7 villains, 7 hard counters.

Because 10 is a lot of characters. 7 is still a lot, but easier to define them given sins are self explanatory.

They should use the Kabbalah.

>Never used
Someone needs to spend some time googling before posting.

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>Chess pieces
What's your favorite motif Yea Forums

tarot is my favourite when it's done right, but I've never seen anyone be enough of an absolute madman to take it all the way except Araki

The real answer is the Poetic Edda, unless you consolidated that into fairy tales.

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Was Ultimo good? I only vaguely remember the first chapter.