Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. 196 Raw

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Best version of Komi-san period

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New girl~
Thanks user!

S Rank Ultra Rare Special Event Only Komi


This girl has some issues
I kind of want Tadano to be the one to ultimately heal her for more love geometric drama

We'll see next chapter

A triangle is already a shape too complicated for romance.

Translations when

Her issue is OCD, no amount of Chadano is gonna fix her.

I’ll have to wait for translations to be sure but I’m inclined to think a Tadano-ing is a good fix for anything.

Why the hell are they crossdressing?

If people were able to see her like this, she would become a weapon of mass destruction

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is najimi shoving people into her on purpose

Of course
He/she/it wants to watch the world burn

>cleanest girl talking to the most gross one
saw it coming

there we go

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like this?

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Is she a cat or a fox ?

a lil bit of both but her mom is more of the fox

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last panel

>Beautiful Faced Cat-Komi-san!?
[He burned it into his retinas.]

Good lad.

What did he even say to her to get her like this ?

Tadano, if you get your shit together and finally confess, you'll get to see her like this every morning

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This is what I gathered:
"You interested in her?" ! / "She's a bit strange/mysterious, huh?" ...... / "Want to go talk to her?" !
*vibrates nervously* "ah no need to force yourself...." / CAT

Also, I appreciate the fact that Katai's and Manbagi's attention were conveniently drawn away by their other friends so only Tadano would get to see this face.

Fuck this manga it needs more suffering

anyone who's anyone in middle/high school knows only losers run for shit

Fuck you, Satou is an angel

>realistic cat ears komi
i-is that even legal?

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>Burned Komi's naked thighs in her high school uniform in his head back in his first year
>Now did the same with realistic Neko-Komi

He just needs good opportunity to examine the front and he'll be ready

>Ganbaruzoi Neko Komi-san
>In High Definition

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>touching your mouth with a dirty hand
her ocd isn't as bad as the beginning of the chapter made it look

>Please do not vote for yourself
I didn't expect anything less.


>washes her hands for ten minutes
there's quirks and then there's neuroticism

Jesus christ this is one of the greatest things i've ever seen

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Why would he hate? Tadano is with Manbagi.

Her problem is a serious one
On one side, we got Ase who has a physical problem that can't be fixed
On this other side, we have this girl who has a very serious mental problem, which may be fixed if she goes to a psychiatrist

Someone who show disgust on improper and uncleanness
>I will eliminate every improperness by pressuring from authorities, therefore, all students must conform the rules to reach this purity.
>Revising any lenient rules, every student will be active in beautification activities, and will make this school clean as a theme.
>For the student council president, by all means
a personality who will not tolerate anything, and always seeking the perfectness.

>It's Komi-san!
>She's beautiful as always today...!
>Nothing comparable with this spectacle after plain summer holidays...!
>I'm stuffed now.....
>I'm filled the energy to live....!

>Second semester.
>Although let's cut in the case, the student council president's election has just begun.
>Because in our class Isagi is elected as candidate, everyone please root for her. Isagi, please say something.

>I don't need dirty sympathy vote.
Isagi Kyoko
a fuzz
Hand Cleaner (personal belonging)
Isagi Kyoko is Mysophobian.
>Wait Isagi, we are in the middle of school homeroom!!

google tl?

>Isagi. Did you find someone who will support you in election?
>It's about time for you to choose someone like your friend maybe.
>I don't have any friend.
>Eh... how awkward....
>W...well cheer up okay.

Who will become student council president next!!
The rumored candidate!!
Please give your stamp on the candidate bellow.
By the newspaper club

Strict too much?

She sucks at politics

Baba Kingyo
>That's true, right!!
Fuwa Masuko
Kichou Men
>Let's play sokemon card!!
Osana Najimi
Ase Shibuki
>Do something on your sleeping face first. (tada)

So, so far Satou is going to win the election. Poor girl most probably was asked (forced) to postulate herself

We have to go deeper. Negima levels of deeper.

>Ase Shibuki
So we finally got her full name. I was suspecting that her name started with "Shib-" because of the nickname that Manbagi gave to her

attending same school in primary, and middle school
>What's wrong Kyoko-chan?
>I'd like you to become my supporter in president council election.
Didn't think her as a friend
>Eh? M-me?
She think her as her friend.
>Kyoko-chan hasn't showed any expression since we meet, doesn't she....
>Ah, sorry.

Based translator
Poor Ase-chan

>Err.... I might be pulling down after all~!
>Why don't you ask other people instead?
>Noun. Adjective
>1.Dissatisfaction with the work (role) given to one
>2.Feeling oneself above the given work (role)
>S-sorry... I-I might be pulling down after all~...
>Why not about Najimi-chan instead!?
>Didn't you have playing together as a friend back then?
*Najimi is every student councils' friend (self proclamation)
>I don't want to ask from that thing.
>Did someone call me?
>I... I see.

Najimi is the complete oposite of her

>Komi-san. Do you have a moment.
>Asagi-san said she want to find someone as her supporter in president council election.
I might not able to help her... after all....
>Komi-san would you mind to help her.....
Wow, sound interesting
Wasn't sure she have a confidence to do it
But can't refuse after being asked.
>Good for you! Komi-chan is....

>I decline.
>Ahhh, sorry!!

Is she jealous of Komi?

I swear, when I look at hentai, it's where humanity really baffles me?
It feels like no concept is safe from the morbid drive to envision a cock going through it.

>Well then, there is no further notice and that's today homeroom.
>Everyone, please be careful on your way back.
>Are you curious about her?
>She did refuse you in particular way doesn't she.
>What will you do after hearing all of that?

>Oh no, I didn't mean to push yourself...
Beautiful cat version Komi-san!?
He burned it clearly on the retina.

She almost look like she's trying really hard to summon her cat ears.

>Komi-san who can't talk to her directly and start to stalking her.
I will make the school clean for the theme.
Wasn't sure to help or not....
Isagi's broom
wipe, wipe
after 10 minutes

>Komi-san who still stalking her.
Honk honk
Red light.

>She has her own broom in the school
>10 minutes cleaning her hands
Damn. She has a very serious problem

When does c2 come back?

>Don't touch me!
>Don't come any closer!!
Komi-san got rejected in the second time...!

That's all, edit it please.

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She's a very good girl with a serious problem
Thanks, super based user!

Thanks tl user

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Next culture festival when?

5-Star SSR Komi
Only 0.02% chance of drawing her.

No matter who or what it is, someone, somewhere, will want to put their dick in it.