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Is this the best show ever? Probably no, but has to be top 5.
Watch the whole show by downloading the episodes here:
Is this the best show ever? Probably no, but has to be top 5.
These cards are so cute.
Cutest mama.
Sure is, by far.
I can't get enough of her dad reacting to Momoko claiming she's gonna be a mama.
Those hips though.
What's wrong with them hips? I like them.
What makes you think I don't?
>Sharp, Naisho and Dokkan are .avi
HQ mkv exist for every season
I'm sure we'll get great quality rips eventually. For now what we have is not so bad.
Nice body, legs and butt. It's why she's making millions.
She thinks she's too short but it only makes her cuter.
>She thinks she's too short
She said that?
Is there an episode where she says she'd like to be taller?
In the breasts episode. She wants to grow taller to get more jobs.
happy Birthday, Peachy Kid!
I can think of a job she's tall enough for...
Milf are also part of the show.
Hot mom.
Nice card! Yep, she a hottie, it's good that she didn't kill herself.
These two are so cute together...
Is this show also considered obscure?
happy Birthday, Best Friend!
I want to give her steak everyday.
Finally finished it yesterday, took me half a year. Great show, fantastic ending.
Too bad that these threads give the opposite impression, considering its just the same old soft porn-dump. Just let it go if there's nothing to actually discuss, or wait for the movie.
>finished it yesterday, took me half a year
Has taken me 12 years and now I'm on episode 35 of the last season, plus the last episode of Naisho.
>Too bad that these threads give the opposite impression
I don't think they do, even if some posters are lewd or naughty, we all know where we are.
it really is a great show, and I think people notice the sincere praise we give it. The sincere praise even the lewders give it.
It's funny how they still look like girls even whey they turn into boys, except for Aiko.
Aiko really passes for a boy.
Momo is a very important friend
True, Momo-chan is a great friend. And since it's her birthday and she's like 31 now, I think we should post pics of her all day long.
Is something wrong with me or this picture looks like...
Her birthday was yesterday.
It's still the fifth somewhere in the world, right?
No, it's over.
OK, but this means we can't celebrate Momoko for the rest of the week?
No, we should still celebrate Momoko. Her birthday is the 6th by the way, not the 5th.
>Her birthday is the 6th by the way, not the 5th
Right, that's what I meant.
And yes, it's always time to celebrate Best Ojamajo.
Clever, an Onpu card with her signature.
Momoko do you know what Hazuki does with that whistle?
I thought nobody saw that image since the thread got archived right after I posted it, good to know somebody saved it
She blows on it, nothing weird.
But Momoko did blow on it too... Isn't that an indirect kissu?
Looks like she's smoking a pipe, but a tobacco pipe.
Not the kind of pipe a normal 11-year-old from New York smokes.
>Pictures taken right before disaster
I see what you mean but at the end it was all okay.
More hips. Momo hips.
Momoko without hair hoops.
>>Not naming it casting couch.
Wasted potential.
Doremi and Sakura are for lewd.
Edited out?
Another day closer to this happening!
Dude, you cropped but left her clitoris fully visible.
You don't know that for sure, in fact you have no evidence.
Fully intentionally.
Pretty Witchy user-chi!
I don't wanna be a witchy.
Awwwwww... how cute!
Why does Doremi want Kayoko chan to vomit on her shirt?
Here's your pic without text.
I wanna give them baths.
I drew a momo for her b/day
Nice I like it.
Did you actually? That looks pretty good