Shinsekai yori

It's literally impossible not to sympathize or agree with his actions, no one uninronically says he was wrong right? They're humans.

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He's still a genocidal madman.

He was fighting genocidal madmen. Imagine that the rats looked human and that they were being lorded over by rats.

I hate him and the humans. The only redeemable characters were the queer rats under the wolf looking guys orders.

Both queerler and the faggot humans deserve to be sent to hell for all of eternity.

Only redeemable character was the wolf looking guy and the loli main character before she became a whore.

"We are not monkeys" my ass you dumb fucking bitch whore.

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Correct, which is part of what makes him interesting. Squeeler's right to want justice, which then leads to the question of what a just outcome would be and how should it be achieved.

holy shit the synchronicity, was rewatching this show and just got to squealers first ep earlier today and now someone suddenly makes a thread about it.

The humans literally did nothing wrong to the queer rats (outside of creating them in the first place.)

Queerler is a fag. The humans still deserve to die for what they did to their children. Systematically exterminating thousands of children because once every few hundred years a child is born that kills 60 people is absolutely evil (but realistic considering that modern day societies do the exact same thing.)

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The rats are the humans. nu-humans are the mutants.

holy fucking shit I just started watching this show and I see a thread
On episode 4 atm, considering dropping it since it's boring as shit
Should I just push through? Cuz it's really fucking boring.

No. He's so damn ugly, and so is his species. I'll take the beautiful, psychic ubermensch over him.

>They're humans.
Arguably nobody in the series is human anymore. They've all been genetically fucked with so much and diverged that everybody is no longer what we'd call Homo sapiens. We've got psychic overlords and human-derived beast people.

push through for sure, they had some budget issues around ep 4


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i always see posts like this in SSY threads, and they make me wonder what sorts of anime anons like you find interesting.

theyre both mutants, in different ways.

anime that actually has stuff happening in it, you know, instead of a boring ass slice of life as the first episodes, which are supposed to be the ones to draw you in

The moral of this story is that it's alright for psychic people to murder non-psychic people and enslave them and drive underground where they live in a world of rags and mud and shit and diseases, it's fine if they do all this, as long as the psychic people alter the physical appearance of their victims to make them ugly. It's not a crime against humanity if they look ugly. Instead it's funny. They'll be like "we have rights", duh, no you don't you look dumb.

maybe this anime isn't for you, then.

If you get to ep 10 or so and you still think it's boring, it's probably not for you, but I would definitely give it to that.

ah, let me guess, its for the pretentious fags that think NGE is good?

This show was drowned out because of the gay. Why would they ruin a good show with it Ill never know. Also he fucking kidnapped and forced children to procreate and turn their child into a weapon. Might as well start throwing acid on children at that point.

Anyone wants to spoil it to me? You could just light spoil me, to wake interest in me somehow. Or just drop it whole if you think the show is dogshit and it's not worth it. I would be personally really disappointed if it's another "past humans good, current society bad" memes.

The show is a brave new world type the explores the bullshit evil people would have to do to be able to live a normal life if they had super powers.

sounds boring as shit, drop the whole spoiler

I literally just finished the last episode a few hours ago, I swear there's an Yea Forums collective conscious that conjures these threads.
I thought the plot generally lacked focus, so if you're not taken by the worldbuilding or whatever then I'd say drop.

They become genetically gay so they don't kill each other

just read the summary, it's fucking trash
what sort of an ending/twist is "rats are human"?
What the fuck?
I figured that out by episode 5.
Literally why is this anime rated so highly?

Not pretentious, and it’s leagues better than NGE.

Keep watching until the fiend shows up in the last third. You won’t regret it.

people who pick sides are missing out on the message of the show.

