What is everyone's thoughts on the animation for s2?

Is it really as bad as people say? What do you all think about it? Do some of you like it?

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It's not bad, but people naturally tend to compare s2 with s1, which objectively has better animation

Yeah after the centipede episode I ain't got no hopes for this show anymore.

>ain't got no
so you do have hope, that or you're a fucking mongoloid

I don't care for the show anymore because the characters feel less interesting compared to s1.
Maybe the good animation from S1 helped me overlook the fact that there was a good character in there somewhere

"i understood what you wrote but choose to be a smelly cunt"

The centipide looked much better than any badhouse attempt at 3D monsters.

"I could type and convey my point like a normal person but I instead will use double negatives because I think I'm cool"

Where can I start watching season 2 without getting face fucked by ad's these days?

Ironically, the action is the worst part of the new season thus far and apart from some shitty art to boot, I'm enjoying everything else, from the story to the characters


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...thats not how it works, user

Its not even debatable.

>Is the animation bad?
No. Its average if not even above average.

>Is the animation worse than season1
Absolutely. compared to S1, S2 is rushed trash.

Why is this retarded image posted all the time in OPs? Is it the first result on Google or something?


where can I download the manga with good res quality?
I tried to look up a few they're all shit

Bad animation is tolerable.
Bad choreography is worse.
Bad sound design is insufferable.

I cant really tell the difference so it doesn't even bug me. I'm just happen to have a season 2.

>animation for s2?
What animation? It's pure slideshow. Badly directed and uncreative one.
>No. Its average if not even above average.
What is that average you are speaking of? Average for this season? Year? Century? In general? Are we counting only tv anime? TV and films? Non-japanese productions? Fucking Fox girl healing anime for suicidal salarymen has more frames and better lip flaps. For short action anime this QUALITY is unacceptable.

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Hot garbage.

I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.

For short action anime its perfectly acceptable. There is fluid and understandable choreography and the mangakas intentions for each scene is portrayed properly.

QUALITY is a shitty meme borne from comparison to something undeniably better. In this case, season1.

the first episodes looked like they were animated in flash, but now it's better

uh any help please?

It's ok. Not as good as season 1 but it's passable. I really like the op tho


so much for helping out a bro

JCSTAFF looks exactly like the manga there

What if the bad animation is a way to stay true to the webcomic?

>There is fluid and understandable choreography and the mangakas intentions for each scene is portrayed properly
>portrayed properly
Hello JC staff's shill who never read the source material, you are comparing the manga with one of the best fights in the industry to butchered, zoomed in garbage. Look at the transition in my picture and then compare it to the one in anime. Just do it, tell the director that he is a god damn idiot, and then dare to come back.

The picture, here.

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Passable animation for s2. Nowhere near s1 but still watchable if you stop nitpicking everything. I'm really disappointed by the op tho', both by the song (despite it being the same artist, this can't begin to compare to the energy of HERO! Ore wo tataeru koe ya) and by the visuals, it really left me feeling miserable.

Animation is mediocire at best, but the direction is bottom tier trash.
(Ive only seen the first 2 episode btw.)
Rrad the manga instead.


You sound really fun at parties!

Last episode was actually really good but the first two were kind of disappointing.


>read the manga instead
Don't give murata the time of day, read the web comic. Then do yourself a favor and read Ones superior work, Mob Psycho.

Everytime the animation has a nice sakuga cut it gets ruined by hideous ghosting on punch rushes and lazy speedlines immediately after.

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>sakuga cut
There were sakuga cuts? Where the fuck did you see sakuga cuts.

Garou vs Tank Top

The animation and art style are good

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have sex

This. I am still suffering from ptsd from watching Overlord.

It wasn't bad, but fucking sakuga? Stop using that word, because you clearly don't know what it means.

it's pretty standard. not garbage but not good. objectively worse than s1.

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Tell that to the Rolling Stones, because apparently they can't get no satisfaction.

Best girl in the next ep

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Serves you right for watching a shitty show desu


whether you liked it or not it's still objectively sakuga retard

>weightless characters
>inconsistent layering
>completely fucked perspectives
Well it's official, i won't be using the word sakuga anymore. Nobody knows what it means and i'm not dumb enough to think i can change that.

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Fucking brainlets


"Incel" you know want to say it

sakuga doesn't have to be objectively good its relative to the anime

I can't stand the fucking gradients.

>sakuga doesn't have to be objectively good

Attached: 615615.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>Is it really as bad as people say?

sakuga is a spook


It is now, because of people like



There is literally no animation, except for CGI and the cuts done by that one guy. Can't have an opinion when there's so little to judge.

