Is there any anime that actually depicts adam smith "invisible hand" properly?

is there any anime that actually depicts adam smith "invisible hand" properly?

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NO, because it isn't real.

Elfen Lied


this desu


Both solid answers


i'd like to learn more about economics from her

Really the only actual economics anime. Spice and Wolf is just a little about trading shit and mostly about a man who slowly wants to fuck a wolf, and Maoyuu is just the demon lord pulling major advancements out of her ass like an isekai protagonist or something while the hero just fucks around

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What sort of illiterate revolting commie are you? Of course it exists. It just so happens to be completely impartial and amoral, like any other natural phenomenon.

One of the few anime with god tier OP, ED and OST.

>action of markets


Bob & George
>not anime
It features megaman and other Japanese characters so it's anime.

>"Free market"
>natural phenomenon



Spice and Wolf.

Get this commie out of here.

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I see what you did there

Under very mild assumptions (just locally nonsatiated preferences and competitive markets) it just happens.

>commies are the only ones who can point out the deceptive nature of capitalism

Either commies, natsocs or literal retards (both).

No Game No Life. Most productive sifts through society by winning games, just like the free market intentioned

natsocs are literally capitalists too

Are there any An Cap animes?

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kodomo no jikan

The invisible hand is just an emergent feature of natural selection within the market, the same way that ecosystems are an emergent feature of natural selection in the wilderness.

Because Marx's analysis of capitalism as self-destructive and unsustainable is spot-on. His problem was a fixation on his utopian vision and a refusal to acknowledge that his revolution has happened repeatedly throughout history and always leads to a new, but temporarily more balanced, capitalism.

>He didn't watch the best anime of the last two seasons

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>mild assumption
>perfectly competitive market
pick one

remember anons, all criticisms of the free market can be pinned down on the government interference with trade.

What is this "invisible hand" shit?

The "invisible hand" has been meme'd into oblivion, but it's little more than a term to describe the functioning of the market. The "invisible" hand is just all supplies and demands on the market interplaying with one another to constantly change the price and value of certain goods and services.

If you want to know more about it, I think that Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics: a Citizen's Guide to the Economy" is a pretty good capitalism4dummies book. It's only 80 or so pages long so you should be able to breeze through it if you set aside a day for it.

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>What is this "invisible hand" shit?
Things those edgy bitches from Elfen Lied used to ripe people apart.

>A man-made, easy to manipulate, rigged system
>the same as the ecosystem

Remember user, supplies and demands don't decide the value of goods and services, labor power does.

In practice you don't really need perfectly competitive, just competitive is enough to approach the result. You could argue about information asymmetries and transaction costs, but these things matters in some markets and not in others. Assuming the economy as a whole is competitive and frictionless is complete bullshit though, RBC a shit.

tl;dr: competitive markets generate efficient allocations.

This man established a post office after the war because the state could not.

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