Yeah, you clearly didn’t get the point. Either watch the show or keep your brainlet opinion to yourself.

just read the reviews and they pretty much agree with me
meme boring show that tries to be smart and deep but is neither
>rats good
>humans bad
>the end

Its not really a twist, but it goes to show that Squealer was right about everything. I mean, PK users were generally psychotic throughout the thousand years. The Holy Cherry Blossom empire and the scientists are huge examples of this
I mean sure, I could sympathize with the PK users since they are bred by birth to follow these rules in order to condition their powers. PK society as a whole is twisted, their entire existence was fed on the suffering of 98 percent of 7 billion people, possibly more with the bandits, the slave empires and the scientists who ripped their humanity from them in order to maintain a hierarchy
>hurr I'm a fag who listens to reviews in order to form my opinions
Literal brainlet and actual faggot.

I watched in up until episode 5 and I realized it's literally a "nothing happens, come up with your own story" type of show
I want to be entertained
I don't want to indulge a gook faggot writer who thinks his epin world view is deep and shit
it's not
muh rat racism
muh bad PK users
literally "pseudo" fuel for 16 year olds

So he's a human that committed mass slaughter against other humans using the child of two people they kidnapped and killed. Lifelong torture for the 'human', just like he asked.

>just read the reviews
Kill yourself.

>read the reviews

Then go watch a shounen. How the fuck do you think you can understand a show by reading a summary and reviews? Don't tell me you actually BELIEVE in digifaggot and his fans?

He used a weapon which he should have easily won the war with and still lost. So yeah he is a dumb fuck and deserves to suffer.

So he's a human that committed mass slaughter against other humans using the child of two people they kidnapped and killed. Lifelong torture for the 'human', just like he asked.

Ironic because you sound a lot like a 16 year old pseud yourself. This show would go completely over your head.

SSY is good. Just good.

It's a rare example of a great story with bad narration, while 99% of the time in animu/mango it's a shitty story told with great narration.

Its easy to say that Squealer and the PK users were wrong, but its really not like that. Boy A, The Holy Cherry Blossom Empire, The Bandits, The Scientists and the current PK society are fucked up, all of them. Boy A was a psychopath who set in motion the very collapse of modern civilization, the empire's leaders were mostly if not all mass murderers, the bandits pillaged, raped and destroyed countless people and peaceful villages, the scientists took the very humanity out of people in order to maintain some fucked up hierarchy of control whilst creating a society that could easily collapse with the birth of one unstable PK person. The world is irreparable by the PK users, and Squealer was absolutely justified in their extermination.

Is a pretty detailed and well made rundown on prejudice and inequality, is not something totally new but it explored it in a really detailed way that very few anime/manga do.

How is a "nothing happens, come up with your own story" type of show? It had a premise, beggining, middle and end.

That’s all sound, but one could also argue that the PK users were justified in their treatment of the monster rats. Even if the rats are “human”, the PK users are superhuman; they have no reason to treat the rats as their equals. It’s far beyond a question of morality at that point, it’s just a matter of power, and squealer ended up on the losing side of it despite exploiting one of the PK society’s few catastrophic weaknesses.

That user’s a retard.

He was wrong. Everyone was human and was wrong in one way or another is the point.

this but post-ironically

Literally the same thing happens here on earth with niggers just that there was no altering needed because they were ugly from the start.


How about you and your samefag fuck off back to pol.

>but one could also argue that the PK users were justified in their treatment of the monster rats. Even if the rats are “human”, the PK users are superhuman; they have no reason to treat the rats as their equals. It’s far beyond a question of morality at that point, it’s just a matter of power

What kind of retarded logic is that? The rats are literally people, talking, learning, working and even able to have a fucking democratic goverment, they deserve rights just like everyone else. Your "superhuman" argument means shit.How the fuck it justify anything? Those telepaths are just humans with magic tricks, their minds are pretty much the same, they think the same and act the same.

Drop the first two episodes and introduce the cantus alongside the queerats so there's no confusion what the show's about. The kids find the library but there's no "losing your cantus" nonsense; learn that queerats are human here. When they get back, Saki and Satoru face punishment from the village while Maria and Mamoru decide to instead fuck off into the wilderness. Shun doesn't exist, drop the whole middle time skip. The final act is left basically as is, maybe drop some of the literally who characters who just exist to be killed.
There, I just turned an ok 2 cour show into a great 1 cour show.

