>ara ara
>translated as goodness gracious
Ara ara
Other urls found in this thread:
>translated as coming
>Yare Yare
>Good grief
>translated as "yes sir!"
>ara ara
D tier waifs
>translated as rubba dub dub, thanks for the grub
Consider removing yourself.
>translated as the character's name
>when a character's name is said the first and last names are reversed in the subs
>japanese reads as [the person who will be doing that is... me]
>translated to "I am the person... who will be doing that"
Convince me to learn Nip
You get to laugh at EOPs
This is actually a literal word for word translation though? I’m confused.
this site makes it simple and you're doing worse things with your time
Name three (3) esports that do this
imagine being this wrong.
it's the mating call of the shotacon once she spotted her prey
>translated as "bon appetit"
>Translated as "Through the Dark Lord. Amen."
>ara ara
>translated as "Ay Virgencita de Guadalupe!"
God, she's so fucking ugly.
>ara ara
>translated as oy vey
I can't imagine anyone submitting something that takes this many liberties from the source and keeping their job.
Don't. I've reached a point where I consider myself intermediate, I only have to look up a word every few paragraphs. But I've been at this for years and I still can't see the end of it, but I'm too into it to quit now.
>learning chink
Someone post that screencap. You know, that one.
But I don't want to learn China
>big bro
>thinking that there's ever an end to learning a language
I've seen ESLs who have been at it for over a decade and they still fuck up basic grammar.
All you have to do is get to a comfortable level. I can play pretty much anything I want with only a very mild level of work, and half the time I don't even bother looking up a new word because context will explain it to me within another sentence or two.
My daily study is about 20 minutes, which is way less than the couple of hours I spend each day on Japanese media.
>translated as rub a dub dub thanks for the grub
>translated as wiener
>soccer mom spotted
>hash tag happening
better than the time they traveled yare yare daze as !@#$%
Almost all of these are either contextually or literally accurate, mostly both
>EOP thread
>every complaint is about some perfectly valid translation that doesn't match up with some garbage they heard from a pimply teen 30 years ago doing a fansub on VHS with piss yellow subs
Absolutely terrifying. It's crazy to see how years of utter garbage subtitles have poisoned the minds of so many retards, who somehow believe that leaving stuff untranslated somehow makes it more "authentic".
What's really sad is that this posturing over who knows more tourist phrases hides the very real problem of mistranslation in subtitles, which still does occasionally happen because people aren't perfect. But EOPs couldn't spot mistranslation if it bit them on the ass, because what you think is a mistranslation is personal preference autism, instead of a misinterpretation of grammar.
>"Son of a bitch!" or "God fucking damn it!"
user, your autism is showing.
No one cares Herkz. Finish your degree so you can work in a real industry.
I get that reference.
>personal preference autism
Isn't that the point of the thread? It's always either jokes or nitpicking. Nobody's seriously calling out mistranslations.
It was from Amagi Brilliant Park.
>God damn
>Translated as God damn it
>rabu - rabu
>lovey dovey
How in the world????
>I've seen ESLs who have been at it for over a decade and they still fuck up basic grammar.
The problem is that you'll eventually reach a level where it's just good enough that people stop correcting you. Makes it hard to improve further when you aren't aware of your mistakes anymore.
Incorrect subs for something that was said in English are the weirdest shit.
Girls that say ara ara a lot give me such a boner. Especially mommies and cakes
the character traits that usually come along with that phrase just hit my sweet spot so all I really need to hear is that one word and I already know I'll like her
wasn't this one "onee-sama" from kuroko to misaka?
Hell yeah. Always nice to meet a fellow 1000 IQ user.
That's a bit too long. It's more like "oh my".
Japanese "R" is sometimes close to D.
not that user, but thanks mate. I've been looking for a while and this seems like fun.
been learning my aeiou/ka ke ki ko ku's 500 times now. it's fun, but I hope it sticks. any tipps for learning besides keeping at it?
or you can not be retarded and man the fuck up. you're only done learning a language if you can comfortably translate it to another and be satisfied with it
>t. professional translator
Thanks user! I'll start learning today, and I won't quit until I get good at it!
I actually got drunk on twitter ranting about that and hulu or whatever took it as a bug report, so I guess it might change? worst localization I've ever seen honestly
>t. professional translator
Imagine thinking you're "done" because you landed a dogshit job. Translation work is what you go into if you have literally nothing else to offer.
