

Attached: Wiener.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

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Is this show even good or do you like it just for the memes?

>is this show even good
find out for yourself
we all watch it just for the screencaps
what a fucking idiot

It was boring for me in the first 2 episodes, but after that it starts to become better and I started liking Kaguya


nice 200 IQ rebuttal

cant wait for the thinbook where chika has a wiener of her own

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>"ah, yes, my compatriot I must say that regarding your animadversion i verily do differ..."
You little nigger, your post was 55 IQ to begin with, that I stoop down to your level is only to make it easier for you to understand.
Go to reddit where memes are plenty, and don't come back.

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lmao saved
this is fucking great


Is this show good or bad, answer is either yes or no if you don't want to write extensively you goddamn sperg

decide yourself

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i want to give Chika my wiener

same for me, I was about to drop it but thanks of three-episodes rule, I started to like it and saved me from boring in winter season

I found it really good, was hooked by the first episode.

>I started liking Kaguya
Truly best girl.

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I can't fucking get into this show.
>Chika is annoying as shit
>Prez is dumber than a brick wall
>Ishigami is "ow the edge"
>Kaguya is all of the above
I've given up trying at this point.

watching redditguya at all. epic weiner meme

Read the manga

Benis :-----D

read the manga, pres is best boy

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>Read the manga
Fuck that. Never works. You're watching the anime with 3× more effort. If the anime's terrible, the manga's probably only slightly better.

I've seen stitches of it too. Every single one actively annoys me, like I hate it's very existence.

wow, this sucks

I was the same with the entire manga for almost a whole volume.

The key here is the charisma breaks for Prez and Kaguya. They were pretty insufferable in the beginning, but they're really funny once you see that there just kids trying to be adults.

Or it could just be dick jokes.

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Yea Forumsnon, you realize that it's very rare that anime adaptations of anything are better than their source material right?

Kaguya was nothing but a spoiled brat the first few episodes, but afterwards she became best girl for sure.

In this case the manga is significantly better
Studio has done a poor job in overall
On a more personal note, i really hate the voices

Like Godlike Trigun Anime

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I enjoy the fact Prez is self aware enough to know how much a cringelord he is at times.

I like the progression in how thirsty she became. They really played up the "love battle" aspect in the first few episodes but prez really could've done nothing and won.

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It's not bad. I thought that it was not bad a weekly 20 minute dose of fun, but I wouldn't call it good. I didn't even watch the last episode because I couldn't be bothered. It's cute and funny I guess but not too cute and not too funny.

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I'd give her a wiener

She prefers dogs and incels

Attached: Chika_dick2.jpg (1920x1080, 589K)

So she'll be happy with an incel wienerdog then