No, they should've dropped the queerrat part instead and focused on Shun and society over the edgy killing scenes.

That’s applying a generous definition of personhood to the rats, which I don’t necessarily disagree with to be fair. But the PK users are much more than just “humans with magic tricks”, when they had the rats refer to them as “gods” it was scarcely an exaggeration. Given what they’re capable of and the fact that the rats inherently lack these capabilities, it would make sense for them to define the rats out of personhood. There’s no compelling reason to believe that the two types of “humans” could ever equitably coexist given such a stark and biologically-ingrained power differential.
And before anyone else says it, this argument isn’t even remotely analogous to irl slavery/genocide, which are categorically unjustifiable because no group of humans is inherently superior to any other.

What is this incoherent horse-shit.

>The weak should fear the strong
>Women are subhuman
>Rape is natural
I can respect it but I hope you realize how unpopular your opinion is. Almost no ethical/philosophical person would agree with you.

That’s a bastardization of my argument, which I thought I was pretty clear about. I don’t consider the questions of power in SSY applicable to virtually any real-world power structure, in fact. It’s not an allegorical narrative.

Shinsekai Yori is worse than SAO.

SAO is kino though

Not my type of a futuristic society. I'm more of a warhammer 40k guy.

>The humans did nothing wrong to the queer rats except for the wrong things they did to them

>no one uninronically says he was wrong
I unironically say he was wrong. while his goal were right his methods were faulty, he failed and he nearly brought extinction to his race.

the road to hell is paved with good intentions

Humans is a mistranslation,
they are People.

"Ningen", just like "human" in english, can refer to both people or humanity as a species.

The invasive larger rats from China were interesting and I wish we got to know more about the PK world outside of Japan.

this is huge brianlet very bad post. Sad!

SSY is people trying to make the best out of a godawful hand they've been dealt.

He was right in doing what he did, and had he succeeded he'd in fact be remembered as the greatest hero of humanity. Whether he was entirely morally justifiable in all the things he did is another matter, although all he did had his final goal in mind.

Even dismissing the fact that Squealer was hellbent on genocide, people seem to conveniently forget the fact that Squealer was an utter tyrant among his own kind.

Which exactly what his race of brainwashed/neutered drones needed.
You don't simply turn them back to normal.

If you're a brainwashed "muh underdogs I hate myself" piece of shit then yeah. If you're normal, no.

this is true, more over he wanted to force the humans into what they want. Since the Kantus users performed genocide first.

He definitely was, but there's a sense of grandeur in him because he had a single, huge plan for the alleged liberation of his people that necessarily included the neutering of the breeder queens and the unity of all tribes and colonies into a vaster army. It's stupid to look at Alexander the Great/Napoleon types purely in terms of absolute morality of the single deeds they committed. Despite the convenient meme, it's less "he did nothing wrong" and more of a "should such a grand scope for a subjectively noble goal not be justified in itself". Despite its flaws, SSY is good precisely because of the questions it stirs up about what it means to be human -since technically neither the bakenezumi nor the Villagers are what he'd call fully human

The rat is sympathetic because the average viewer sees himself in the subhuman rat and not in the superhuman mutants.

How dare he lower the Japanese population.

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>liking race traitors
Squealer's heart and actions were utterly unclouded. They were all those of justice.

Nah it's fucken bad. Squealer is the only good part but he gets dicked over by the writer.

Why does Yea Forums love Squealer but hates Sunako?
All they both wanted was a world where they could securethe existence of their people and afuturefor their children/progeny

but Yea Forums hates Sunako and loves Squealer?
I don't get it.

Squealer is a subhuman who is canonically of less worth than a real human and you fags love him.
Sunako is a superhuman who is canonically of more worth than a regular human
But somehow you guys hate Sunako but love squealer?

Did anyone here actually read the novels?

Just because he's correct doesn't mean he's right.

Fuck the Cantus people, stagnant society of retards. Squealer should have steamrolled them.

Sympathize with a creature that flayed it's queen and kept it alive to be a reproduction machine?

