What is THE quintessential KyoAni show? The one where you watch it and you say...

What is THE quintessential KyoAni show? The one where you watch it and you say, "this is what I think of when I think of KyoAni"?

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Shittiest studio.
Gainax, Madhouse and all the other at-one-point-great studios had magic.
KyoAnus have filters.


Haruhi, but kyoanifags don't want to admit it since it hurts their ego because it's by Yamakan.





2007 > 2003 > 2011 > 2017 > shit > rest

in both quality and looks



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Haruhi and Hyouka are the only ones I'd consider actually good from what I've watched.

K-On. Nichijou always struck me as the most un-KyoAni series of the bunch for some reason.

K-ON, obviously.

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Who the fuck thought the 2005,6 and 7 styles were good?

Products of the time. In a few years, 2016-2019 will replace those years for newfags.

Those are KEYs design and I found them ugly even back when I first watched it.



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Kanon or Clannad

If I had to pick only one. Without a doubt haruhi. I don't actually like kyoani now but I don't think they make bad shows


Unpopular opinion, but A Silent Voice is kind of the culmination of everything good about KyoAni. The animators have always had really good attention to detail but now giving them the budget for a movie they managed to make something fantastic that’s ONLY possible in an anime movie. It’s absolutely stunning and I’ve found myself rewatching it frame by frame at times so I can appreciate all the subtle details. It’s an anime I saw without knowing the studio behind it at first and still thought “this was definitely made by KyoAni.”
Otherwise, obviously Haruhi or K-on. I mean, every show they made before that kinda looked like ass after all

ice cream

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Haruhi, K-On, and Hyouka are all marks of the changes in KyoAni's style over the years.

Haruhi movie and Hyouka are way better directed.