I love her armpits and want to smell them
>ara ara
>translated as ara ara
>willing to take the lead
what other character traits do they usually have on top of that?
Elegant, ladylike, motherly, demure, wife material
>big bro
bon appétit
Guten Appetit
buon appetito
Why is English missing this concept?
Saying this before English food would be insincere
>Character refers to a character by their family name
>Subs call them by their first name
Most of crunchyroll is made up of fansubbers who've been doing this shit since before CR became legal.
Kek this
leaving senpai in is reddit
Sorry user. I memorized 15 hiragana characters already, I bet you're impressed!
>ara ara
>translated as mamma mia
>orewa saiko
>transalated as I'm not the only one holding the cards here
According to my Japanese learnbook, it just means "oh" or "ah."
Kill yourself, redditor.
>character dies, moans and gurgles in their blood
>translated as Despite only being 13% of the population...
I never thought about it that way
>translated as "Yeah"
Watch as that faggot gonna screenshot this thread and post it on twitter.
Ara ara is literally the best thing to come out of Japan
I think my dick would explode if I ever heard it irl
> character says "wanko"
> subs say "pupper"
It means something along the lines of 'oh me oh my', stereotypically something an older woman would say about a kid. People with their minds in the gutter obviously apply it to straight shota.
>ara ara
>not translated as cor blimey
>translated to pedophile
Makes sense since that's what it means
>ara ara
>It seems thoust've gotten thyst've in quite the predicament here, a predicament I'm quite keen on exploiting for my personal benefit.
Lolicons are pedophiles.
I did this and memorized the vowels. Then I clicked on the show/hide options button and realized after I memorized ll this shit I would have to look up thousands of definitions to fill my entire vocabulary and all the motivation just drained out of me.
They're 2d only pedos. The distinction is important since it's one of those things that get lost in the translation.
a translator’s job is to make something understandable you fucking weeaboos
Giving up is way more comfy than trying.
stop arguing with newfags.
>writing and conversing in japanese
>strictly supplemental
This is horse shit. Language production is an important step in mastering a language.
>Sonna koto iwaretemo...
>"Even if you say that..."
>tfw the translation of the fureraba vn ruined a perfectly good incest play scene by translating "onee-chan" as "sissy"
Language production is important insofar as you want to use the language actively yourself. However, I've discovered that simply by forcing myself to think in the target language goes a long way. No need to have awkward clumsy conversations with natives in the beginning, for quite a long time actually.
Call an average Japanese man a rorikon and see how he reacts
>However, I've discovered that simply by forcing myself to think in the target language goes a long way.
That's still a form of language production, isn't it?
Have been doing no.2 for more than a decade now.
>defending putting in random garbage for words that cant be tranlated because it's unintelligible either way
>oni no onii-chan
>devilish big brother
It is indeed. I just wanted to point out it doesn't need to be writing anything down or talking with people, in the beginning at least. It happens quite naturally also if you're studying intensively enough (so in fact I didn't even need to "force myself" despite saying that, actually). Which explains why I can barely express myself at all in Chinese whereas when I had similar levels of passive understanding in Japanese I could express myself a lot more in that language in comparison, as I've got to that level of Chinese a lot more slowly so I never got into the habit of thinking in Chinese.
>Subs say "I'll see you in the evening!"
ara ara
Jó étvágyat!
Someone post that pic.
I fucking love Shimarin
It's not "lost in translation" you weaboo faggot; it's not present in the original text. Lolicon = 2D was made up by Yea Forums just a few years ago; it's total bullshit. The only specificity lolicon adds is that it means girls only
I've done that for ages. I can watch most shows in Japanese and understand 95% of them, but I don't know almost any kanji since I never studied the language at all.
this episode is fucking incomprehensible without a TN, what the fuck were they thinking
I started learning Japanese simply to be able to read it, not to write or speak it.
After learning Hiragana and Katakana in two weeks I think things a re a bit stagnating, then again, I probably would start to hate it if I burn myself out on it.
>ywn get a bored footjob from the world’s sexiest shitposter
What does "ara ara" even translate to literally?
>Doesn't even translate
>kimochi warui
>translated as how disgusting
>perfectly valid translation
Yeah, it's perfectly valid to translate something that a character says to a different thingThis translation is made by people who do this shit for money, it shouldn't look like it's made by memeing fansubbers
But I unironically thought this was cute and funny...
as did I. All the time spent complaining about translations could be spent working on or paying for fansubs. Or, god forbid, learning language to realize just how fucking awkward the dialogue actually is compared to normal japanese.