Because they're not retarded enough to think they're not going to be considered subhumans.

Poorly worded but I get your point.

I wrongly assumed everyone else was looking down at other humans.
I did not consider that they could be looking up with contempt

PK are the real subhumans they are a mockery of the ideals that humans strive for and represent pure stagnation.

He was wrong

The loser is always wrong. Also the fact that they felt the need to make sub-humans the mole rats really detracts from the point they were trying to make. If the non psychics had just been genocided and we are seeing the arrogance of the genocide maniacs that'd be one thing but we aren't

Also what happens when another colony of psychics invade?

>Also the fact that they felt the need to make sub-humans the mole rats really detracts from the point they were trying to make
And what would that point be? Especially because the ending "reveal" doesn't rely on a complete twist, rather it comes with a different perspective on everything that came before. Also it's not done so that the point about the DNA is made by Squealer himself, who only declares that they're ningen from an internal point of view. I don't know whether the novel confirms that he had actually gotten scientific confirmation of it from those glowing digital library ponies, but his plea came from the realization that the bakenezumi were sapient beings fully capable of civilization feats.
At that point the anime ends with the light cast on the entire story that can be reread with a different angle in mind, but also a ray of hope for the change that could be brought about by the new generation.


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>declares that they're ningen from an internal point of view.
No they captured a library remember. He knows they were human

Shit show that focused on fucking rats rather than the cool world around them.

>no group of humans is inherently superior to any other
What about white people?

Hi there digibro

Just like Japan.

I seemed to remember the characters guessing that he'd captured one of those, that's why I asked whether the novel makes it clear. Still, Squealer planning everything from the beginning makes it clear that he always had the goal of advancing his plan to the point where they could successfully overtake the human villages, DNA confirmation or not.
Also, didn't the library pony tell the boys it couldn't say what became of the non-PK humans back at the start? My memory is fuzzy so I don't remember if it was in a "legit can't say" or "not allowed to say except you could force it out of it" way

Literally the single show where I'm a bit mad that the gayshit was dropped.
Why would it introduce us to the concept of an overly casual sexuality as a psychic trigger especially activated by situations of anxiety or fear if it's never followed upon later?

Fuck off, race traitor.

Do nips have some folklore that implies certain races were bred to be slaves?

Is this what jews are trying to do?

Yeah i had to drop it because of that

Squealer is my leader and will bring humanity to new heights. Kiroumaru is a stinky Uncle Tom and a traitor. Death to Cantusfags.

Off yourself

> Also, didn't the library pony tell the boys it couldn't say what became of the non-PK humans back at the start? My memory is fuzzy so I don't remember if it was in a "legit can't say" or "not allowed to say except you could force it out of it" way

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>baseline civil right analogue
>"wow so deep"
You guys are easy to impress


The cantus society goes to such lengths as assassinating children, memory wipes, not to mention rolling back entire civilization a thousand years back to ensure shit doesn't go wrong, and shit still tends to go wrong, like what happened with Shun. Clearly it means they're in the wrong. It's not their fault of course, but they're clearly unstable abominations that should never exist.

It kinda reminds me of Terra E, where the espers are being actively hunted down and the show tries so, so hard to make you feel for them, but then a certain character gets super emotional and loses control of her powers, killing multiple innocents in the process...

I mean, if actual espers with anime powers existed, that could basically kill an unlimited amount of normal humans if they ever decided so with little to no way to protect yourself, I sure hope the government would do something about them. What sort of guarantee do I have that they will always be on their best behavior or that there won't be any sociopath among them?

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>Cockroach judging humans
Might makes right

I've always taken the point of the show to be that neither Squealer nor the PK users are wrong in what actions they take. The two groups adverse in interest because of circumstances beyond their control, and they act accordingly, in the best interests of their species. It's hard to blame either side for that.

Normally in an anime you'd expect the MC to show that they're not really at cross-purposes and have them live happily ever after. Instead, SSY doesn't do that. Saki tries, and even though she argues against wholesale extermination, the PK users do it anyway to Squealer's rats, just as they would have done to them. Further, even Saki realizes the necessity of the system of culling dangerous children, at least until a better method of survival is found. There's hope for tomorrow, but that requires surviving today.

