Elf is for _______.
Elf is for _______
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fucking her girlfriend with a big futa dick
Headpat, hug, marry
Proposing and then selling the ring in the very next town we arrive!
Elf is for
No way fag
someone plz pick back up the translation for Isekai ojisan
Dumb catch-phrase and template threads.
Looks kind of nice
But also annoying to translate and annoying to typeset
In that case, a whole lot of stuff it seems the mc didn't do.
Oji-san is a faggot, poor tsunelf
Elf is for worshipping the gods.
>17 years
>17 fucking years
>she still hasn't scored the orc-dick
Being tsundere is suffering
Lewd things.
Elves are for...
Filling your catapults with
Filling your ditches with
Taxation without representation
Menial jobs
Human trials
Organ harvesting
Orgasm harvesting
Nonconsensual rape
Dark elves
I'm not sharing earth with another sentient species
Hard breeding
Neet girl is better anyway
Just caught up, this is fucking genius. And I really feel the nephew´s suffering. Who knew that knowing tsundere archetype would help you in real life huh?
It would only help you if you are autistic and thus incapable of understanding many of the nuances of normal social interaction.
>Isekai without translations
Is it me or is it getting harder and harder to find this shit on reverse image search? I feel old.
Still better than getting picked up by shit tier ESL LHtranslation imo.
I thought they already machine-translated every isekai manga out there.
Google used to work fine years ago, now it sucks.
Neet is a shit
Any better alternatives now? Only other thing I use is saucenao for porn.
She better not be dead
The twist is going to be she died protecting oji-san and oji-san erased his own memory out of shock; isn't it?
AAAAAAA I hate it
They won´t pick something that is not popular with the normalfaggots. This manga is just depressing, and try to fuck over all the nice fantasies that isekai brings with it.
really? I could find the title on google with the OP image.
Here's the title
Needless brutality. Instead of going full nog, take inspiration from the chosen ones. Introduce weeb shit for male elves, promote homosexuality between them, produce human male on elf female porn and similar.
Why is this elf girl wandering alone chasing after an ugly orc man? She must be a deviant and social outcast.
You know exactly what they're for, user.
elf is absolutely based
Elfs just can't help but feeling sexually attracted to Orcs.
It is coded in their DNA.
rapist isekai mage, why even make it hentai, that's the usual mainstream isekai shit
There is no skills and checking character status so it's an improvement.
elf is for feeding
elf is about to rape you
Anons dont want an elf, they just want a tall semi flat GF with blonde hair
bitch is genuinely crazy, why the ex shota hero still hangs with her will be forever be a mistery.
Elf is for cuddles.
No we want an elf
>Dude is wiping his memory constantly
>Jotting down it everytime
They are going to introduce some heavy shit later on without doubt, then the last page in his journal is so bad, it made him kill himself, which led to him being back.
its not the same without the ears
>Says the one fucking old men
Fuck off
>The elf have shark teeth
So this mangaka is some god-tier man that have blessed us with miracles of the world.
>fought a lynch mob for him
>She doesn't care about me
Come on oji-san, just look at her face
I'm afraid if I get invested in this, I'll get extremely sad. He's never going to find his elf waifu.
shes a good lay
I am extremely sad, I will never find my elf waifu in this world
But his waifu is Sega.
she seems so self centered, selfish and of course so fucking crazy that I doubt she would that much of a good lay.
You mean tsunelf is never going to get him and probably dead, not the other way around since ojisan has glass heart
>Posting Britannian Knights
>Implying they are not using peasants to do all the things in your list
Best girl Sega-chan nearly made it to 1st place.
>Sonic Fan
>Too autistic to recognize flirting
I hate him, and I hope he prevails in all of his pursuits.
Seems like getting bullied paid off
Nazi elves are for being mauled by animals
Putting into jeans, and then taking them off
>Earns a lot of money, give her two of the three bag full of gold
Why is she sad?
Who that cute number 3? Is this guy a harem MC?
Why is the translation for this shit dead?
Oji-san was giving her a diamond ring in the previous page. BakaTsudere elf being tsundere rejected the ring in typical tsundere fashion. So Oji-san so sold it instead and gave half the money to the elf. I'm not sure if oji-san is proposing though.
It is even more depressing when you realized the first thing he did was to wipe his memory after learning that his own sister doesn't want to see him
>So autistic that his shit outlook in life ruined his isekai harem fantasy
If his nephew was the one being isekaid, he would end up like the other thousand happy isekai power fantasy MCs.
The oji-san is actually a chad, he got another pussy wet.
>BakaTsudere elf being tsundere rejected the ring
She said she wants it in and she accepted the ring.
Oji-san is just being autistic and didn't realized he is proposing
that's ice neet girl, she's descended from a clan that guards the ice sword required to slay the fire dragon. the block of ice surrounding the sword is powered by her emotions, the hero was supposed to melt her ice queen facade in order to get to the sword to slay the dragon. she got kicked out of her tree home after ojisan slayed the fire dragon with his OP magic powers.
he does the same trick with her as the tsunelf, melting the ice instantly. the tsunelf and her beat him up together and shook hands. he off-handedly mention there's like 7 other rings in that set, so probably more girls in the future with that running joke.
He did have a nice party
What a shame he is beyond saving. Hope he doesn´t drag down his nephew with all these depressing flashbacks, nephew still got a chance with his megane childhood friend.
The same guy that did the Monster Tamer with the Slime (girl)friend manga right?
Is in the family, the autism.
>He didnt smash this for 17 years
Pretty sure the protag is just gay. At least she is not giving up.
why the fuck no translation group is picking on this one.
He's still fucking her so she must be pretty decent. I know I'd fuck her.
bitch fucks insects and rotten zombies, yeah thanks but no thanks, sloppy seconds doesn't even begin to describe the amount of shit that passed that vagina.
Is a painful read, the frustration from all the romance events being fucked over by a genuine social recluse just depressing, no one wants to share something like that. It was hilarious at first, but then my heart just started to heart. I mean, even the nephew and his childhood friend were so hoping that the uncle would fuck the elf finally, mood was right and all, elf was ready to have pregnent sex, and he just fuck it up again.
Because is boring
You literally worship a fucking elf woman and die for her weird geo politics games.
>Put a ring on her
>Waterfall and ready to fuck
Is this easy to score in an isekai
Is fun, and interesting read after you have plowed through the 405th samey isekai shit.
Thanks user, this was exactly what I needed to scratch my itch today.
fuck off trannylover
>her red eyes from crying all night long
That shit hurt my heart.
Still no translations
angering /tg/
But that's our secret. We're always angry.
Seriously though, is Isekai Ojisan still only at 4 chapters translated? It's maddening.
What do you guys think some of the best visual gags have been in this manga?
Trying to use a Golden Axe moves on real goblins and making fun of video game mechanics in isekai had me fucking rolling.
Nips had the same feels as You, they laughed at first. At some point it started to hurt them and they started cheering for the girls
Basically we are the nephew without the childhood friend
I hope the girls tear open a dimensional rift or something and come claim him.
>elf crying herself to sleep after their date when she realized that making one last tsundere comment wasn't taken as a joke or cute but literally as always
I can't even read moon and it hurt.
Fertile slave. No seriously, look it up
Questing in group.