I was bummed to see JC Staff didn't include this.

It's decent, it's en par with their early Raildex stuff, but people are complaining about the step down rather than the objective quality.

the problem with jc staff is that they repat too much frames and their image details sucks btw madhouse is one of the biggest in terms of production for these animes they made deathnote,hxh,death parade and much other high selling shows

I'm enjoying s2 so far desu

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No animation worth a damn but I like garou's moments, he's truly keeping this shit alive.

Wait till it’s over, then get a free trial for hulu premium and binge-watch it before canceling.

This user is right. The Tank Top fight had some better moments but overall it is a ppt slideshow so far.
Very disappointing coming from the superb S1.
The Opening is fucking dogshit too, wtf is up with that?

Its not as bad as expected. Some scenes were pretty decent. Naturally comparing it to S1 means its shit but desu i dont think its fair to compare them. As long as the most important fights dont suck ass its enjoyable and ill hope the suits put more money for a better studio bc god damn s3 will need it.

first, you must know how to use internets then you ask

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Just watched the first 4 episodes yesterday and holy shit, pic related turned out to be an absolute turbo-cunt. Please tell me she does something to redeem herself sooner than later, because that inferiority complex to her sister is no excuse.
Why does Saitama even tolerate her hanging out with them in the next episode, because we never saw her apologize for her initial behavior. Is he just trying to bang her or something?

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Fubuki is basically Dimple if there was nothing likeable about him.

because fubuki is a women user
one that thinks she's on top
i like to call it mom complex, she is right all the time, and everyone is below her

>Please tell me she does something to redeem herself
Yes? To...Totally! Maybe?

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Rolling stones are shit, always have been

egoist a shit user

I can never remember at what time the episodes air

Almost exactly one hour from now.

Better than Dororo and ONE.

I'm with you user. All these redditors that got into OPM because of cool fights and ebic animation are getting what they deserve since they fail to realise the true purpose of this anime.

she TRIES to be nice at Saitama's house, and that's enough for him to be like, yeah, okay, eat with us

nah, i expect good animation, because even the manga has good flow with their action, if the anime can't hold up then its trash, that said i haven't started s2 yet

you cant blame them for that when the fights make 95% of the manga.
with one or two jokes inbetween

We should go with the webcomic visuals.

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Honestly if they sacrificed visuals for more fluid animation I wouldn't mind

The one scene that really, really should be made with care is monster Bakuzan torturing Suiryu but knowing this season it'll probably be breezed through in a minute or less.

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The animation is well below average

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this. S2 has issues and lacks compared to S1 an the manga art, but its still passable for the most part.

it's passable but it feels really really off compared to season 1. even normies can feel the difference

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I think this might single handed kill the hype for this series.

What chapter was this? I don't remember this fight.

OPM is just trash, good animation or not. Almost the entire episode was boring filler.

The animation is so bad we don't even have a discussion thread for the latest episode.

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This. dororo is utter shite.

I was expecting apocalypse but instead got a bit sizzle. Slight wet shoe but dries up soon after due to the how good the series is in its key points.


so are we just hoping bones picks this back up in 10 years time and remasters it?

We're just hoping ONE and Murata finish the webcomic and manga, respectively.

how do you not remember genos vs g4? even worse, how do you not remember the 3 month slog that was child emperor vs phoenix man?

this, people watch worse animation all the time

its absolutely terrible, does the manga no justice. The pacing is incredibly too fast, there arent really fights because they just do the teleport shit, like when Garou fought the tank top fags, you couldnt even get a feel for his fighting style they literally made him zig zag teleport thing and they all got blown away. The centipede fight with metal bat was one of my favorite arcs, and they absolutely pushed through it so they can make it to the martial arts tournament. The anime is absolutely garbage.

i go to gogoanime when im on my phone, i dont really get ads but i am using adblockers soo...


visuals aint even that good

The style isn't the problem, the style is fine.
It being cheap, poorly animated, terribly directed, and overall trash is the problem. They basically threw in some high detail frames in the first few episodes as a smokescreen against the rest of it being terrible.

Pissed they messed this scene up.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] One Punch Man S2 - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.20_[2019.05.07_21.51.38].png (1280x720, 1.19M)

eat shit faggot

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>failing to capitalize the first letter in the sentence
>failing to correctly punctuate the end of the sentence with a full stop
You have no place criticizing others, you grotty little pleb.