There's literally nothing they can translate it to that won't result in people whining. Just learn Jap.
Shouldn't we be making bigger efforts to learn nip and translate/scanlate our shit so it's not just tumblrinas who artificially inject western political talking points? I've started passively picking up words and characters but I should do my part and commit to the moonrunes.
Sometimes they translate it to “bastard”
>>They're 2d only pedos.
Is there anything sadder than EOPs who pretend they understand even the first fucking thing about the language? It's always beyond embarrassing, even more so because I'm sure you consider yourself an anime expert with over 200 animes watched or some shit.
It's incorrect to say that it's 2D only, but at the same time I think calling somebody lolicon isn't normally quite as serious accusation as "pedophile" is, which is in practice often used to mean "child abuser" in the West. Even if that is not the technical definition.
Just a regular "oh my" will do imo
And somewhere, someone will whine.
Then you get into the basic issue of cultural differences, though.
I live in a native English country, and I've heard grown men be referred to, jokingly, as pedos because they have flat chested wives. And I've seen people in Japan use lolicon in very disparaging ways, EOPs just watch too much anime so their perception of the word is completely warped. The idea that the word is somehow that much more "strict" in meaning in the west is ludicrous.
Is it less likely to be played for laughs? Sure. Is it such a major distinction that people watching the show will be unable to understand the difference? I don't think so.
The only people who whine about lolicon being translated are braindead weebs who are upset that they don't get to show off their amazing Japanese knowledge, which is actually just a laughable misunderstanding.
Isn't it just a rude way of saying you? YOU! Or You bastard! should be fine, though going with You! and putting in a note would be the best.
>putting in a note
It helps if the TL speaks english.
whats wrong with horse prints
not everyone knows what a hoof is
>translated as the character's name
>not even as bro
Hang on, this isn't gg?
>Translated as tedious faggots
Who even calls their sister "sissy". It sounds like you're calling them a pathetic pussy.
>human p
Guess its okay if you are an iron hoof.
Happens all the time too. How retarded must some subbers be?
look up wasei eigo
Learn to swim better.
>not horse tracks
Don't watch mikakunin de shinkoukei.
Don mai!
But you can still tell what they mean if you translate it exactly based on the context of what's said. Learn to interpret words in context.
>translated as feminist
Could you school Yea Forums about "niwaka" is a real term that describes most of the posters here next?
Loli is an abbreviated english word.
Con is an abbreviated english word.
Why must it be translated as anything but "lolicon"? Because people like misconstruing the word for political reasons.
>abbreviated english word.
Isn't lolita the name of a book though?
Yes, it's from a book about a pedophile. "Lolita complex" compares the person being described to the protagonist of that book (the pedophile). It's because lolicon is a word for pedophile
Yes but you're saying it's an English word. I'm pretty sure the book is Russian isn't it?
>Why must it be translated as anything but "lolicon"?
Because that isn't a translation? It's a transliteration.
I get that you want to jerk off over the fact you know 100 whole words in Japanese, but it's not useful for translation. And clearly, it's not useful for understanding, either, if you somehow think that lolicon is in any way significantly different from "pedophile".
You've constructed a fantasy meaning in your head based on a very narrow spectrum of data, and you're upset when this is challenged with the correct meaning of pedo.
But they are translating to english and not engrish. What I don't like is when they change a words.
Nabokov was Russian but the book is English. "Lolicon" isn't an English word anyway; it's only ever used in Japanese and by weebs who think they know Japanese. It's wasei-eigo like live house or OL
Because filthy gaijin can't help but inject their political shits into everything, next time you know they're gonna "translate" otaku and doutei into incel.
Not even that inaccurate. They contrast themselves with "riajuu" which basically means "sexhaver"
Where does someone who doesn't know enough about Japanese to tell the difference between wasei-eigo and real English get the idea to make posts like this?
Lolita is a small woman.
Fuck off.
Dolores Haze was 12
sounds accurate to me
worst of both worlds
No, you're just baiting.
But whatever; here's your (you).
[Citation needed]
>saying "reddit" in place of an argument
The absolute COPE
Keep telling yourself that, nonce.
>horny big brother
More like DDD tier waifs, amirite?
>translates to FUCK YOU
You'd think they'd take the easy way out and just put it as bro to save time and effort or something.
Same, but now that I have free time I'm gonna go through and memorize the shit out of those kanji.
H-how would he react?