>just read the reviews
I would ask you where only to say that you should go back there

Cantus niggers are below cockroaches, cockroaches don't randomly explode on their own, killing other cockroaches in the process.

He was a fucking genocider.
Just because his enemies were even worse pieces of shit than him, that doesn't make him a good guy

Disgusting and dangerous rats and they got no psychokinetic powers like humans do.

>anime that actually has stuff happening in it,
And that's exactly what this is.
SSY has like 5 times more stuff happening that the vast majority of contemporary anime.
How about you finish watching it instead of acting like an ADHD kid?

>I would be personally really disappointed if it's another "past humans good, current society bad" memes.
More like "current society bad, past humans even worse"

It is literally, I mean *LITERALLY* the other way around.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Thread is garbage but I'll ask anyway: what exactly was up with the character animation in this series looking distinctly different from everything else?
Was it CG? 3DCG models with a layer of 2D? Mo-cap keyframes? Some sort of flattened cell shading?


That’s not what this show is.

>More like "current society bad, past humans even worse"
Didn't this all get started because one cantus sociopath went full grand theft auto on everyone?

>flayed it's queen
wut? I don't remember that part

this is that one show with the gay kiss right

Magically mutated evolved bee/rat with no human features is human. Yeah right, maybe humanoid whenever they're not on all fours sniffin for truffles, but never human. They were surely their own people though, like said

No. "Ningen", which is what he says refers specifically to humans. People is "hito".

That's just how it started, but eventually lots of people started to develop pk powers and the world descended into madness.
What both the past and their current society share is that they repress their youth a lot to the point they have no real coping mechanism so they just lash out, which in return only amplifies the fear of the adults.

>muh repressed fee fees
There exist potentially unstable humans who can fucking vaporize an entire district with a thought. Normal people taking countermeasures after a faggot goes on a spree are somehow in the wrong?

>we're going to have another morality discussion thread
the whole point of shinsekai yori was to paint everyone in a grey morale, the psykers and the rats
there is no one good side

Let us have the teenagers have their """discussion""", user.

>i want to be entertained
attack on titan
one piece
now fuck off and don't watch seinen you absolute fucking retard

exactly, i remember that discussion in high school philosophy was even more fruitful then on here
seriously if this board ever had a point it wasn't this

Aot is 10 times deeper while being 10 times more entertaining than shitsekai yuri

go watch that then

>putting HxH and SnK in the same list as One Piece and Pokemon
What the fuck dude

>implying they aren't all for the same immature young men
>implying that because the former are a bit edgy that they are automatically deeper
>implying it isn't all just action, action, action with slapstick comedy (xd potatoe oh no mother got eaten, gamers rise up)

>no real coping mechanism
That’s what the gay sex was for.

>t.only watched the first season of aot and didnt read the manga

>muh enlightened centrism
Does that mean no one is allowed to discuss it, you fucking fart sniffer?

This. The only ones who were truly good were Saki and her friends.

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Thanks for these great contributions.

>Anime for beginners

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So, let's get this shit straight
>psykers start being born
>one happens to be a sociopath and goes on a gigantic killing spree
>normal humans go batshit since they don't want that to ever happen again
>in response psykers team up and commit THE greatest crime in human history, mutating and enslaving 99% of humanity, erasing entire history, all civilizational achievements and rolling back entire world by a thousand years, installing themselves as overlords
>somehow rats are just as bad for rebelling because they had to commit a few bad deeds in order to ever stand a chance against literal demigods.

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Eh, not quite. Here’s how I remember it:
PK users showed up and there were almost immediately multiple instances of mass murders, rapes, etc. worldwide. Governments retaliated, global wars broke out, modern civilization almost entirely collapsed. PK users dominated in the aftermath at least in japan, and set up several extremely violent and oppressive societies (the empires, bandits, scientists) among which it’s implied that Saki’s society is mainly descended from the scientists, or at least used their research to bio-engineer the monster rats (and the violence inhibition/kill switch genes for PK users). The isolated instances of psychopaths going on killing sprees after this (the fiends) are people with genetic anomalies that make the violence inhibition genes not work, and these are the people that Saki’s society is built around sussing out and killing before they become massive threats again.

