Is Anime Dead?
Where are the hype trains / trainwrecks like Code Geass, Valvrave, Cross Ange, Penguin Drum, Guilty Crown, Franxx?
> pic related: when we collectively thought: "wtf am I watching"
Is Anime Dead?
Where are the hype trains / trainwrecks like Code Geass, Valvrave, Cross Ange, Penguin Drum, Guilty Crown, Franxx?
> pic related: when we collectively thought: "wtf am I watching"
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but Franxx was just a while ago
Compared to the others it was weak.
Symphogear is airing next season.
How do you call that genre of special kind of women-only shit-tier anime with its "is she 8 or is she 18" "artstyle"? Shit like Nanoha.
My only problem with the more recent trainwrecks is that the only shitstorms they generated were from shipping wars.
I miss something like Samurai Flamenco.
Besides, Cross Ange was fun as fuck but it wasn't *that* popular on Yea Forums besides the week of the anal rape. Even IBO was more widely followed
>Hype train
Sarazanmai is airing right now you turbo nigger
Anime is dead every season and has been deaded so as long as I've been here (too long)
Only fujoshits care about that
It's weird at first, then it's just lazy and repetitive.
Becuase trainwrecks happen naturally, FranXX threads were just anons trying to meme a trainwreck to life.
>Guilty Crown
>Franxx (sic!)
Trainwrecks was in the same sentence user.
Zorin pls
>Ikuhara being Ikuhara
It's not a real trainwreck
Sunrise will return to glory on making more trainwrecks, but not with Code Geass as the frontrunner.
Anime is simply losing popularity in the west.
Especially with the "trainwreck / hype train" crowd. Even the last season of Symphogear was barely discussed. And things are only going to get more dead with Funi about to self-destruct.
Kemono Friends.
More like entertainment is dying as an medium.
Look on the bright side, at least manga will never die.
Is the manga actually still ongoing?
Based Hackuda
What a wild ride. Dank OP too.
What chapter is the manga into right now?
Is there hope for an actual sequel of Cross Ange.
>Code Geass, Valvrave, Cross Ange, Penguin Drum, Guilty Crown, Franxx?
These are all shit and if you like them you are cancer who is better off on /reddit/ - at least until we reopen Auschwitz-Birkenau.
I thought Fairy Gone was going to have some trainwreck potential but it seems like its just shit and everyone already dropped it
Good. There's way too much dumpster isekai, harem, moeshit anime and the sooner the bubble pops, the sooner we get back to shows with decent writing.
>the quality of anime is determined by shock value and twists
You're like those burlington bar fags
Green hair is my Burlington Bar waifu
>Anime is simply losing popularity in the west
What are you talking about? Anime has never been more popular, why do you think we have all these newfags around?
Thank you user, I've been searching this for a while, bless you
Nobody cares about homoshit
Hype and fun equals reddit now, can't have that.
This. Franxx was just a regular bad anime everyone was trying to turn into "the next Code Geass".
Franxx was only recently. These things come in waves, you know.
Keep in mind that the second season of Kabaneri will be coming soon and it has to beat zombie lasers somehow.
Whatever you say. The aliens episode fucking detonated Yea Forums in a way I hadn't seen in years, it was that fucking stupid.
>Keep in mind that the second season of Kabaneri
You mean movie they never mention a second season.
Penguindrum was great, not a trainwreck. Plus if we talking purely about hypetrains, you’re missing Madoka, Re:Zero, KLK, and SnK s1 which, while not really trainwrecks, did absolutely absorb all the attention of this board while they were airing.
Anime isn't dead, but Yea Forums definitely is. So long as generals exist the same levels of hype that existed on this board only a few years ago will never resurface.
Anime is mainstream as ever so it will never die.
What, cant you enjoy a show on your own?
It wasn't fun. Stop trying to force this boring ass series on the level of CG.
Have you seen the current franxx thread? Its like a fucking cult.
No I haven't. Because I immediately forgot about the series once it ended.
anybody who still hangs out on Franxx threads is probably mentally ill
Franxx would have been better if it was retarded fun like TTGL instead of wasting time in forced drama shit
My point is theyre never going to stop.
Because Sunrise isn't taking many risks anymore. Whenever they take a risk on making something, it always turns out to be entertainingly dumb.
this is the current franxx thread
anime isn't dead
these days there are so many more shows than in the past each season that there isn't one above the rest
A lot of these posts feel forced as fuck.
You double nigger FranXX wasn't a trainwreck in the same way as the other shows listed. FranXX was more of a steaming pile of shit trainwreck, rather than a what the fuck is going on trainwreck. Fucking saged cause OP is a complete and utter retard.
>Is Anime dead?
How about you gather together the few remaining brain cells you have left over the next few years and maybe you'll be able to come up with an answer.
>Because Sunrise isn't taking many risks anymore.
They are planning a new original Sunrise anime project and bringing back a couple older shows as reboot and sequels.
>They are planning a new original Sunrise anime project
Source on this (please)
Not really. It was artificially orchestrated from Discord and there are screencaps floating around confirming it. FranXX was the fakest """trainwreck""" ever.
Isnt the ten years of Geass supposed to save us? Its like a decade of potential trainwreck.
Only if it's a TV series. It's hard to have regular freakouts if it's movies or OVAs released interspersed.
>it's another "discord ruins everything" episode
But it does, discordfag
been shit since S3, not that 1 or 2 were amazing just fun.
>Isnt the ten years of Geass supposed to save us?
No it won't and don't expect Gundam live action to save them either. The ten year thing is never gonna happen for them.
It's been talked about at AnimeJapan in March but nothing has been announced yet.
likely more idol shit, since that makes them money.
whatever you think, newfag
>likely more idol shit
No. They have more money than others but they are planning to bring back old IP as reboots and sequels to keep their brand name strong.
I thought Egao no Daika was gonna be something like that but turns out it was just shit.
have you seen the trailer for Kengan? no one wants to try any more bc wageslaves in Japan are getting cucked harder than anywhere else and animators etc over there are getting cucked even harder than that
But most of those shows were shit