Been a couple of years since I watched/read the series so might be wrong on a couple of details, anyone else can feel free to correct.

I read the manga till they rolled in with the zeppelin and gabi was going to shoot sasha or something
i watched 2 seasons
go fuck yourself

yeah let's engage into long debates whether fascism or communism is right, missing the point entirely that neither should be defended
let's turn this place into /pol/ light with waifus, why the hell not?

i mean she is the most fair of all so you could consider her the good guy yeah, especially since she changed the established order after she inherited the matriarchy

>psykers start being born
>one happens to be a sociopath and goes on a gigantic killing spree
no a lot do, and they're like walking nukes
>>normal humans go batshit since they don't want that to ever happen again
again, no, the psykers take over in a feudal anarchy where normalshits are oppressed
>>in response psykers team up and commit THE greatest crime in human history, mutating and enslaving 99% of humanity, erasing entire history, all civilizational achievements and rolling back entire world by a thousand years, installing themselves as overlords
not really, the psykers make it so that they can't kill humans but to prevent off-shoots they still need the queer rats to murder the faulty psykers. they're ugly because then the psykers can kill them in turn if it's ever necessary

>>somehow rats are just as bad for rebelling because they had to commit a few bad deeds in order to ever stand a chance against literal demigods.

there was oppressive peace between psykers and rats, the rats didn't want to maintain their subordinate position and threatened the psyker hegemony, but at the core of the psyker society is pacifism and love which the rats don't embody at all

the rats should live as the protectorate of humans, since they aren't raised to be perfect pacifist buddhist things
the humans should be kind to the rats for their ancestors commit a great atrocity against them and the rats are fundamentally human in origin

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It's a correct statement, just not in the way you meant it

Queer rats ARE the humans. The "humans" of the show are actual mutants.

>Magically mutated evolved bee/rat with no human features is human. Yeah right
Did you miss the part they confirm they're magically mutated evolved people given just enough rat features that killing them wouldn't affect the TK users?

So in response to
>psykers team up and commit THE greatest crime in human history, mutating and enslaving 99% of humanity, erasing entire history, all civilizational achievements and rolling back entire world by a thousand years, installing themselves as overlords

iirc most of humanity died in the wars, which were escalated by non-PK users (justified or not) and same goes for most records of history/civilization. The PK scientists were apparently dedicated to recovering and preserving the remaining tech/knowledge from the previous world, which made it to Saki’s society. What they do to the monster rats is bad, and sure, qualifies as a huge crime, but the library minoshiro makes it sound like the previous societies were much, much worse places to live in.

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dropped this show the instant I saw faggot shit, what did I miss

not much
now go back to your epic straight non-offensive shounen, there's scary gay pedophiles in these threads!
go hurry along, kiddo, you really shouldn't be here it's a SEINEN thread

>the core of the psyker society is pacifism and love
Yeah, like murdering children and erasing memories, such
>perfect pacifist buddhist things

If the psykers are so perfect how come they need the kill switch to begin with? How come karma demons still happen? How come they needed to roll back their civilization to a medieval level?
They need all this retarded shit to function as a basic society and it still fails like it did with Shun.

>the rats should live as the protectorate of humans
Yeah no, Squelar proved that rats can be just as intelligent as psykers, there should be no subservience of any kind.
I really wonder if pro-psyker anons would say the same thing if the roles were reversed and rats were the ones who looked like humans and psykers had some sort of monstrous appearance.

>Yeah, like murdering children and erasing memories, such

The queerrats kill the children.
the things the psykers do are out of preservation of greater peace and love
we see that eventually this habit is changed
>If the psykers are so perfect how come they need the kill switch to begin with? How come karma demons still happen? How come they needed to roll back their civilization to a medieval level?
They need all this retarded shit to function as a basic society and it still fails like it did with Shun.

they are basic because the bad ones are disposed of so obviously the remaining ones have zero edge at all - they didn't need to roll back their civilisation, since it was destroyed before during the modern age followed by a feudal dark age after which villages came into being, which we see in the anime

Shun is a Karma Demon who has no control over his own emotions, so he can't understand himself and neither can others

Fiends are psykers who embraced the carnal within, Karma Demons fight it and normal psykers don't have it at all.

>Yeah no, Squelar proved that rats can be just as intelligent as psykers, there should be no subservience of any kind.

I said protectorate. A suzerainty if you will

>I really wonder if pro-psyker anons would say the same thing if the roles were reversed and rats were the ones who looked like humans and psykers had some sort of monstrous appearance.

I don't care about that, all I care about is that the psykers are more human and more divine and thus deserve their autonomy while maintaining relative control over queer rats in a way that doesn't oppress them but that keeps them balanced
we also saw how the child of the two elopers saw queer rats as human and humans as queer rats and proceeded to butcher the psykers

that is a response to your question
it is possible but when utilised by rats, human psykers will always cause harm

psykers never outright genocided the rats, only if provoked

I mean, if actual geniuses existed, that could basically kill an unlimited amount of normal humans if they ever decided so with little to no way to protect yourself, I sure hope the government would do something about them. What sort of guarantee do I have that they will always be on their best behavior or that there won't be any sociopath among them?

>Fiends are psykers who embraced the carnal within, Karma Demons fight it and normal psykers don't have it at all.

That’s headcanon. The book at least makes it clear that “fiends” and “karma demons” are psychiatric disorders, with fiends implied as being analogous to psychopathy (externalizing) and karma demons being analogous to anxiety/depression (internalizing).

Everyone in the series is involved in a situation they didn't create and don't have much control over. Psychics have done everything they can possible to limit their power, social conditioning, genetic engineering and several layers of brain washing, this unfortunately leaves them vulnerable to other humans. A solution could have been giving them the same brain washing, but they would me more likely to become a "fiend" without the "kill yourself" aspect. Squealer himself should have just GTFO of the psychic area's, his plan was to conquer the world with psychic baby slave army, if preservation was a issue they could have ventured out into the world far away.

Reminder that Squeeler's name was taken from the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. In the story Squeeler (a pig) and the other animals overthow the human farmers who are exploiting and oppressing them, but then Squeeler and the other pigs become so oppressive and corrupt that at the end of the book they're indistinguishable from the humans.

The wording in in the translation is not a mistake.

Attached: Animal-Farm-end.jpg (539x353, 94K)

> if preservation was a issue they could have ventured out into the world far away.
We know nothing about world outside Japan. It could be a lot more fucked up.

Attached: [Reaktor] Shinsekai Yori - E10 [1080p][x265][10-bit][Dual-Audio].mkv_snapshot_20.07_[2019.04.17_19.3 (1920x1080, 733K)

wait, the humans were rats?

Attached: anon-in-4chan(nel)-land.jpg (600x811, 152K)

it's like psycho pass, it's all about dealing with dystopian faggot society but sentimental garbage and jumpscare shit

I was bored by the first few episodes too, but I'm glad I stuck with it because things started to pick up later on and everything starts to make sense.

I feel like the only one who really liked the first arc and lost most of my interest post-10 year timeskip as the plot turned more horror/action oriented.

>jumpscare shit

whenever the show revealed the truth about their fucked up society it felt like some kind of horror movie to me that isn't even scary

SSY fits into the same category as other greats. It's a slow burn.
The production wasn't perfect--in fact far from it (odd pacing in first half and CGI)--but A-1 did their best. SSY is a testament to how good worldbuilding and story can carry a series despite any pitfalls.
There are many perspectives to account for in SSY, but obviously the most compelling is that of Squealer. Understanding the tragedy of Squealer is a vital to how well one receives SSY.

Mouthbreathers need not apply.